Anonymous ID: e440d2 June 24, 2023, 3:57 p.m. No.19066833   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q Team and PDJT:


Knitters is what they call themselves because they use chemicals that act like needles. PDJT wanted to know about childhood chronic illnesses and diseases and how to combat the growing crisis. The first form of knitting was to get children sick in order to get them into their children's hospitals. After these DS cronies infiltrated regular hospitals, it then grew into a weapon to bring people eventually into these institutions where their counterparts attacked them legally by pharmaceuticals.


PDJT, you cannot solve this growing crisis among children until you address these local knitters. I have lived 3 times next to people who vented their dryers next to the dividing property fences for a reason. This was the first form of venting in airways, it is much more sophisticated now, especially with modern tools and plumbing.


I need some type of response from the Mil or DJT to know that this is being addressed. They aren't just coming for your children, they have been, and are just blatant now.


Armor up!