Anonymous ID: 5f8771 June 24, 2023, 1:17 p.m. No.19065980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6002 >>6022 >>6271 >>6301

Chuck Schumer



Since the MAGA Supreme Court overturned Roe 1 year ago today, the GOP has made it clear that they will not stop until there's a nationwide abortion ban.


Democrats will keep fighting for a woman’s right to choose.


We will not give up. And we will prevail.


two weeks for what?

Not tired of winning yet.

Anonymous ID: 5f8771 June 24, 2023, 1:20 p.m. No.19066002   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6013 >>6022


Chuck Schumer



One year ago today was one of the darkest days in our nation's history: The Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.


Today, we stand united with a clear message: Democrats will never stop fighting to protect and restore abortion rights.

Anonymous ID: 5f8771 June 24, 2023, 1:26 p.m. No.19066022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6040 >>6048 >>6084 >>6088 >>6090 >>6117 >>6274

Adam Schiff



It’s been one year since the Dobbs decision. To this day we are up against a radical & partisan Supreme Court that’s hell bent on rolling back the clock on reproductive freedom.


We need to expand SCOTUS & abolish the filibuster. It’s the only way we can codify abortion into law.


>Charleston rabbi resigns, leaving South Carolina over anti-LGBTQ legislation



Understanding that Jews are a Satanic cult. Can they survive in a nation that prevents them from performing their sacrificial rituals?

Anonymous ID: 5f8771 June 24, 2023, 1:52 p.m. No.19066160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6166 >>6257 >>6346

Trump Washington DC



Let the games begin- kicking off our Member Member Tournament “Potomac Cup” today at @trumpgolfdc

! #trumpgolf #golftournament #member


Anonymous ID: 5f8771 June 24, 2023, 2:09 p.m. No.19066237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6257 >>6346


Stephen Miller


As someone who was there from the beginning, today it is my profound honor to formally endorse Donald J. Trump for re-election as President of the United States! Read my full statement below.


“It is my enormous privilege to endorse President Donald Trump for re-election. Joining the first Trump campaign in its early days, I saw then what the whole world has learned since: that President Trump is a once-in-a-lifetime transformative leader who possesses the rare combination of skills, insights, wisdom and otherworldly determination necessary to save America from those who would destroy her.


He left a life of comfort and wealth to endure abuse and persecution few can imagine. At so many points, at so many times, he could have walked away, spared himself, grabbed a golden parachute, but instead he sacrificed all he has built so that we might be free again.


Doing more to change our politics than any leader since Andrew Jackson, Trump inherited a Republican Party that was globalist, donor-centric and unabashedly neoconservative — destined for a generations of nominees and party figureheads in the mold of George Bush and his protégés — a party whose zeal for unrestricted free trade, unceasing foreign wars and unending open immigration threatened to sink the whole American experiment. Trump saved the party from itself — and thus the hopes of America, by creating a political party vehicle for nationalist populism and America First patriotism.


He delivered peace to a world at war.


Prosperity to a country in decline.


And he sealed the border in the face of domestic legal and political and international opposition on a scale that defies description.


Whereas presidents of both parties before him laid down the welcome mat for global mass migration he banned travel from unsafe nations; ended refugee pipelines; suspended whole immigration programs; marshaled state power to stop visa overstays; restored consular affairs to a mission in defense of America not in support of foreign nationals; rewrote the foreign affairs manual to protect our interests; issued arguably the most important domestic regulation in history (public charge); and instituted the most comprehensive sovereign deportation strategy ever developed to end catch-and-release both at and between our ports, and across the whole US, to repatriate nationals to scores of countries across the globe — defeating a deep state and a leftwing judicial state that was hellbent on thwarting his each and every move.


He achieved energy independence. Successfully implemented a more ambitious deregulatory agenda than any President in modern history. Restored tariffs to the fore of our economic arsenal, reviving the patriotic mercantilism that built the American economic powerhouse.


He changed the entire paradigm on China.


He changed the entire paradigm in the Middle East.


He made millions of Americans felt seen and heard for the first time in their lives.


And he did it all while battling a deep state coup.


Now, the same forces who tried to frame him, who tried to remove him, who broke every rule in the book to try to stop him, are trying to jail him.


Why? Because they know if he gets back into the Oval Office he will stop them. Stop them from cheating and bleeding and ransacking our country. Stop them from taking your voice and your vote. Stop them from illicitly spying and censoring and dragging us into military conflicts that yield only pain and hardship.


So let us choose peace. Let us stand with the man who has always stood with us. Let us stand with President Trump, more now than ever.”

1:19 PM · Jun 24, 2023