>blessed are the peace makers
Traitor to humanity! I AM the real peace maker!
Rabulistic fuckwit jew filth!
>blessed are the peace makers
Traitor to humanity! I AM the real peace maker!
Rabulistic fuckwit jew filth!
>you chose poorly
Said the filthy parasite with the hooknose!
8 Kunt is a bunch of Jews, Kikes, Traitors and Faggots! Truth hurt these fuckwits.
>the look of fear in your fucking face though!
I kill you filthy jewrat in less than a second!
Oh sry I don't want to hurt you filthy Jew pussy!
What does that tell you about the board operators? Hmm?
Hooknosed fuckwits, all of them!
I don't need a hooknosed psycho plumber!
>post Un/Nato's systemic racism on 8kun
Your record has a crack in it, you brain-dead Jewish rat.
Useless jid bastards!
Hide behind "GOD"? Typical hooknosed clown, I am a God and I hate you fuckwits!
I am not a would-be silverback like you clowns!
Nature is religion, fucking Idiot!
good one, that's a good question.
I am connected to the source, that's why the hook-nosed bastards are on my ass!
These fucks are cut off for eternity!
Boring, you don't know shit hooknose!
No one can say what he wants on an forum controlled by filthy hooknosed fuckwits!
>level up, bitch!
Said the braindead hooknosed fuckwit Jewboi! KMFAO! I killed the endboss, there is no level above! Fucking Clown kids! Little wanabe's!
>no one censors here
lying hooknosed fuckwit, typical for your kind!
>you are deleted after the fact to spare the archive of your bullshit
yeah sure, talk shit as always Kike!
>memes are not protected speech
KMAO! Clowns!
STFU hooknosed bastard!
KMFAO, I can't hardly wait! Try it hooknosed fuckwit!