>that twitter tweet.
It already did its job by never being sent. I bet the near-misses of posted expectation by the masses caused a mulitude of sleepless nights in all the right places.
>that twitter tweet.
It already did its job by never being sent. I bet the near-misses of posted expectation by the masses caused a mulitude of sleepless nights in all the right places.
Just an observation, so no sauce:
Military air traffic the last two weeks was very active in Seattle and Sacramento areas, with USCG helicopters visible in the San Francisco Bay and Puget sound, electronic surveilance planes working the length of I-5, suggests a possible clean up operation to me, based on several years of watching ADSB
-or maybe it's just one of those perfectly normal drills and it's just that I never saw one beforeโฆ
Well, that flight landed in Delaware as EXEC1F, and took off from there as a SAM (Special AIr Mission) flight. According to available sources, the EXEC1F callsign is used when POTUS flies non-state, non-military aircraft, so the aircraft somehow took off and landed as civil aircraft under EXEC1F, and then to took off in military SAM status.
I have no explanation for this.
I wont argue COG with you -I watched in happen, and have many questions regarding the entire thing.
Got a source you can cite for that bit of wisdom?
Brittanica says:
What is considered civil aircraft?
Airplane - Private, Business, and Commercial
Civil aircraft. All nonmilitary planes are civil aircraft. These include private and business planes and commercial airliners. Private aircraft are personal planes used for pleasure flying, often single-engine monoplanes with nonretractable landing gear.
The status of the aircraft should not be interchangeble -the designation is not about who is the passenger. There were USAF Officers flying that US Government-owned aircraft. That is a military flight. End of story.
Except it wasn't -so how does this happen?
>Except it wasn't -so how does this happen?
This shit is some kind of a big clue about something. The only way that plane could be a civil flight is if the (legitimate) US Government doesn't own it, and USAF Officers were not flying it under EXEC1F. So maybe that is the case
โฆand maybe it became a SAM flight when USAF Officers took command of it to leave Delaware for Andrews.
If someone can source other information about the EXEC1F callsign applying to US Military aircraft, I'm all eyes.
>first lady flies.
Doesn't have shit to do with it. I cited sources in my original post that EXEC1F is used when POTUS flies civil aircraft. I cited sources for what a civil aircraft is.
Maybe you could cite a source instead of trying to blow smoke up my assโฆ
>(legitimate) US Government doesn't own it,
I believe there is very strong liklihood that we have been an occupied people in an occupied Nation, so in that scenario, the ownership of that aircraft would be under the (covert) occupying force, and it was flown by their people, and thus a civil aircraft with POTUS (yes, Biden) on it, could fly under callsign EXEC1F.
If the occupation were no longer beligerent, and in the course of being peacefully resolved, POTUS could have been flown on their aircraft, by their pilots, under EXEC1F
-and when USAF pilots flew the plane from Delaware to Andrews, it took off as a US Military flight because it was under US Military control.
This would also answer the FLOTUS question.
Well thank you for that! I do need better sources, apparently.
>I do need better sources, apparently.
With that, I think I'll get some sleep. It's been a long few years.