Anonymous ID: dfb0ae June 24, 2023, 2:45 p.m. No.19066441   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>that's a blog

so is ANTIFA.COM since it goes to



You say SAVE THE BABIES, well I'm tellin ya that Indiana BSL 4 LAB will take the babies.


You can say what the fuck you want. But you don't appear to have COMPREHENSION.


You brought weak sauce with "VOX" a smith mundt (US State Dept) owned piece of shit as well.

Anonymous ID: dfb0ae June 24, 2023, 3:31 p.m. No.19066700   🗄️.is 🔗kun

En espanol


Biden's a fucking potato and Clinton's US State is good with rubberstamping 123's to whack Journalists where ever they may be in what ever country or jurisdiction the State Department and their NAZI pals don't care about international laws.


American Government is State Department controlled and is officially representing GLOBALIST NAZIS and not Americans.

Anonymous ID: dfb0ae June 24, 2023, 3:58 p.m. No.19066846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6873


The problem in California is the same as You're state.


The US Military and US State department and the Secretary of State have allowed

commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud onto the ballots, into offices, into the weapons secret vaults. and the result is giving weapon secrets to the enemy, spraying and genociding Americans stealing the wealth, terrorist acts like climate change ARSON FIRES, and spreading lies and about to have nuclear ww3.

Anonymous ID: dfb0ae June 24, 2023, 4:05 p.m. No.19066885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6949


This racist shit again?


MSNBC come to 8kun to spread UN playbook systemic racism instead of ENDING the black hand behind the Bio weapons and this Great Reset horse shit.

Anonymous ID: dfb0ae June 24, 2023, 4:11 p.m. No.19066933   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>They're STILL arresting people for this.

Globalist NAZIS it's what they do.

the part with the KuLAKZ V2.0 AI assisted genocide is actually already happening now, but SMith Mundt shit State Dept media won't show it..

Anonymous ID: dfb0ae June 24, 2023, 4:23 p.m. No.19067020   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7068


But see anon, you come here with this JEW shit smearing 8kun, If I seen you in a court with this JEW shit, bad people will go free because your're shit's all retarded and racist.


There's the ROOT of your shit flaw.

Anonymous ID: dfb0ae June 24, 2023, 4:25 p.m. No.19067038   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7054 >>7085


another UN playbook post to smear 8kun.

Every one of these anti JEW ONLY posts is part of the UN/Nato playbook.


Later books will be written: lokk how RACIST that 9kun is.

Later on smith mundt late night news propagnda: look at the racist posts on 9kun.


When Smith Mundt NEWS posted that anti-jew racist shit in the first place.