Anonymous ID: 5ad269 June 22, 2023, 9:40 a.m. No.19052452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2579 >>2705 >>2716 >>2956 >>3081 >>3112

PN>>19052109 The Military™ has forced SCOTUS to rehear the Brunson Case.?????


The Brunson’s case is not dead:

No it was not the military, the brothers Raland and Loy submitted almost identical cases. Raland’s got denied for a rehearing on Feb. 21, 2023,but Loy Brunson’s case was submitted on April 19, 2023 and docketed April 24, 2023 and it was approved for conference on June 6, 2023. Conference occurring today 6/22/23 now waiting to see if Justices to decide whether to hear the case in court.


I haven’t read the new pleading yet but I’ve heard there’s some changes. See attached.


I WILL NEVER GIVE UP ON THIS CASE! If Trump and we ever needed anything of this nature, its now!


Link to Docket


Copy of new pleading

Anonymous ID: 5ad269 June 22, 2023, 10:12 a.m. No.19052615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2621 >>2623


If the SC denies the case again the current pleading includes misprison in the document, which not only applied to congress but also all courts, including Supreme Court. I consider this addition a note that Brunson’s would have a case of misprison on the SC. If they do deny it, let the Military fix this fucking nightmare.


It would be faster if SC does not give a hearing, military can take over because every branch of gov has been proven comped

Anonymous ID: 5ad269 June 22, 2023, 10:17 a.m. No.19052638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2705 >>2956 >>3081 >>3112

2 hours ago

Must Listen

Jeffrey Clark: John Durham “Contained The Damage For The Intelligence Community, Wartime Consigliere Required

3:42 minutes


He never trusted Durham, it was absolutely on OPHe was pissed he never interviewed Obama, Lynch, Comey etc.

Anonymous ID: 5ad269 June 22, 2023, 10:27 a.m. No.19052679   🗄️.is 🔗kun


These deomcrats people are truly sick and shameless that are yelling shouting the US house,now you know where the funding of protesters and antifa in state Congress’s around the country comes from

Anonymous ID: 5ad269 June 22, 2023, 10:55 a.m. No.19052805   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I love it when Ziegler call the Bidan family “feral dogs”



fîr′əl, fĕr′-


Existing in a wild or untamed state.

Having returned to an untamed state from domestication.

Of or suggestive of a wild animal; savage.

Anonymous ID: 5ad269 June 22, 2023, 11:04 a.m. No.19052844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2956 >>3081 >>3112

Twitter is Throttling Durham today, when Schiff shows at 4 or 5 and Durham doesn’t, its intentional nothing on Durham, Gaetz, Mueller or anyone showing up. Elon is a farce

Anonymous ID: 5ad269 June 22, 2023, 11:26 a.m. No.19052947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3034 >>3081 >>3112

22 Jun, 2023 17:39

Russia responds to Israeli envoy defending Nazis in Ukraine

No country has the right to such “heroes,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova has said


Israel’s ambassador to Kiev,Martin Brodsky, glorified Nazism by saying that Ukraine has the right to consider Stepan Bandera and other WWII collaborators as national heroes, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.


“Not a single organization defending the memory of the Holocaust victims has so much as raised an eyebrow” at Brodsky’s comments, Zakharova noted,despite raking in billions in donations to keep the topic alive. “Haven’t you missed something? The Holocaust must be remembered not just because it happened, but so it doesn’t happen ever again. And not just to one nationality or religion, but to any.” (She nails it!)


In an interview with the Israeli Russian-language outlet Iton TV earlier this week, Brodsky said that Ukraine glorifying the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) leaders as national heroes is a process that “cannot realistically be stopped.”


“Of course, we don’t like those heroes, but for the majority of Ukrainians, these are heroes who fought for independence,” added Brodsky, arguing that Israel should not condition its support for Ukraine on Kiev denouncing Bandera and others.


Zakharova saw it as especially appalling that Brodsky spoke in fluent Russian, as a relative of someone who survived the blockade of Leningrad in WWII. She referenced several historical documents showing the virulently anti-Semitic position of the OUN, and its endorsement of the Nazi mass murder of some 1.4 million Jews in occupied Ukraine.


