Anonymous ID: d8f84b June 24, 2023, 9:12 p.m. No.19068855   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8859 >>8866 >>8885 >>8905 >>9257 >>9295 >>9388 >>9521

Institute for Strategic Dialogue


Noticed that the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) is in Notables and now defunded by Congress. Here's the information that Anon found in a couple of old digs into Strong Cities and ISD. Soros, Gates, Microsoft, Newsome, Guilfoyle, Strong Cities Network, Sasha Havlicek, Loretta Lynch and others turn up in this folder. Anon's brain is overloaded with information. Have been taking a break to give brain a chance to make sense of what is important and what is not. The break doesn't seem to have helped much. Don't know if this stuff goes together or if something found its way into the wrong folder. Just going to dump all of this here and hope Anons can help.


Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) - Digital Dispatches

As Archived 4/22/2021 -


ISD - Fellows -


The Burkean - "Institute For Strategic Dialogue: Who is The New Anti-Populist NGO on the Block in Ireland?"

"ISD is a major if not the major player in the world of tech censorship and policymaking, with its website boasting of partnerships with the veritable who’s who of the tech world, fromGoogleto everyone’s favourite meddling plutocratGeorge Soros."


Microsoft- "Microsoft partners with Institute for Strategic Dialogue and NGOs to discourage online radicalization to violence"


MSN.COM - "HowBill Gatesbecame a favorite target of far-right conspiracy theorists"


Family Court Matters - "Let's Get Honest! Absolutely Uncommon Analysis of Family & Conciliation Courts' Operations, Practices, & History"


See alsoStrong Cities Network


Institute for Strategic Dialogue -


ISD Team -


ISD Board -


ISD Fellows -


ISD Mission -


UN Archives -


"Look to cities, not nation-states, to solve our biggest challenges" - 23 January, 2020 - Guest Article, Robert Muggah, Principal, SecDev Group


Previous Digs onLynchDOJ Statement on Strong Cities


Lynch DOJ Statement - Strong Cities Network

Anonymous ID: d8f84b June 24, 2023, 9:27 p.m. No.19068900   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well, you're asking the right questions. Anon's mind is fogged with all of the entangled connections. Strong Cities is connected to Institute for Strategic Dialogue and Microsoft and Bill Gates and Anons want to kill the messenger?