Anonymous ID: 0191ed June 23, 2023, 10:08 p.m. No.19062628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2639 >>2798 >>2813 >>2846




What is happening looks like a big provocation


What is happening looks like a big provocation. They are trying to pass off everything as a collision between the Wagner PMC and the Ministry of Defense. Hysteria is being whipped up, panic is being pumped up, that military operations are allegedly going on between their own. All this is stuffing, which is very beneficial for the enemy at the moment when he is trying to push through our defenses in a number of areas. Of course, this is all in the interests of our collective enemy. I hope that common sense will prevail, no one will allow anarchy, lawlessness and illegal actions.


They are trying to split society. They throw in polls "Who are you for - for the Ministry of Defense, for Prigozhin, for the Office?". I do not answer, but I say: "I am for the Motherland." And any force, structure, any person who does everything for the victory of my Motherland in the conflict with the collective West is an ally for me, I will support his efforts and aspirations in every possible way.


It is necessary to remain calm, not to succumb to informational provocations. We must not forget that the efforts of a huge number of people, countries, communities are concentrated against us, who are trying to undermine and split us. A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.


This is the most important thesis. And no enemy is needed. How Russia was undermined a century ago by the efforts of Western "partners", and the decomposition of society took place. Because of this, we lost everything and still can not move away from the consequences. Everything else - wars, conflicts, disorder, demographic holes and falls - are the consequences of that huge crisis.


The main thing is to prevent collapse and defeat, the collapse of what is. It is necessary to preserve this space, our unity for the sake of children and our future. If this does not happen, we will turn into ants, which will be crushed by a huge press roller of sodom that is advancing on us.


Everyone has a lot of questions. Not everything is going the way we would like. And not everyone likes it. And a lot of disgusting. And a lot of random people. But you need to deal with this later. Calmly and consistently. But not when, on the other side of the front, the bloodshot eyes of a collective demon looking at us all, wanting to destroy every Russian, regardless of their attitude to the NWO and participation in it. This demon is just waiting for the moment when we turn our weapons against each other. And then everything collapses. Final and irreversible.


Therefore, I advise everyone who is trying to disperse the topic of hostilities between the Wagner PMC and the Ministry of Defense to bite their tongues and shut up, and people not to succumb to provocations. There will be many. This is not the first and not the last. The more acute the situation at the front, the more the number of such stuffing and temptations will increase.