Anonymous ID: ad9c8a June 25, 2023, 7:54 a.m. No.19070567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0572 >>0573 >>0576 >>0604 >>0783 >>0913 >>1075 >>1159 >>1193

The Comments are the most interesting, no agreement that Putin is weak.Wagner is now 100 miles from Kiev—that’s interesting:

Mario Nawfal



RUSSIA COUP: What Happened | Who WON | What’s Next

The past day has been wild and confusing. We covered the events from start to end LIVE in our 24-hour Twitter Space.


Here's everything that has happened since the 'coup' failed:


  • We know that at least15 Russian soldiers were killed during this incident, with the bulk of them being from helicopters shot down by Wagner forces.

  • All criminal charges against Prigozhin, the Wagner chief, have been dropped.

  • During negotiations between the President of Belarus, Lukashenko, and Prigozhin,changes in the leadership of Russia's Ministry of Defense were NOT discussed.

  • All Wagner fighters will return to their bases and sign contracts with the Russian military.

  • Prigozhin will be 'transferred' to Belarus as part of the deal struck between Prigozhin, Lukashenko, and Putin.

-No one seems to know the current whereabouts of Prigozhin

  • Zelensky's office reported that they were disappointed with Prigozhin's decision to withdraw forces.



  1. Wagner fighters will sign with the Russian military.

  2. Prigozhin will not be charged with any crimes but will be ‘transferred’ to Belarus.



Putin is weaker than ever and Prigozhin’s life will forever be in danger. The winner: Ukraine and the West.

I would not be surprised if a peace deal is reached THIS YEAR between Russia and Ukraine. Russia cannot afford to continue this war.



Anonymous ID: ad9c8a June 25, 2023, 8:18 a.m. No.19070657   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PN >>19069925, >>19070173 (You), >>19070219 (You), >>19070347 Coup Bun

I wasn’t gonna post this article until I read pussy riotsThey are using women terrorists to get comcessions. HRC idea?


25 Jun, 2023 13:00

Army releases militants after standoff with female-led mob

The military said the decision to stand down shows the “humane face” of the Indian Army


India’s army released 12 militants from custody on Sunday who had been linked to several attacks in the country. It followed a standoff with a female-led mob of more than 1,200 people on Saturday in the northeastern state of Manipur.


In a statement, Delhi’s armed forces said the decision to release the members of the Meitei militant group Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup (KYKL) was made to ensure a peaceful conclusion to the standoff, which lasted for much of Saturday.


“Keeping in view the sensitivity of the use of kinetic force against alarge irate mob led by women and likely casualtiesdue to such action, a considered decision was taken to hand over all 12 cadres to the local leader,”the Indian Army said in a statement.


It added that the commander overseeing the operation had taken the “mature decision” to quell the disturbance, and that the move showed the “humane face of the Indian Army.”


The unrest swiftly followed the apprehension of the KYKL members; a militant separatist outfit fighting to pursue an independent homeland for the Metei community. The group, which is banned in India, is linked to several attacks in the country, the army says. This includes the ambush of a military convoy in the Chandel district of Manipur in June 2015 which resulted in the deaths of 18 members of the Indian Army. A further 15 were injured in the assault.


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who has been criticized for perceived inaction throughout the crisis in Manipur, has been monitoring the situation and “guiding us with full sensitivity,” Home Affairs Minister Amit Shah said on Saturday, according to the PTI news agency.


Thefemale-led mob, which consisted of between 1,200 to 1,500 people, “surrounded the target area and prevented Security Forces from going ahead with the operation,” the army said.


“Repeated appeals to the aggressive mob to let the security forces carry on with the operation as per law did not yield any positive result,” the statement added.


More than 100 people have been killed in recent clashes between Meitei and Kuki communities in Manipur after violence broke out in early May after a ‘Tribal Solidarity March’ was arranged to protest the Meitei community’s pursuit of Scheduled Tribe (ST) status.


Scheduled Tribes in India are afforded various rights, including increased political representation, easier access to seats in schools and government jobs. Meiteis represent around 53% of Manipur’s population, while the Naga and Kuki tribes account for about 40%.


Tensions in the region had been inflamed by the eviction of Kukis from land in Manipur forestlands, leading to several local flashpoints. Objections by the Kuki tribe to Meiteis’ pursuit of Scheduled Tribe status led to ethnic violence.


On Sunday, Indian broadcaster NDTV reported that more than25 Kuki insurgent groups have signed a ‘suspension of operations’ agreement which is to see them confined to campsdesignated by the government. Their arsenals of weaponry are to be kept in a locked storage, where they will be “regularly monitored,” the report added.

