Anonymous ID: 947731 June 22, 2023, 11:24 a.m. No.19052935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2966



To be fair, the fact that any community has a marked lack of ostracizing criminals once they're aware of them is curious.


Most polite societies around the world generally agree that pedophilia is wrong. Why are there some communities which not only will accept pedophilia, but will also embrace or even hide its adherents from the law?


Plus, can we define a word? What is a "jew" (capitalized or not? proper noun?)

Is it an:

  1. Ethnicity?

  2. Race?

  3. Religion?

  4. Community name?

  5. Behavioral pattern?

  6. Actual person / family name?

  7. <Your definition here>

Seriously asking because as a blanket term it's really too broad.