Anonymous ID: 7addbc June 24, 2023, 1:05 p.m. No.19065920   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5932


lot of studying to do for that dig.

Isa looks like somebody alive now that's…. involved in… ?

will try to find side-by-side.

any case, suspect they survived.

I'm suspecting Death Fakery, with Ator for sure. With Isa, dunno. check it out; The assholee in charge of censoring Twit so Trump would lose.

resembles Isa.

Anonymous ID: 7addbc June 24, 2023, 1:13 p.m. No.19065963   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5977


There's a big difference.

The one doing it for himself / herself; they are facing either the Rope, the electric chair, the firing squad, or lethal injection; after some hard time at Gitmo or somewhere like that.

i.e. rendition.

But the guys / gals doing it as employee lack a real "dog in the race" and probably are more lazy.

Remember Ghislaine did her "own work" at Reddit.

Anonymous ID: 7addbc June 24, 2023, 1:29 p.m. No.19066049   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6062 >>6065 >>6230


name was Edgar, not Jack

why am I not surprised.

and we got the insta-shill for confirm

oh right, that's perfectly normal.

Also Edgar was a Trans. A TRANsvestite. Loved to dress in woman's clothes.

Fits a pattern that's been noticed

Try to stop it from making your blood boil, but he was behind the JFK killing. One of the key conspirators.

So also murderous. Kept blackmail files on thousands.

FBI still has his name up,

Never admit. never comply (with investigation)


from the GermanAnon archive

(We) Are The News – OFFLINE ARCHIVE for Jan 14, 2019 MAGA • MEGA • WWG1WGA • Home • About • Archives

OpEd: History of Hoover's pioneering of NatSec threat tactic Back to Jan 14, 2019 • Back to 8chan /qresearch/ thread #6064 • Original link: Previous: Canada, for one, welcomes their new refugee overlords Next: Planefaggin' & @POTUS_Schedge re: travels

Post 4752091 Mon, Jan 14, 2019 12:54 PM EST • View on 8kun

The FBI’s Investigation of Trump as a “National Security Threat” is Itself a Serious Danger. But J. Edgar Hoover Pioneered the Tactic


The FBI’s counterintelligence investigation of Trump is far from the first time that the FBI has monitored, surveilled and investigated U.S. elected officials who the agency had decided haroberd suspect loyalties and were harming national security. The FBI specialized in such conduct for decades under J. Edgar Hoover, who ran the agency for 48 years and whose name the agency’s Washington headquarters continues to feature in its name (see photo above).


Perhaps the most notable case was the Hoover-led FBI’s lengthy counterintelligence investigation of the progressive Henry Wallace, both when he served in multiple cabinet positions in the Franklin Roosevelt administration and then as FDR’s elected Vice President. The FBI long suspected that Wallace harbored allegiances to the Kremlin and used his government positions to undermine what the FBI determined were “U.S. interests” for the benefit of Moscow and, as a result, subjected Wallace to extensive investigation and surveillance.

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Anonymous ID: 7addbc June 24, 2023, 2:07 p.m. No.19066230   🗄️.is đź”—kun




I'll disagree (quibble) and contend he did witness the carnage - VIETNAM War, which Jack Kennedy would have blocked, and was in the process of blocked when they shot him (cf work of Professor Peter Dale Scott of Berkeley, who also coined the term "Deep State" decades ago. Scott proved by his work on the JFK memos (those that were extant - who knows what was destroyed, And people have attested to that fact) that JFK was blocking their plans for VietNam


"The FBI’s Investigation of Trump as a “National Security Threat” is Itself a Serious Danger. But J. Edgar Hoover Pioneered the Tactic."



Strange; think of it, The culture of homosexuality that Hoover obviously created has continured until today. Amazing.

Neo-cons are also notoriously gay; with them, I think it's a cult started at Univ. of Chicago by Strauss, from Germany.

Wonder if they connect to the Titanic Strauss

"Noble lies and perpetual war: Leo Strauss, the neocons, and Iraq"

Glenn Greenald put the FBI investigation of Trump into the context of the notorious history of the the FBI - to persecute people. Leftists are more aware of this and recorded for history, since it was done to them.

Anonymous ID: 7addbc June 24, 2023, 2:14 p.m. No.19066261   🗄️.is đź”—kun


missed one.

also these,

to bring-up the possible resemblances between Leo Strauss and the Strauss who supposedly died on the Titanic.

LEVI has become a company with excessive Gay-themed ads (this has been for years) and we have "LEVI- Strauss" Just sayn' could give examples.