Anonymous ID: f1ffff June 23, 2023, 2:31 p.m. No.19059866   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Burlington, Vermont. GOP backs detransitioners, free speech.

By Guy Page


Correction from earlier edition: this resolution was passed April 25, and subsequently referred to Mayor Miro Weinberger and the Burlington City Council.


Citing a 4,000% increase over 10 years in teenage female gender dysphoria, the Burlington Republican Committee in April passed a resolution that affirms the natural distinction between the sexes and opposes promotion of gender identity ideology to minors.


The resolution says the Burlington Republican Party:


Opposes any city or state efforts to target and criminalize free speech on areas of public concern;

Affirms the natural distinction between the male and female sex and honors its immutability;

Opposes city and state funding of organizations that promote gender identity ideology to minors. At present, pro-trans Outright Vermont receives Dept. of Health funding for school education program.

Extends support to the ever-growing detransitioner community;

Defends the rights of human beings to occupy spaces set aside for their biological sex; and

Will work in collaboration with disaffected Burlingtonians to stop the exploitation, sterilization, and mutilation of vulnerable children.

The resolution also singles out Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger for failing to condemn violence perpetrated by transgender activists in the city. At last year’s Pride parade, gay rights activist and trans critic Fred Sargeant was assaulted for carrying a sign.