I was in Moab, UT today and noticed something a few miles north of the city. There is a sign for Dept. of Energy UMTRA project.
The Department of Energy (DOE) has completed about 57% of a project to move 16 million tons of uranium tailings from the banks of the Colorado River, near the city of Moab, to a permanent disposal site 32 miles north, near Crescent Junction. This project is called the Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project.
Doing a bit more digging,
Subject to the whims of annual federal budget appropriations, the Moab UMTRA Project has run into funding setbacks multiple times since cleanup work began almost seven years ago.
Funding Issues? Sounds sort of funky. You'd think that getting radioactive materials on the shores of the CO river would be big priority even at a super low concentration. I've done some stuff on mining remediation myself, but with coal and on a much smaller scale, gold. Old gold mine tailings are big $ because a bunch of the good stuff always slips through with older technologies.
What I'm seeing here is that there was big $ under Obama and then funding started going to shit mid 2016. Sort of a coincidence. I have 1 big question. Was the material being just dumped at the site or was it going through some centrifuges or some other sort of separation system like fluidized beds first? I wish I had more time so I could follow some hauling trucks from the site to find out for sure. I would not doubt at all that this whole thing is a cover for the production of uranium off the books.