Ви не справді, ну ти?
I guess everyone else missed that Q post last bread, eh?
Actually… I think there was.
Хуссейн нічого не зробив для України.
Для Криму.
Хуссейн забороняє торгівлю з Кримом.
Це воно.
Україна важлива.
Звір з моря та
Голова, що мала смертельну рану …
Все в той же день?
Бог перебуває вище
anons… I think this was a Q post last bread kek… There was an article with it… Russian priests blessing a plane
Хуссейн нічого не зробив для України.
Для Криму.
Хуссейн забороняє торгівлю з Кримом.
Це воно.
Україна важлива.
Звір з моря та
Голова, що мала смертельну рану …
Все в той же день?
Бог перебуває вище
Hussein did nothing for Ukraine.
For the Crimea.
Hussein prohibits trade with the Crimea.
This is it.
Ukraine is important.
Beast from the sea and
Head that had a deadly wound …
All the same day?
God is higher
Just crawl back under your rock new fag… It wouldn't be the first time Q posted without his trip… relax, us real anons got this.
That's what I was thinking…
Ти з нами?
Yes, UKraine.
Nose and ears are way different.. Guy on right seems to be handicapped, mentally. Could be wrong, but I get that impression.
Well, at least I'm still much smarter than you.
I don't think they're the same, Look at ear lobes and nose.
Look at this dudes teeth. Looks like he's filed some of them.