Anonymous ID: 383612 June 24, 2023, 9:13 p.m. No.19068858   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9295 >>9388 >>9521

BREAKING: Biden’s Shady Attorney General [Filthy Nation Destroying Jew, Merrick Garland] Claims Speaking Out Against The Jewish Owned and Controlled (((FBI))) Corruption Is An Attack On JEWISH Democracy [VIDEO]

Garland is right. Blowing the whistle on JEWISH CORRUPTION is an attack of JEWISH DEMOCRACY

Too bad for Garland, Jews, and their boomer minion assholes, we live in a REPUBLIC.

Jews and their boomer minions are having apoplectic fits, shitting themselves silly as the JEWISH NEW WORLD ORDER CRUMBLES before their very eyes.

Oy Veh!