Anonymous ID: d752f5 June 24, 2023, 5 p.m. No.19067332   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19065118 pb

the part which baffles me about Brunson; why wouldn't the fact the SCOTUS themselves failed to review the election, and send it back to investigation, per pleads presented to them; Why aren't they liable, as well? If the Congress is liable for that, why aren't the SCOTUS? They did the same thing, didn't they?

Anonymous ID: d752f5 June 24, 2023, 5:25 p.m. No.19067555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7601


wow. Some insider who claimed to work for colonel Aquino the satanist (sketchy informant) claimed that the WW2 was never properly ended.

We do know we didn't win, since Adolf escaped to S. America (known by the Secret Police FB i the whole time; and our Country was infiltrated by NAZI i.e. NWO - who's aim was to destroy us.

So whether any treatie was signed and approved properly or not, IN FACT we lost it, and we are still in it. Never Ended.

"Evergreen Clause"

new to me, will have to look it up.