Anonymous ID: fc88a7 June 24, 2023, 3:43 p.m. No.19066766   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We are again offering the awareness of multi-realities and simultaneous lives and activities. Each time it is offered in our messages it triggers and awakens your knowing. It touches aspects of your DNA to awaken and come on board.


We speak of each human as being a multidimensional star human and we are aware that this concept is a stretch for many to understand. Allow yourself to be flexible with these concepts and ideas.


Imagine if you will your current life and activities. Each activity holds a place within your mind and awareness. You have a very private inner world; this inner world is rich and textured, filled with mental dialogue, images and its own reality.


You have an outer world and this outer world is peopled with family, friends, business associates and strangers. There are things in your life that you loved to do and have a passion for and there are activities that you are less fond of doing however these activities must be done in order to maintain this reality and your life. You don’t really question any of this, it is just a matter of what you hold and think of as real.


When you review your third dimensional life you become aware of many diverse activities, connections, opportunities and goals, tasks and pleasures. You are also aware that you can shift from one activity or connection to another. You do this with ease and skill maneuvering and managing your life. This is how everyone is anchored to this hologame. The focus is here, with all the stimulated images, senses and busyness.


Life is filled with excitement, drama, boredom, pain and pleasure. The skill with which you manage and move through these events and this timeline creates a life on earth which is only one aspect of who you are. It is a focused aspect of who you are. Your main attention and awareness is here, with all the trials and rewards of embodiment.


Now for just a moment allow yourself to imagine that your very active and very rich life is only a very small part of the activity that is taking place within your multidimensional star self. There is more, so much more and you are invited to experience that more in the most amazing and astonishing experiences.


As a multidimensional star human you move through the fabric of time and space with ease and grace. It is a matter of shifting your awareness and your knowing. It is a matter of stretching what you think is your reality.


An infant is only aware of their crib and is only aware of their physical needs. That is the infants’ reality that is their focus. As the child begins to grow the awareness that they can move into other rooms in the house and interact in other ways beside just eating and sleeping develops. They are stretching their awareness. Soon they become aware of the larger world outside the comfort of their home and family. This experience continues to expand until, as an adult, they have a large expanded active life. This life you are focused on, even though it is rich and textured, active and busy is still much like the life of the infant in the crib.


There is an opportunity happening with the infusion of solar energy and the evolutional shift within the psyche and the soul of the human consciousness that individuals are beginning to realize that they are active in many realities and many timeframes. They are beginning to realize that these activities in other realities and other timeframes are happening simultaneously with the current focused life.


This is especially true of the state of unconsciousness while you are asleep. The physical body is seemingly in a state of autopilot. So perhaps you awaken tired, confused, anxious and uncertain as to why you are feeling a bit out of control. Realize that you are processing the effects of the intense energy being offered by the supernova and solar flares. This is the cosmic wake up call to humanity


Anonymous ID: fc88a7 June 24, 2023, 4:28 p.m. No.19067064   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If your head is spinning and you’re trying to figure out what is true and who can be trusted: a good rule of thumb is the following:


If the Western mainstream media calls someone a good person, then usually that person is horribly evil, and they usually do unspeakable things to children behind closed doors. Examples are Biden and Trudeau and Zelensky. These are the black hats, dark controllers, cabal, deep state, depopulationers, illuminati, however you want to call them. Their goal is ultimate power, a huge reduction in the human population in order to make humans easier to control, and a total enslavement of the few remaining humans.


If the media calls someone a good person, that person is probably a dark controller or at least working for the dark controllers.


Now if the Western mainstream media calls someone an evil person, then that person is probably a gray hat. Gray hats aren’t exactly noble or selfless. In fact at times they take actions that lead to other people dying or suffering. They don’t seek to empower the average man and woman nearly as much as they should. They’re also not sharing as much wealth and knowledge and technology with the human population as we’d like them to. However, at least they’re not trying to depopulate Earth and they don’t do unspeakable things to children behind closed doors. It’s really easy to point out the flaws of these gray hats, and indeed gray hats aren’t white, but gray hats aren’t black either.


Your average nationalistic leader, and this includes Trump and Putin, are examples of gray hats. There are also gray hats in every country in positions of lesser power, such as various people in the military and the police force and in secret services. Gray hats often aren’t nice, however they’re also not on board with human depopulation. Gray hats usually are working against the dark controllers in an effective way. And hence if the gray hats didn’t exist, the situation on Earth would be far worse. These gray hats are the reason why you’re currently not in another lockdown, or imprisoned in camps, or subject to a CO2 tax or a CBDC, or forbidden from travelling more than fifteen minutes from your home. If everyone was a black hat, then the US and Russia would already be in a hot war, right? Well, they’re not, which means that not everyone is a black hat.


A white hat would seek to empower the average person. A black hat seeks to kill or enslave the average person. A gray hat wants a situation where the average person has an okay life but where the gray hat himself still has significantly more power and wealth and information than the average person does. Trump and Putin are gray hats: for the most part their policies create a reasonably good quality of life for the people in their country, although they themselves would still have significantly more wealth and power and information than the average person, even after they retire from politics. If Trump and Putin were actual white hats, they’d donate most of their fortunes to charity and they would seek to release much more information to the public than they are currently doing. Gray hats in general see themselves as simply better than the average person and thus more deserving of wealth and information and power than the average person, and this is a position we disagree with.


We’re not a fan of Trump promoting the covid shot, but this wasn’t Trump trying to intentionally depopulate Earth. Trump simply got fooled into supporting the covid shot and was then too prideful and stubborn and too afraid of a backlash to publicly apologize and make a statement against the covid shot. It is a psychologically heavy burden to accept that you got tricked into supporting a depopulation shot, and harder still to publicly announce that. Still, it’s not great, hence us calling Trump a gray hat. On the other hand, he’s certainly better than the people who are actively trying to kill most of humanity, which includes most other presidents and political candidates. If Trump had never entered politics, it’s quite probable that Hillary would have become president in 2016 and a hot WW3 between Russia and the US would have started somewhere between 2016 and 2020.


So, where are all the Earth human white hats? They don’t exist as an organized group. There’s only a few isolated white hats. Yes, there is an organized group of people who work against the dark controllers in an effective and coordinated way, but those are the gray hats.


Then where are all the actually good people? Usually they don’t seek out power: why would a morally good person seek to get more power than this fellow man and woman?
