Oh my, so uh, it seems the failed, gay sub was designed, built and operated by a Jew. Figures. LMAO!
Theres some non-Hebrew irony at play here. That car is in better shape than the gay Jew sub. Oy vey!
Wonder what he was contemplating divulging?
Its fascinating to observe a psyop in action regardless of the short duration.
Everyone and their dog connected to this incident knew Sunday afternoon what had occurred because the Navy knew exactly what had happened when they heard the tell-tale sound of an underwater implosion.
But, lots of potential bad headlines this week so any distraction the media can put out there will suffice. Lol.
They're straight up getting their shit kicked inโฆ.some more. Ooof!
His hair plugs.
Both sides are losing soldiers, but Ukraine is being bled dry, dude.
At the end of the day it doesn't matter what is uncovered if there is no legal authority willing to uphold the law.
Most people are oblivious to this stuff, they've tuned out and believe their participation is meaningless. In large part they're right.
But at least they celebrate Easter, oh waitโฆ.
Cogs in the machine. I live next to one. State congress critter, decent guy, but loves the government.
Dudes gonna get whacked. Between now and November 2024 we could see multiple assassinations 60's style.