Anonymous ID: 519c5d June 22, 2023, 5:15 p.m. No.19054773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4776 >>4822

>>19054726 (pb)

wow you twist stuff out of control.

you're the clown, by the way.

and also: you hoping that is called a curse and you cursing others is something that is an offense and it is dealt with in this world.

you own it, you're it's parent, it comes back to you.

it has no effect on me, anon.

it's very self destructive for you to do it.

and No, of course I don't support or condone violence. But real people in the real world often times deal with racist jerks by using a bit of that.

and of course, me descibing what real people do is taken by you (purposefully) as if I'm suggesting that is rightous behavior, which you know it is not.

Clearly you're a discord persona trolling a bad-feeling vibe.

and you cursing me, well, I have to tell you that it's very damaging to you to do that. so please apologize and repent for that.

TY in advance.


>>19054707 (pb)

what am I suppose to say to you after you tell me "I hate everyone"?

what are you looking for from me?

Loving people doesn't mean you have to be phony and act like their best friend when you first meet them. That's fake.

What it does mean is that you don't slander them and imagine a worse case scinario when you encounter them.

It's wise to read people. And racism is a real problem. You're an example of a racist.

and the people around you can sense that.

I don't live in a fantasy world. I know to stay out of bad areas. I know to not park infront of the strip club at 2 AM and act like nothing is happen. I understand that some neighborhoods are zones of commerce in the Early AM and if you're there and not buying (whatever it is) and don't know the score, or anyone in the town then they think you're a narc or a cop.


wise up. Start loving them.

ya, recognize that they are lost in a drug dealing life.

but, jerk, every Black person is NOT a drug dealer, or are all robbers and drug dealers Black.


Wise up and learn how to love people.

not being a cheep jerk at the ethnic store would be a good start.

Anonymous ID: 519c5d June 22, 2023, 5:24 p.m. No.19054836   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4844 >>4860


after 5 years you're still stuck on it?

forgive that jerk, anon.

PS: plenty of robbers are not Black.

forgiveness doesn't mean you accept what he did. Nor does it mean that he doesn't owe you some apology.

It means that you don't let it ruin your life and burn out your soul.