Anonymous ID: 3a5524 June 24, 2023, 12:11 p.m. No.19065633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658 >>6043 >>6149 >>6257 >>6346

Wagner agrees to end ‘insurrection’ – Lukashenko


Evgeny Prigozhin agreed to halt his march on Moscow and avert “a bloodbath," the Belarusian president said


Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko announced on Saturday that he had arranged a deal whereby Wagner Group leader Evgeny Prigozhin will abandon his mutiny in exchange for “security guarantees” for his fighters.


“Evgeny Prigozhin accepted the proposal of President Alexander Lukashenko to stop the movement of armed men of Wagner in Russia and take further steps to de-escalate tension,” read a statement from Lukashenko's office.


According to the statement, Lukashenko and Prigozhin held talks for the “whole day,” and “came to an agreement on the inadmissibility of unleashing a bloodbath on the territory of Russia.”


Lukashenko’s office said that the talks were held in coordination with Russian President Vladimir Putin, adding that Prigozhin was offered “an advantageous and acceptable option of resolving the situation, with security guarantees for the Wagner PMC fighters.”


The news came as a Wagner convoy drew closer to Moscow, several hours after members of the private military outfit passed through the southern city of Rostov-on-Don. In a series of video statements released since Friday, Prigozhin declared that he was advancing on Moscow to confront Russian military officials he deemed corrupt.


Prigozhin garnered no support from the Russian establishment. Instead, Putin accused the Wagner chief of “backstabbing our country and our people,” while Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) opened a criminal investigation into Prigozhin for “calling for an armed rebellion.”


Senior Russian political and military figures denounced Prigozhin’s mutiny, and called on Wagner fighters to lay down their arms.


Shortly after Lukashenko's announcement, Prigozhin confirmed that his troops were abandoning their push to Moscow and returning to their field camps.

Anonymous ID: 3a5524 June 24, 2023, 12:26 p.m. No.19065711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5716 >>5807 >>6043 >>6149 >>6257 >>6346

Massive Corruption in the NYPD – Incoming Police Commissioner Reportedly so Corrupt that He Will Not Take the Job, Former NYPD Officer Says


In a bombshell interview on the Joe Hoft Show on Thursday, former NYPD officer Sal Greco claimed that incoming Police Commissioner Edward Caban is so deeply entangled in corruption that he would quit if Mayor Eric Adams awards him the position.


Sal Greco worked for the NYPD for over a decade with an unblemished record. Then he befriended Roger Stone, and soon after that, his career as an NYPD police officer was over.


Sal Greco was in Washington D.C. on January 5th and 6th. Like me, Sal Greco did not go to the Ellipse for President Trump’s speech, did not march to the Capitol, and was not present at the Capitol on January 6th; in fact, he was in my hotel suite most of the time and we were both shocked to learn about those who illegally entered the Capitol. Any claim that either of us knew about or had any role in the illegal events of January 6th is a vile lie and is categorically false.


This didn’t matter to the NYPD. They brought Greco in front of the police court and used Greco’s relationship with Roger Stone as a reason to fire him. Greco is now suing the NYPD.

Greco was on The Joe Hoft Show on Thursday, and he dropped a bomb regarding the vacant police chief position in New York City.


The current police commissioner in New York City – Keechant Sewell, is stepping down. Greco shared:


There is a lot of information I have on this… The New York Police Department is in an upheaval..


… Eric Adams is the mayor. He is the defacto Police Commissioner and all issues have to run through him. If they don’t run through him, they run through this guy who is the Deputy Mayor of Public Safety, a made up position. That guy’s name is Philip Banks.


Banks has a record of alleged corruption. He is surrounded by other questionable actors, including the “Slumlord of the Bronx.” Greco went on to list several individuals and their corrupt histories. These are the guys actually running the police department, not Keechant Sewell. There are rumors that Keechant may have hired an attorney to address her departure from the department. There are also rumors that she may go to Baltimore and take over the police department there.


