>Mother of God
I want to trust in Zarathustra!
In Krishna…………
any problem?
In Manthis?
You fucking POS fbi, tell me. who the fuck it is the most advanced race in the universe??????????????
POS, scum. I live with them.
So take your satan and brain washing machine religion, and shove it in your ass, you are fucking w/ the big guys.
Take your God and satan and stay away from me.
I came from higher places………….
In here, we do not have any God.
but spirit and heart!
Your shit god, it is complicit to murder of kids, crimes against humanity, wars, plandemics, and you think that started 2k years ago?????????????? ahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhaha
how many worlds have been destroyed by now? have any idea???????????????
let's see………
if you'll find out that you are stoopid, will put you in a mental house?
how about that you are ugly, fat, and old???????????? no?
how about that you'll find out that you are a monkey manipulated dna?????????? still no?
how about that your god it is satan and you are in a prison, that I must destroy, but you are too stoopid to help me, and If I will not win, you be here for eternity???????????????
Please forgive me, I forgot to tell you to read the bible……….
A book so old, written by some smart people…………..that thought the cars are chariots of gods………and who the fuck knows, how many of them, was by the voice that tells abraham to kill the kid………… how funny it is that.
then a lot of garbage, that only know war, redacted, after their wish…………nice………………
and…………….at the final………. insert the pope with pride gay flag, and suck my dick………… and tell me that I am wrong.
So, what God it is doing, those days? During the pride month, must be busy.
So when He gave you the chart, to catalogue people idiot…..smart, priest, satanist?
Dear, I hope frog, not shill, Your religion it is evil, to the core.
Your God, it is good as life you live it now.
-f you'll be God, have the power and resources, you'll tell your kids to eat bugs, and let them suffer, and change their sex, like one guy, became sister, and so on………?
Then, again.
This not started yesterday.
If you do not ask yourself questions, or you are brian dead, or a shill.
you, right now, steal oil from Syria.
Tell them to fuck off too, and go home, criminal.
>dirty assed rhawandan
So………….. no arguments for stealing oil…………creating wars…………….lying nato about chemical gas, to destroy country………..put Assange in jail for telling people how criminals you are, and I am dirty?
My hands are cleaner than all your government, after washing 200 times per hour, and my heart it is pure. you fucking scum.
here, have a nice clip of your heros, that hold a gay parade at AFB.
You don't have any chance against me, and I'll clean this world of yous