NYC LGBTQ Activists: ‘We’re Coming
for Your Kids’
PJ Media, by Catherine Salgado
Posted By: ladydawgfan, 6/24/2023 9:09:30 PM
New York City LGBTQXYZLMNOP etc. etc. activists just came out of the closet… as pedophiles. At least, how else should we interpret a lot of LGBTQ activists marching about chanting, “We’re coming for your children”? Of course, this chant is similar to the sentiment expressed by our esteemed president and his ever-brilliant White House press secretary. “There is no such thing as someone else’s child,” Joe Biden asserted in April. “Our nation’s children are all our children.” Fact-check: false. And in May, White House Press Secretary and open lesbian Karine Jean-Pierre made the same creepy claim regarding parents’ objections to transgender surgeries for children: “These are our kids.