Also, Greco talked about Edward Caban, who was also involved in alleged corruption in the past. He’s the current First Deputy Commissioner in the NYPD. Caban is reportedly in the running for the police commissioner position.


Because of Greco, Caban may not be taking the police commissioner job.


“Eric Caban ran to Eric Adams yesterday (Wednesday) and told him – I don’t want this police commissioner’s job because all this info is out there…He said he would resign in Eric gives him that position.”

Anonymous ID: 3a5524 June 24, 2023, 12:31 p.m. No.19065738   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==FBI Make-Work Entrapment Schemes: Creating Criminals in Order to Arrest Them

We’re not dealing with a government that exists to serve its people, protect their liberties and ensure their happiness…


We’re not dealing with a government that exists to serve its people, protect their liberties and ensure their happiness.


Rather, we are the unfortunate victims of the diabolical machinations of a make-works program carried out on an epic scale whose only purpose is to keep the powers-that-be permanently (and profitably) employed.


Case in point: the FBI.


The government’s henchmen have become the embodiment of how power, once acquired, can be so easily corrupted and abused. Indeed, far from being tough on crime, FBI agents are also among the nation’s most notorious lawbreakers.


Whether the FBI is planting undercover agents in churches, synagogues and mosques; issuing fake emergency letters to gain access to Americans’ phone records; using intimidation tactics to silence Americans who are critical of the government, or persuading impressionable individuals to plot acts of terror and then entrapping them, the overall impression of the nation’s secret police force is that of a well-dressed thug, flexing its muscles and doing the boss’ dirty work.


Clearly, this is not a government agency that appears to understand, let alone respect, the limits of the Constitution.


Indeed, this same government agency has a pattern and practice of entrapment that involves targeting vulnerable individuals, feeding them with the propaganda, know-how and weapons intended to turn them into terrorists, and then arresting them as part of an elaborately orchestrated counterterrorism sting.


Basically, it works like this: in order to justify their crime-fighting superpowers, the FBI manufactures criminals by targeting vulnerable individuals and feeding them anti-government propaganda; then, undercover agents and informants equip the targeted individuals with the training and resources to challenge what they’ve been indoctrinated into believing is government corruption; and finally, the FBI arrests the targeted individuals for engaging in anti-government, terrorist activities.


This is what passes for the government’s perverse idea of being tough on crime.


For example, undercover FBI agents pretending to be associated with ISIS have been accused of seeking out online and befriending a 16-year-old with brain development issues, persuading him to secretly send them small cash donations in the form of gift cards, and then the moment Mateo Ventura, turned 18, arresting him for providing financial support to an Islamic terrorist group.

Anonymous ID: 3a5524 June 24, 2023, 12:37 p.m. No.19065761   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6043 >>6149 >>6257 >>6346

Great Reset: Macron Suggests International Taxation System to Subsidise Green Agenda


French President Emmanuel Macron has suggested the imposition of a global taxation system in order to subsidise the green agenda to mitigate climate change.


Speaking at the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris on Friday, Mr Macron argued that actions from individual governments would be insufficient to deal with the alleged armageddon set to descend upon the world and therefore a new international taxation framework should be established.


“I’m in favour of an international taxation to finance efforts that we have to make to fight poverty and in terms of climate [action],” the French president said in comments reported by POLITICO.


“It doesn’t work when you do it alone, the [financial] flows go elsewhere,” Macron added, while shutting down calls for France to implement a new wealth tax to fund the green agenda.


“France already has in place two types of taxes that have been suggested: one on plane tickets, another on financial transactions,” he said adding that he was going to “make others follow us and mobilize” around these issues.


“There has been a great deal of discussion on the idea of international taxation, over and above what countries and institutions are doing. Whether it’s on financial transactions, maritime transport or certain other models, it will only work if it’s truly international, and so it presupposes an agreement, as we’ve been able to do on international taxation,” he said.

