TY Ebaker.
Looks like you could not fit the entire notables from a previous bread into one post - if you want, write BO @ F4AL@protonmail.com for Reporter status. Will enable you to post a lot more (all the notable buns in the same post).
Think there's a partial bun from LB, baker posted before ghosting.
Need baker or note collector for current bread too.
Admins covered a lot of the breads today, anons need to cover more. Glad for e-bakers but need bakers who will note a full bread. Anyone who wishes to bake or take notes can get info from BAKING thread, plus unlimiited help/walk thru's by asking at META or emailing BO. BV would do baking class if there's interest.
It is not the easiest time now - Q is not here (at least visibly) and patriots are under attack at every turn. But think what it would be like without this board, this thread. Please consider learning to bake or notable, it's all hands on deck time.