Hillary defense is pretty powerful when you are dealing with subversive agents who went to ivy league schools to enact lawfare in the public.
They spend those college years snorting cocaine, fucking, and being recruited into a secret society whose initial oath is not to reveal each others secrets.
They then are profiled and promised things from degree to positions and activated when one of theirs needs legal cover.
>did not intend to
>do not recall
The Hillary defense being used by another subversive agent, Biden, this time saying he did not recall and was not aware of, their for his culpability is not there. Especially sense the prosecutor, judge, defense attorney, and client all took the same route in their grooming.
Now think how disgusting it is that the same judge, prosecutors, defense attorneys decide to persecute someone on the defense from any charge from legit to faux. Welcome to another major illusion of cabal control, lawfare