Anonymous ID: 3a5524 June 24, 2023, 12:40 p.m. No.19065771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5799 >>5845 >>6043 >>6149 >>6257 >>6346

Facial recognition tech deployed at Chinese gas stations – people on social credit blacklist can’t refuel


Footage coming out of China indicates that facial recognition systems are now being installed even at gas stations. The footage strongly suggests that Chinese citizens not in good standing in the social credit system may be ineligible for refueling.


Videos posted on social media show how customers at one gas station somewhere in China are being forced to approach a kiosk and have their faces scanned in order to access gas for their vehicles.


Furthermore, people reportedly on the blacklist of the country's social credit system are barred from driving their own cars. If they are hailed by the facial recognition and ID check required, they will not be able to purchase more gas unless another person – someone not on the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) blacklist – drives the car for them.


"The Orwellian characteristic is a fundamental aspect of China's surveillance state, encompassing the tracking and monitoring of every resident's activity, as well as imposing restrictions and control over their movements," wrote InfoWars. "The implications of China's surveillance state serve as a cautionary tale for America's future."


Facial recognition tech is everywhere in China – but the people seem okay with it

Perhaps the most startling aspect of China's surveillance state and the rapidly expanding use of facial recognition systems everywhere is the fact that many Chinese citizens, at least on the surface, seem to be accepting of it.


Hanna Hua, writing about her recent experience with the atmosphere of normalcy around facial recognition tech for Retail Week, noted how facial recognition technology is now everywhere in China and "has become fully integrated into various daily activities."


She mentioned that in 2019, facial recognition systems were only limited in use as ID verification at police stations, train stops, banks, airports and hotel check-ins. Now, facial recognition tech being used for daily activities has become "a familiar practice for many, despite privacy concerns in other markets."


"It has been widely adopted for payments in all kinds of retail stores, including coffee shops, vending machines and popular fast-food chains such as McDonald's," she wrote. "Additionally, it is used for age verification in games and even for smart home appliances."


"Many people are using this payment method for faster checkouts and it appears to have become the accepted norm, accelerated through the major payment providers."


Hua pointed out that this acceptance of facial recognition tech may have accelerated its deployment, noting how in many Western markets facial recognition technology is being adopted at a much slower pace due to legal roadblocks and concerns related to data protection and privacy.


Facial recognition tech to keep expanding as companies continue to put out more surveillance gear for the CCP

Anonymous ID: 3a5524 June 24, 2023, 12:53 p.m. No.19065848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6043 >>6149 >>6257 >>6346

Zuck’s Spy: Former CIA Agent Takes Over ‘Elections Policies’ at Facebook


Aaron Berman, a 17-year veteran of the CIA who already held a senior position in Facebook’s “misinformation” team during the 2020 election, has been promoted to “Head of Elections Policies” at the company now known as Meta.


Berman served at the CIA between March 2002 and July 2019. During that time, he wrote for and edited the President’s Daily Brief, an influential top-secret document prepared by the U.S. intelligence community given to the president each morning.


According to Berman’s Linkedin, he enjoyed positions of considerable influence at the agency, including “supervising teams of dozens of analysts and with multi-million-dollar budgets,” and leading briefings for members of congress and National Security Council members.


In 2019, he left the agency and joined Facebook (now known as Meta), where he became a senior product policy manager for “misinformation.” According to Berman, he “built the misinformation policy team’s US workforce and put policies into practice during critical events.”


While Berman does not say what these “critical events” were, his time in Facebook’s “misinformation” department coincides with the runup to the 2020 election, in which Facebook and other social media platforms censored leading Republican voices and conservative news sites with the guidance of deep state-linked entities.


Last month, it appears Berman was promoted to “Head of Elections Policies” at Facebook On his LinkedIn profile, Berman describes the role as follows:


Leads a team responsible for elections-related content policies worldwide. Oversees policy development, advises senior executives, coordinates with teams on implementation via technical and human workflows, and represents Meta with external stakeholders. Puts policies into practice on key elections.


According to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, it was the U.S. intelligence community, specifically the FBI, that warned the company of an imminent “Russian propaganda dump” shortly before the New York Post published the first of its stories on Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell.” Facebook, along with other leading social media platforms, quickly suppressed the story.