Germany was also in search of its own heroes and national identity in the 1920s and 1930s, eventually choosing the idea of “blood and soil” that led to the Holocaust, concentration camps and mass murder – something the Germans have not managed to wash off after 90 years, Zakharova maintained.


“If Mikhail Brodsky thinks Kiev has the right to such heroes and such an identity,that’s a problem for the Israeli Foreign Ministry,” she said. “No one has the right to such ‘heroes’, for they are not heroes but fiends from hell. That’s not an identity, but a shame on the people of Ukraine. It’s a glorification of Nazism.”


Zakharova pointed out that Brodsky himself is only alive because the Soviet Union disagreed with the “logic” he now embraces. Ittook the Soviet soldier to “return humanity to its true form” by defeating Nazism, she concluded. “As it turned out, only for a while. Well, here we go again.”


(Lavrov: “as I remember Hitler was a jew!” Explains it all)

Anonymous ID: 5ad269 June 22, 2023, 11:39 a.m. No.19053010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3030

22 Jun, 2023 17:10

HomeWorld News

Poland denies US media claims about Nord Stream

A Wall Street Journal report that called the country a “hub” for alleged saboteurs is “completely untrue,” according to Warsaw


A Wall Street Journal (WSJ) report on Poland’s alleged role in the Nord Stream gas pipelines blasts last September is “completely untrue,”the Polish National Prosecutor’s Office said in a statement to the country’s daily Rzeczpospolita on Thursday.


CitingGerman investigators, the US media outlet claimed in early June that the EU nation supposedly served as an operational base for the suspects that might be behind the Russian natural gas pipeline sabotage. A Polish source familiar with the investigation told the paper that Berlin allegedly knew very little about some of the suspects and might be following the wrong track entirely. (This was a duck and cover up by Scholz)


Warsaw has launched its own probe into last September’s incident, alongside Germany, Denmark, and Sweden, the prosecutor’s office told the Polish outlet. The data gathered by Polish officials contradicts the claims made by the WSJ, it added.


The statement that ‘Poland was a logistics hub for the operation of blowing up Nord Stream’ is completely untrue and is not supported by the evidence of the investigation,” the prosecutor’s office said.


The WSJ reported that a yacht called the ‘Andromeda’ – which was chartered by a Ukrainian-owned, Warsaw-based travel agency and moored at a Polish port – had been sailing around each of the locations where the explosions later occurred.


The Polish prosecutor’s office said there was “no direct evidence” of the yacht’s or its crew’s involvement in the blasts. ‘Andromeda’ arrived in Poland from a small German port called Wiek with six people on board. It moored in one of the Polish ports for 12 hours before leaving the nation’s territorial waters, according to the prosecutors.


“The findings of the investigation show that, during the stay of the yacht in a Polish port, no items were loaded onboard, and the crew of the yacht was inspected by the Polish Border Guard,” the prosecutor’s office said. The vessel’s crew had Bulgarian passports, which appeared authentic, according to the officials. None of the crew members were banned from entering the Schengen area either, they added.


There is no evidence that would indicate the participation of Polish citizens in blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline,” the prosecutor’s office concluded.


A source familiar with the Polish probe also told Rzeczpospolita that German investigators had contacted Polish officials in mid-May and requested information under the European Investigation Order. The Germans asked many questions about ‘Andromeda’ and its crew, including “many trivial facts,” the source said, adding that they apparently had no knowledge of them.Berlin was also not willing to share its own findings on the issue, the source added.


Rzeczpospolita’s source also questioned theyacht’s rolein the sabotage operation by claiming thatit could not be used to transportenough explosives to relevant locations and deliver them to the undersea pipelines. No equipment that could facilitate that was found onboard, they added.


Rzeczpospolita also reported that Polish officials had not ruled out the possibility that the yacht might have been used as a distraction from the very onset and its purpose was to put the entire investigation on the wrong track.


(Poland calling BS on US, EU and Germany’s attempt to take pressure of Scholz, because German leaders know he approved US’s plan.)

Anonymous ID: 5ad269 June 22, 2023, 11:46 a.m. No.19053038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3041 >>3081 >>3112

22 Jun, 2023 15:56

Zelensky bans Russian books (1984)

The Ukrainian president has signed a bill outlawing the import of Russian and Belarusian publications


President Vladimir Zelensky announced on Thursday that he had signed a law making itillegal to import and distribute Russian and Belarusian publishing productsin Ukraine. However, some Ukrainian officials have pointed out that the stepcould hinder Kiev’s plans to join the EU.


