Anonymous ID: 4eb891 June 24, 2023, 3:23 p.m. No.19066664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6833

Q Team and PDJT:




It wasn't till people were kneeling to BLM and rioters that they considered what I said about 911; that it was the beginning of genocide against the Irish types: white conservative Christians.


It wasn't till Elon Musk till they considered what I said about Social Media being just about all AI Bots. PS - they are still being used as a weapon in human resources and job sites.


And it wasn't till Covid until they realized what I said about Medical Murderers being protected by NWO fraternal thug cops. This is the other arm of local chemical knitters, who once they get you sick, the other arm brings you to your demise, then their legal eagles butcher the goy and feed their communities.


That being said. You have serious choice to make right now. Just as when I warned you on 12/27/19 of imminent danger of all this chaos - pandemic/riots/censoring of DJT/election fraud/deadly vaccines - back then. They are going to do a more potent pandemic using more toxic chemicals as a last resort and to thwart any military interventions. They only go forward exercising their will, regardless whether they fear you or not, and will not relent because they know that will be their end.


I see indoor meetings going on in local neighborhoods, and have noticed that most of the area goes outside only on certain days, independent of the weather criteria. The days that I have gone for walks outside when no one else does, I have become serious ill and incapacitated with these contaminants. Remember, I also coined the phrase "Pattern matching not anti-X" and these are "observable patterns".


You have a choice to make again, either call the ball and get the Military on the streets or let the chemical knitters start a new more toxic pandemic and repeat and prolong this saga indefinitely. Their numbers have increased because they are unopposed and many see it as the only source of true income. At one time, "knitting" was a local Jewish/Mafia secret used sparingly, but now they have employed and welcomed the libtards.