Anonymous ID: 3a5524 June 24, 2023, 1:05 p.m. No.19065922   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6043 >>6149 >>6257 >>6346

Feds built $2.2 million tax case against Hunter Biden dating to 2014 before being thwarted


Earliest evidence involved $400,000 in undeclared income from Burisma energy deal in Ukraine, whistleblowers allege to Congress.


If Hunter Biden pleads guilty next month as expected to two misdemeanor tax evasion charges, he’ll be admitting he shorted the U.S. government of about $100,000 in taxes he owed in 2017-18.


But it’s a far cry from the evidence the IRS and FBI developed showing a pattern of tax evasion and avoidance that stretched back to his father’s term as vice president a decade ago, according to newly released documents and testimony.


Supervisory IRS Agent Gary Shapley told Congress in bombshell testimony made public Thursday that federal agents had evidence Hunter Biden had failed to pay about $2.2 million in taxes dating to 2014 and planned to pursue multiple felonies before they were thwarted by political appointees of the Justice Department.


That alleged interference, according to Shapley and a second IRS whistleblower, ranged from refusing to approve search warrants and specific indictments sought in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles to allowing the statute of limitation to expire on some of the more serious offenses.


The meddling was so extensive, Shapley said, “there is no way of knowing if evidence of other criminal activity existed concerning Hunter Biden or President Biden.”


Whistleblower 1 Transcript_Redacted.pdf

What IRS and FBI agents were certain of – and career tax prosecutors signed off on after receiving a detailed prosecution recommendation memo – was that evidence supported charging the first son with failing to pay large sums of taxes and in some years even to file tax returns, both whistleblowers asserted.


“The report includes itemized elements of each violation for each year. This recommended felony tax evasion charges, that's 7201, is tax evasion, and 7206(1) is a false tax return, also a felony, for the tax years 2014, 2018, and 2019,” Shapley explained in his transcribed interview with the House Ways and Means Committee.


“And for Title 26 7203, which is a failure to file or pay, that is a misdemeanor charge for '15, '16, '17, '18, and '19,” he also said.


Asked to summarize the magnitude of the unpaid taxes, Shapley did not hesitate. “Altogether it was around $2.2 million,” he answered.

Anonymous ID: 3a5524 June 24, 2023, 1:10 p.m. No.19065948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5956 >>6043 >>6092 >>6149 >>6257 >>6346

'We are coming for your children': Topless activists chant at NYC drag march


"We are like 'they are groomers.' They are like 'We are coming for your children.' So we all agree they are groomers."


Hundreds gathered on Friday in the East Villiges Tomkins Square Park for the annual New York City Drag March where some in attendance proclaimed that they are "coming for your children."


In a video posted on Twitter by Timcast News, protestors chanted, "We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children," with some in the crowd dancing topless.


In an online post, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said, "This movement grooms minors to have mastectomies and castration and fuels a multi-billion dollar medical child abuse industry."


"Pass the Protect Children’s Innocence Act. Let kids be kids."


Timcast News CEO Tim Pool said of the video, "We are like 'they are groomers.' They are like 'We are coming for your children.' So we all agree they are groomers."


In another video, a group gathers around a drag queen on a blowhorn, repeating his words and demands while some held signs that read "Drag isn't for Cissies."


"This is our reading of protection, in solidarity and our intention," the crowd said in unison.


"We gather in the east, the village, Thompkins Square Park, home to the 1874 and the 1980 riots," they continued. "Demanding worker safety and homeless…"


The sentiment is reminiscent of when the San Francisco Gay Mens Chorus released a song in July 2021 proclaiming that they'll "convert your children" and that is the "Gay agenda."


"We're coming for them. We're coming for your children. We're coming for them. We're coming for them. We're coming for your children," the gay men sang.


The group deleted the video after outrage, but defended it as "tongue-in-cheek humor." However, since that point, Drag Queen story hour and "family-friendly" drag shows have become popular across the country.

