Anonymous ID: 235e37 June 24, 2023, 4:56 p.m. No.19067296   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7313 >>7458

LIVE: Trump speaks at Faith and Freedom Coalition:

Road to Majority Conference 6/24/23


30,377 -watching now

Anonymous ID: 235e37 June 24, 2023, 5:10 p.m. No.19067435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Stillwater County News

UPDATE- 5:29 PM (40-minutes ago)

17total cars were involved in this morning’s bridge collapse — 10 of which are in the Yellowstone River. Six contained asphalt, three contained molten sulfur and one car was transporting rock. Most of what spilled into the river is expected to solidify and stay where it is. Two cars that did not reach the river contained sodium hydrosulfate — neither of those 2 cars were breached or leaking. The balance of the 17 rail cars are on the tracks but on the east side of the bridge.


Air and water monitoring at the site and downstream from the site is ongoing.

DEQ is conducting water sampling at water intakes.

Anonymous ID: 235e37 June 24, 2023, 5:45 p.m. No.19067707   🗄️.is 🔗kun

June 24, 2023, 5:10 PM ET

Marjorie Taylor Greene questions whether the US is behind 'coup attempt' in Russia


Hours after a Fox News host tossed out an evidence-free conspiracy theory that perhaps the U.S., NATO, or both were behind the apparent coup unfolding in Russia, Marjorie Taylor Greene jumped on the bandwagon.


Greene, who lavished right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones with praise last month, introduced the notion that the United States was behind the rebellion in Russia without directly claiming it's true.


"After our government has been funding a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine for over a year, I sure hope our government isn’t behind a coup attempt currently happening in Russia," the congresswoman tweeted on Saturday, referencing the support the U.S. has given to Ukraine since it was invaded by Russian forces. "Regime change in a nuclear armed country may lead to terrible consequences the American people don’t want."


Her tweet echoes the sentiment of a Truth Social post by former president Donald Trump, who addressed the developments in Russia earlier in the day.


"A big mess in Russia, but be careful what you wish for," Trump wrote, adding that the next in to power in Russia "may be far worse!"



Anonymous ID: 235e37 June 24, 2023, 6:05 p.m. No.19067854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

June 24, 2023

Analysis: Donald Trump’s war on truth confronts another test with voters


WASHINGTON (AP) — The cherry tree folklore is too good to be true, but it’s no lie that George Washington had a thing for the truth. “I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is the best policy,” he wrote in his farewell address.


A few decades later, another future president’s reputation for veracity earned him a well known nickname: Honest Abe Lincoln.


Then there’s Donald Trump, who during his presidency faced questions about business dealings in Moscow. “I have nothing to do with Russia,” he said in 2016. He switched stories when the facts of his decades-long effort to build a luxury tower there emerged. “Everybody” had always known about the project, according to Trump, who suggested only a sucker would drop such a proposal just because they wanted to serve their country as president.


“Why should I lose lots of opportunities?” Trump said.


America has had prevaricators in the Oval Office before, but never one who has been at war with the truth as regularly, on so many different subjects. As a candidate and as president, Trump demonstrated a keen ability to use broadcast and social media to amplify his distortions, and found remarkable success in convincing large chunks of the American public.


As Trump seeks a second term while fighting federal and state charges, the nation faces the prospect of another campaign riddled with falsehoods and misinformation, and the possibility that he could be returned to the White House by an electorate that either believes his falsehoods, or doesn’t care. …