Anonymous ID: b1cd07 June 22, 2023, 5:31 p.m. No.19054870   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nine of the the Most Amazing DARPA Projects

From a spaceplane to the BRAIN initiative, take a look at the most ambitious projects from the agency.

Victor Tangermann8/20/2017

(Watch this website, old article)

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has always been at the forefront of technological advancements. Its goal: to invest in national security technologies that are likely to lead to breakthroughs. And while not every project sees the light of day, there have been many that have redefined the world we live in.

For instance, chances are you have used a GPS device in your life. Without DARPA funding, the first five initial satellites that made up the precursor constellation of what we now know as GPS would have never been launched.

There are countless other DARPA projects, and to list them all would be a fruitless exercise. So let's have a look at some of the most ambitious ones.


The goal of the ASW Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV) project is to develop a water-based anti-submarine drone that doesn't require a single crew member on board. High-tech sensors will take care of monitoring and control from the shore.

Warrior Web

The average soldier has to lug around a lot of weight in gear and equipment. To take off some of that weight, DARPA's Warrior Web initiative has been trying to reduce injuries through the development of a soft and lightweight exoskeleton that protects the ankles, knees, hips, backs and shoulders of its wearer.

The XS-1 Spaceplane

While SpaceX has been very successful in developing technologies allowing for space shuttles to be reused, DARPA is developing its own booster technology that has some pretty lofty goals in mind: 3,000 pounds of cargo, launching every ten days, without the cost exceeding $5 million for each launch. 12 to 15 test flights are scheduled for 2020, with planned speeds of up to Mach 5, flying ten times over ten consecutive days.

Dragon Dream

Airship company Worldwide Aeros Corp. worked with DARPA to create a semi-rigid hull airship to bring the concept of large capacity cargo transport to reality. The Dragon Dream, a preliminary test airship of half of the goal size, was built and took first flight in 2013. The full-sized airship will be theoretically able to carry up to 500 tons — over three times the weight of the next best transport aircraft in the world (the Lockheed C-5M Super Galaxy).

Project FALCON

The technological limitations of hypersonic flight are countless, especially when it comes to maintaining supersonic speeds over prolonged periods of time. DARPA's Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle (HTV-2) was developed to overcome this significant hurdle. According to DARPA's website, the end goal is "a capability that can reach anywhere in the world in less than an hour." There were two test flights in 2010 and 2011, but both flights had to be cancelled prematurely before any long-duration hypersonic flight could take place. The goal of the final iteration of the Falcon HTV-2 is to fly through Earth's atmosphere at Mach 20 (over 20,000 km/h).

Ground X-Vehicles

More armor on ground vehicles usually results in less mobility, higher cost, a need for a larger crew, and limited mobility. What DARPA's Ground X-Vehicles project aims to develop are off-road terrain vehicles that are capable of tackling virtually any kind of terrain, slope, or elevation while enhancing agility. Also on the checklist: improve onboard sensors to eliminate the need for windows, be nearly indetectable by infrared, make minimal noise, and give off near to no electromagnetic radiation.

The BRAIN Initiative

Announced in 2013, the BRAIN Initiative is a massive undertaking by a number of agencies across the country, including universities, tech companies, and neuroscientists. The Initiative is comprised of a number of programs designed to lower the barriers between the human brain and the digital world. The goal is to fully understand the way the brain processes information and develop new technologies that could end and prevent disorders.

Robotic Landing Gear

A project from 2015 aims to make landing and takeoff on uneven and moving surfaces a possibility. The conventional landing gear of a helicopter requires a stable and flat surface. A test flight took place near Atlanta in 2015, demonstrating the ability to land half on a raised platform, half on the ground through the use of a miniaturized helicopter model.

Homes That Repair Themselves.

DARPA launched a program called Engineering Living Materials in the summer of 2016, with a vision to create building materials that grow. The goal is to be able to construct buildings that repair themselves and adapt to any kind of living environment.

Anonymous ID: b1cd07 June 22, 2023, 5:52 p.m. No.19055016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5212 >>5441




Fire Sale

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), a federal watchdog, is warning customers that certain combination smoke and carbon monoxide detectors being sold on Amazon are absolutely terrible at alerting consumers that their homes are on fire.


In other words, the e-commerce giant is selling smoke detectors that can't reliably detect smoke — an astoundingly troubling finding that could put consumers at great risk.

The brand in question was selling the battery-powered safety devices for around $46 a pop, according to the CPSC. Fortunately, Amazon appears to have already intervened and a quick search on the platform of the brand now offers up no results.


Besides, the brand's letter salad name itself should've made anybody think twice about pulling the trigger.


"I'm positively shocked that a product made by the long-trusted, loyalty-inducing, stalwart brand 'BQQZHZ' turns out to be a dangerous piece of garbage,"quipped Consumer Reportsinvestigative reporter Lauren Kirchner.


No Smoking


The incident demonstrates the very real risks Amazon exposes its customers to. Experts have long warned thatthe retailer has been selling thousands of banned and unsafe products, making it a dangerous flea market of mindboggling proportions.


A 2019 investigation by The Wall Street Journal found over 4,000 items for sale that had been declared unsafe, deceptively labeled, or outright banned. At least half of them were toys or medications that lacked the necessary warning labels.