Anonymous ID: 3a5524 June 24, 2023, 1:12 p.m. No.19065958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6043 >>6149 >>6257 >>6346

Train plummets into Yellowstone River after Montana bridge collapse, officials warn against water usage due to fear of hazardous materials


It had asphalt and "a second substance that officials are working to confirm."


A bridge collapsed Saturday morning into the Yellowstone River in Montana, causing a freight train to derail into the river and spill chemicals into the river. Montana residents were immediately warned to conserve water.


The local sheriff's office said it initially feared that the train had been carrying oil and petroleum but has since determined that it had asphalt and "a second substance that officials are working to confirm."


According to the Associated Press, one of their reporters on site saw a yellow substance coming out from some of the tanks. Stillwater County Chief of emergency services David Stamey said there was no immediate danger for personnel on site, and that they had shut down the drinking water intakes downstream.

Montana Rail Link spokesman Andy Garland said in a statement, “We are committed to addressing any potential impacts to the area as a result of this incident and working to understand the reasons behind the accident.”


Authorities report that all the train crew is safe, with no injuries. The cause of the bridge collapse is still under investigation and officials with the Federal Railroad Administration were on site, and the Montana Disaster Emergency Services was notified.


The derailment is located in a remote part of the Yellowstone River Valley, near the town of Columbus. The water in the river flows away from the national park located 110 miles southwest of the incident.

Anonymous ID: 3a5524 June 24, 2023, 1:15 p.m. No.19065973   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Laughing in Our Faces: Hunter Biden Appears at Lavish White House Dinner After Sweetheart Deal


What did you expect, that he’d be in a monastery doing penance? Just after scoring a sweetheart deal that keeps him out of prison from a corrupt and politicized Justice Department that is steadfastly ignoring mounting evidence of his influence-peddling, Hunter Biden appeared at The Big Guy’s White House for a lavish state dinner honoring Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


Hunter’s audacity in being there so soon after his symbolic slap on the wrist from his pals in Merrick Garland’s two-tier “justice” mill is breathtaking; it is, however, likely not a bug, but a feature: the nation’s First Crackhead means to rub it in and taunt those who have been lamenting America’s compromised justice system by flaunting his freedom and his intimate connections with the political and media elites. He is untouchable, and you’re a domestic terrorist. Welcome to Biden’s America, peasants!


The UK’s Daily Mail noted Thursday that Old Joe and “Doctor” Jill “turned the black-tie event into a family affair: son Hunter and his wife Melissa, Joe’s brother James, granddaughter Naomi and her new husband Peter Neal, and daughter Ashley were all there.” So it was a real Biden Crime Family event. Besides Hunter with his crack, hookers, deals with Chinese oligarchs, and paintings that sell for more than Picassos, there was James Biden, who is, like Hunter, accused of selling access to The Big Guy, and Ashley Biden, who rendered the establishment media deaf, dumb, and blind by writing in her diary about taking showers with her father when she was a child.


Adding to the Mafia wedding flavor of the whole event was the presence of Biden Crime Family enforcer Merrick Garland, whose Orwellian-named Justice Department just gave Hunter his sweet deal while working overtime to frame and destroy Donald Trump. Trump, like Biden himself, had classified documents in his home, but this is only a crime when it comes to Trump; Trump’s real crime is that he is at this time the Biden regime’s principal opponent.


Garland, of course, indignantly rejects such allegations, sputtering that they constitute an attack on “American democracy.” He would have us believe that the fact that Hunter even had any charges against him at all indicates that all this talk about a two-tier justice system is false: “Whaddeya mean, we go after patriots but not Leftists? Look: we prosecuted Hunter Biden!” Sure you did, Merrick.


Maybe some rubes will fall for this. But the DoJ’s investigation of Hunter was simply a charade, an empty exercise in charging Hunter with something, anything, in order to take the wind out of the sails of those who claim that the Biden regime is relentlessly persecuting Trump while turning a blind eye to actual crimes committed by Leftists such as Hillary Clinton, as well as Old Joe and Hunter himself.


