Anonymous ID: 054ef6 June 25, 2023, 9:53 a.m. No.19071088   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1108


Park revenue began to fall post millennium. Families that would formerly visit parks again and again were making one visit and not returning.

Market research attributed this to "social conditions" ie gangs, 'real world' poverty, drugs, pedos, pickpockets etc made old megaparks inhospitable to families.


Knowing their big parks were not going to survive, Disney formed a new strategy. They would buy/lease the giant retail spaces of bankrupted stores to build satellite parks.

These were to be heavily dependent on VR effects, clever use of space and optical illusions - like Hong Kong Disney park.


So far no mini park announcements from the Disney pedo cult beast. Maybe the satellite park strategy is scrapped, or maybe they've ceded dominance in that space to META