In 2021, the CPSC sued Amazon in an attempt to stop it from allowing third parties of selling hazardous products to its customers. Among those products were children's pajamas that could catch on fire, hair dryers that could electrocute you if they were dropped in water — and, of course, dysfunctional carbon monoxide detectors.


As a response, Amazon simply removed the listings in question.


Unfortunately, the CPSC only has limited powers to order any recalls itself, and going to court is a costly endeavor.


But putting public pressure has already worked out for the watchdog as a strategy in the past. In 2021, fitness brand Peloton refused to recall its treadmills in light of reports that they could be dangerous to children.


After the CPSC released agraphic video of a child being sucked underneath a Peloton treadmillto up the pressure on the stationary bike brand, though,the company eventually gave in and ordered a recall.

Anonymous ID: b1cd07 June 22, 2023, 5:58 p.m. No.19055063   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5140 >>5265 >>5386 >>5469

Modi talking about the NWO, I can’t understand what he’s saying. He’s speaking at the House with McCarthy, why is Kamala there?

Sebastian Gorka: "This is a nation that we have to have on our side"

24:49 minutes

Anonymous ID: b1cd07 June 22, 2023, 6:21 p.m. No.19055242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5265 >>5386 >>5469

Wall Street Apes@WallStreetApes


How corrupt is the United States? The day after the Justice Department launched an investigation into Wall Street short sellers the largest document storage facility, TD Ameritrade Bartlett Warehouse, went up in flames. They hauled the evidence away ON FIRE in direct violation of OSHA safety requirements. 60 hedge funds were to undergo investigations for manipulative short selling. Authorities concluded that a “falling shelf” took out the entire building’s sprinkler system that was located on the roof.

The facility was anewer facility outfitted with state of the art fire prevention technology.

Hedge funds have been under heavy scrutiny from retail investors.

More specifically from the AMC and GME community after the ‘meme stock’ frenzy early last year, 2021

Hedge funds have been able to suppress the share price of both these stocks through predatorial short-selling strategies.

In a Bloomberg exclusive, Gary Gensler states 90%-95% or retail market trades do not go through the lit exchange, but rather through dark pools.

This happened on February 4th 2022. Just like everything with out government absolutely NOTHING has come from the investigation. No charges. No stop to the blatant naked short selling taking place on a daily basis robbing investors.

The primary offender of naked shorting of course is Citadel, owned by Ken Griffin. Griffin is Ron DeSantis’s MEGADONOR and #WEF member.

$AMC $APE #AMC #APE $GME #GME #GameStop #NakedShorts #WorldEconomicForum #BlackRock #SEC #FINRA #DTCC

Anonymous ID: b1cd07 June 22, 2023, 6:25 p.m. No.19055266   🗄️.is 🔗kun

22 Jun, 2023 22:06

New Russian frigates will be armed with hypersonic missiles – Navy head

Traveling nine times faster than the speed of sound, Zircon can hit targets up to 1,000 kilometers away


All new Russian navy frigate and corvette class vessels will be equipped with hypersonic Zircon missiles, Chief Admiral Nikolay Yevmenov announced on Thursday.He did not, however,revealthe exact number of warships the navy expected to receive the weaponry.


“All the ships of the frigate class that are under construction or are beinglaid down will be armed with ‘Zircons’,” he told RIA Novosti on the sidelines of the International Maritime Defense Show (IMDS) in Russia’s Kronstadt. “Corvettes [will get them] too,” he added.


The Zircon missiles were brought into service early this year. The projectiles are said to bemuch fasterthan any previously developed Russian anti-ship missiles and those used by NATO nations.


Back in 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted in his annual address to parliament thatZircon missileswould beable to hit targets at a range of 1,000 kilometers(621 miles) while flyingnine times faster than the speed of sound. That is supposedly more than nine times as fast as the Tomahawk and Harpoon missiles used by the US Navy, which are both subsonic.


Zircon can be used against any surface vessels, ranging from a frigate to an aircraft carrier, as well as against any land targets. The decision does not mean that Russia plans to abandon its Kalibr and Onyx cruise missiles, which are also actively used by the navy, Yevmenov said. Both missiles have previously demonstrated “high reliability,” he added.


A P-800Onyx missilecan travel atspeeds of up to 2,700 km/h (1,700 mph)and hit warships of any class. It can engage its targets at a range of up to 300 kilometers (186 miles) depending on the projectile’s trajectory. Although designed to be deployed against ships, it can be used against ground targets as well.


Earlier this week, Yevmenov said that the ongoing Russian military campaign in Ukraine indicated the need forRussia to enhance its navy “now.” All the best innovative ideas should be put into practice right away, the admiral argued, calling for the design and development phases to be shortened when it comes to new projects.


The navy chief also revealed that Russia’s defense industries planned on enhancing their shipbuilding capabilities. This year alone, the Russian Navy expects toreceive 44 new ships, including both warships and support vessels.


Putin also said this week that a further strengthening of the Russian Armed Forces remained one of the country’s top priorities. Apart from the Zircon missiles, the navy is expected to getnew Borei and Borei-A nuclear-capable submarines, which are equipped with 16 intercontinental ballistic missiles each as part of these efforts, the president added.


(This is a warning to US and EU!)