Hunter Biden could have been and should have been facing much worse. Back in Sept. 2020, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Senate Committee on Finance issued a report noting that while his father was vice president, Hunter Biden was “paid millions of dollars from a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch” for his presence on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company. Hunter’s very presence on Burisma’s board was prima facie evidence of influence-peddling, as he had no experience in or knowledge of the natural gas industry. He just happened to be the son of the vice president of the United States. In a similar way, he is now a great artist.

Anonymous ID: 3a5524 June 24, 2023, 1:31 p.m. No.19066055   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6149 >>6257 >>6346

Vice President Kamala Harris laughs uncontrollably as she takes the stage in North Carolina:


“Four more years! Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Anonymous ID: 3a5524 June 24, 2023, 1:38 p.m. No.19066089   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joe and Hunter Biden Take Off to Camp David For Weekend Getaway


They’re laughing at us.


Joe, Hunter, and grandson Beau Biden took off to Camp David for the weekend.


Hunter attended the State Dinner at the White House on Thursday night after his father’s corrupt Justice Department gave him a sweetheart deal.


House Ways and Means Chair Jason Smith (R-MO) on Thursday detailed MULTIPLE felony charges that whistleblowers said the IRS recommended against Hunter Biden.


Rather than charging Hunter Biden with felonies for evading taxes and providing false statements to the feds, Joe Biden’s corrupt DOJ gave him a sweetheart deal.


The Justice Department, with Merrick Garland at the helm, also blocked search warrants for Biden’s Delaware home and Hunter’s storage locker.


Later that night Hunter was spotted at the State Dinner with Merrick Garland.


Now Hunter is joining his father on Marine One to spend the weekend at Camp David, a presidential retreat in the Maryland mountains.


The world is in chaos, but Joe Biden doesn’t have a care in the world.


Joe Biden has spent 40% of his presidency on vacation with no visitor logs.

Anonymous ID: 3a5524 June 24, 2023, 1:58 p.m. No.19066187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6257 >>6346 >>6353

Kremlin reveals details of Wagner deal


The PMC's founder Evgeniy Prigozhin will "go to Belarus," Dmitry Peskov says


The criminal case, launched this weekend, against Wagner Private Military Company founder Evgeniy Prigozhin will be dropped and he will leave Russia, the Kremlin announced on Saturday evening.


Spokesman Dmitry Peskov revealed that Prigozhin, a Saint Petersburg Tycoon who made his initial fortune in catering, "will go to Belarus."


He added that Wagner's fighters will not be persecuted, taking into account their efforts on the frontlines of the Ukraine conflict. Peskov explained that President Vladimir Putin's team "have always respected their exploits."


Those PMC contractors, who refused to take part in the mutiny – and whole units did not – will be allowed to sign contracts with the Russian Defense Ministry, Peskov stated.


The PMC group launched a major mutiny overnight, seizing control of the headquarters of Russia’s Southern Military District in the city of Rostov-on-Don, as well as advancing towards Moscow. The insurrection was stopped late on Saturday, following talks between Prigozhin and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, with the PMC leader agreeing to return his units to their “field camps.”

Anonymous ID: 3a5524 June 24, 2023, 2:02 p.m. No.19066209   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘No excuse’ for Wagner mutiny – Chechen leader


Ramzan Kadyrov has denounced Evgeny Prigozhin as a traitor, while vowing to do his best to restore order


The insurrection by Wagner chief Evgeny Prigozhin is a “hideous betrayal” and should be quelled in order to protect Russian unity amid the conflict in Ukraine, the head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, has said.


In a post on Telegram on Saturday, the Chechen leader offered a scathing rebuke of the head of the private military company, denouncing his actions as “a knife in the back” and “a real military mutiny.”


Kadyrov stated that an armed conflict is not the time for personal grudges, saying “the rear should always be safe and secure.” “Just imagine what the guys in the trenches feel now, with their face to the enemy and with their back to a treacherous gamble.”


The Chechen leader added that Wagner’s actions could only result in “bloody consequences.”