Anonymous ID: 98f696 June 24, 2023, 10:15 p.m. No.19069012   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9017 >>9019 >>9039 >>9051 >>9056 >>9113 >>9272 >>9295 >>9388 >>9408 >>9521


TY Ebaker.

Looks like you could not fit the entire notables from a previous bread into one post - if you want, write BO @ for Reporter status. Will enable you to post a lot more (all the notable buns in the same post).



Think there's a partial bun from LB, baker posted before ghosting.


Need baker or note collector for current bread too.


Admins covered a lot of the breads today, anons need to cover more. Glad for e-bakers but need bakers who will note a full bread. Anyone who wishes to bake or take notes can get info from BAKING thread, plus unlimiited help/walk thru's by asking at META or emailing BO. BV would do baking class if there's interest.

It is not the easiest time now - Q is not here (at least visibly) and patriots are under attack at every turn. But think what it would be like without this board, this thread. Please consider learning to bake or notable, it's all hands on deck time.

Anonymous ID: 98f696 June 24, 2023, 10:41 p.m. No.19069067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9082 >>9104 >>9106 >>9113 >>9127 >>9258


>Anons' time contributed for naught?

It's never for naught to contribute to the cause of freedom for ourselves and our families. But it can be hard. When Q came to the chans, was a very different situation.

There's always a point in a tough project when it feels like it's just not worth it. When everyone is tired and resources seem to be spent. True for every war, for every tough battle. Why it's important to get rest, good food, time to laugh, so no burnout.


This is a spiritual war, also a NARRATIVE war. The only substantive weapon the opposition possesses is the ABILITY TO USE THEIR WORDS TO CONVINCE US THEY HAVE ALL THE POWER.

But they really have NOTHING - because there's no connection to God. GOD is the only real source of power, both God out there and the God within. GOD WINS, ALWAYS. And we will, too.


Anonymous ID: 98f696 June 24, 2023, 10:59 p.m. No.19069116   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>How do (we) know we're winning? If EveryThing is word-games

Discernment. Sorting out the wheat from the chaff. It's not just mental, it's energetic. Finding something inside to sustain us when ordinary means do not.

Anonymous ID: 98f696 June 24, 2023, 11:39 p.m. No.19069204   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>But I think all of this Transgender nonsense is also part of Warp Speed.

Makes sense. It's awful to see what the TQ is really about. But better than these evil bastards are forced to play their hand too soon - so there's a shock - than getting slowly boiled between now and 2050.