The move comes after Ukrainian citizens registered an online petition on the official presidential website asking for the ban back in May. The petition reached the 25,000-vote threshold required for it to be formally considered by the head of state.


The author of the petition noted that the Ukrainian parliament had already approved the law on June 19, 2022, but that Zelensky had never signed the bill. As a result, Russian books continued to be sold in Ukraine, which undermines “the information security of the state and the economic foundations of Ukrainian book publishing,” according to the petition.


“I consider the law to be correct,” Zelensky stated in a Telegram post announcing that he had finally signed the legislation.


He noted, however, that the text of the legislation had been sent to EU institutions for an “additional assessment” of whether it could breach Kiev’s obligations to protect minority rights, particularly linguistic ones, in the context of Ukraine’s application for EU membership.


In a written response to the petition last month, Zelensky explained that there had been a “number of reservations” that prevented the law from being adopted.


The president stated that Ukraine’s Ministry of Justice had proposed applying the right of veto to the bill, arguing that completely banning the import and distribution of Russian publications would contradict several articles of Ukraine’s constitution.


Additionally, Zelensky said that despite agreeing with the nature of the law, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry had also advised vetoing the bill. The ministry had warned that its current version “=•does not meet the norms and standards of the EU in the field of human rights, including freedom of opinion, protection of the rights of national minorities, prohibition of discrimination on the basis of language==, and therefore may complicate the process of negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the European Union.”


(No worries, the EU is so sick of the farce war in Ukraine, they will never allow Ukraine in the EU. Plus they are too obvious being criminals, where the EU hides the extreme criminal enterprise.)

Anonymous ID: 5ad269 June 22, 2023, 12:07 p.m. No.19053126   🗄️.is 🔗kun

22 Jun, 2023 16:00

NATO members back fast-track membership for Ukraine – UK

While Britain supports Kiev’s rapid accession, some members have publicly disagreed


TheUK is “very, very supportive” of fast-trackingUkraine’s application to join NATO, Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said on Wednesday. Cleverly claimed that the entire bloc shares his position, but French officials are more non-committal, and the US and Hungary appear outright opposed to the idea.


“We have seen Ukraine evolve and evolve quickly,” Cleverly told the Ukraine Recovery Conference in London, a meeting of Kiev’s Western donors. (I guess losing a very hyped up counteroffensive is evolving!)


“The reform of their armed forces is happening while engaged in conflict and I think the UK’s position is that it would be very, very supportive” if the alliance dropped its requirement that Kiev fulfils a ‘membership action plan’ before admittance, Cleverly continued.


“The Ukrainians have demonstrated their commitment to military reform required for NATO membership through their actions on the battlefield, and I think all NATO allies recognize that,” he added.


Since the conflict with Russia began last February, Ukraine has received tens of billions of dollars worth of NATO weapons, while the US-led bloc trains its troops, provides intelligence support, and reportedly helps plan its attacks. Although Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov has said that his country is a “de-facto” member of NATO, the bloc’s position remains unchanged from 2008, when it declared that Ukraine “will become a member” at an unspecified point in the future.


According to the 2008 declaration, Ukraine’s membership depends on it fulfilling a membership action plan. However, this requirement was waived for Sweden and Finland when they applied last year, and French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna told the conference that Ukraine could be granted the same shortcut.


“Perhaps we won’t require the membership action plan mechanism, perhaps not,” she said. “I say perhaps not…we are a long way from 2008. Time has passed, the situation is quite different.”


No decision will be made, however, without Washignton’s consent. Last week, US President Joe Biden stated that the country would have to meet the same standards as everyone else and that “we are not going to make it easy.”


(This is the deal, none of them want Ukraine in NATO for various reasons, mainly because they know Ukraine will need Aid for generations to come because they launder all money to oligarchs! But they constantly offer this because the EU wants the war to continue and like triggering Russia about a forbidden issue, and they want Zelensky to believe the BS. The EU knows there is only one country to shoot this done and vote no, in this instance they can blame those countries or country for sabotaging Ukraine’s chance.)