Anonymous ID: ad9c8a June 25, 2023, 8:57 a.m. No.19070828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0836 >>0854 >>0938 >>1075 >>1159 >>1193

PN>>19069443, >>19069495 Anon Analysis There was no "coup attempt" on Putin


Couple of thoughts:

  1. If there was a coup would Putin generals to meet with Porshin then video and release it? Doubtful. Note: there were very few videos of anything but people and troops on the streets of Nos (whatever the name if city). Todd wood reported there were weddings going on in the city and no one was locked down. Like it was a normal day.

  2. Why was every Russia news aware of every step that was happening, moment by moment and reporting it immediately without much media out there? I would imagine secretive Russia wouldn’t have advertised every moment (pretty much at the time it was happening)!

  3. Did anyone see the helicopters shot from the skies by Wagner? Or did anyone report or see the dead 15 soldiers.

  4. The few videos I saw with Wagner traveling to Moscow at 60 mph, had absolutely no traffic on the highway, and seemingly two staged trucks hanging over the side of the highway.

  5. Many reported that the meeting with P and generals seemed really calm. Body language compared Porszhin and Putin and Putin was the hero and leaders.

  6. Poso said many viewed the supposed proof of Wagner group being missilled, there were no dead bodies, just a camp that looked ransacked.

  7. If Wagner killed 15 russian soldiers would they really get off with no charges to continue the war.

  8. As anon said Wagner situated in Belarus now, 100 miles from Kiev.

  9. From the moment it started I thought it was a hoax. But all the twitter people, some Russians repeated this is a very serious matter.

  10. Why would Putin or generals allow Wagner group to drive to Moscow and get within a hundred miles? Why didn’t they stop them at the city they were at. Putin and the leaders would never allow war in Moscow for various reasons, most especially its a historic city and has 100s of 1000s of citizens, with a lot of Russian agencies. Would Trump allow an insurrection group announcing and insurrection, videoed all the way there, even get close to DC. Would the military allow it?

  11. It was reported a lot of Russian soldiers defected to Wagner, first if I was Russian, I wouldn’t betray Russia or Putin, because if they think they have forgiveness now, there days are numbered. And it will standard Russia suicides falling down stairs, off roof tops or out of windows in a foreign country.


Leave it up to US and world media cheering with joy and the NYTs saying US intelligence knew it was happening on Wed but they didn’t want to help Russia. That sounds stupid because if it was real it could have escalated to nuclear war. There were reports that nuclear weapons could be seized by Wagner group.


Based on this and much more, it was a FF to trap for maybe traitors in Russia and get Ukraine to attack and get defeated again, or maybe test the allies of Russia. The only ally of Russia that didn’t say a word of support was China!

Anonymous ID: ad9c8a June 25, 2023, 9:06 a.m. No.19070854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0866 >>0881 >>1075 >>1159 >>1161 >>1193


PS L. Todd Wood on Bannon yesterday, was ex CIA. Is anyone really ex CIA?


He was a 100% different view then Posobiec. Tood’s report was basically Putin is a gonner and the majority of the gov and military were against Putin. And they would allow this to happen. Plus he said he didn’t believe the CIA knew this was going to happen until it did. Since the CIA live there and day and night their goal is regime change, he’s saying the company was not on top of this. Does that seem realistic?


His whole conversation was a bit weird but with all the other data, I think Todd was sent there.

Anonymous ID: ad9c8a June 25, 2023, 9:23 a.m. No.19070930   🗄️.is 🔗kun

25 Jun, 2023 15:54

Russian military repels more than 20 Ukrainian attacks in single day – MoD

The Ukrainian military lost over 800 soldiers in its most recent offensive efforts, Moscow says


Kiev’s forces haverepeatedly attacked Russian positions across the frontline in the past 24 hours, sustaining heavy casualties in process, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday. The Ukrainian forceslost more than 800 soldiers during that period, as well as multiple pieces of military hardware, it added.


The Donbass city of Artyomovsk (known in Ukraine as Bakhmut) and its immediate vicinity have seen the most intense fighting,with ten attacks repelled in the area. The Ukrainianforces lost up to 430 troops there, as well as 11 infantry fighting vehicles, multiple cars, and an artillery piece, the Defense Ministry said in its daily briefing.


The Russian military also said it haddestroyed a major ammunition stockpilenear the contested town of Avdeyevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), whichsaw a further four attacks repelled.


Another four major attacks wererepelled in the north of Donbass, with intense fighting observed around multiple settlements in the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR). On that axis, the Ukrainian militarylost up to 130 fighters, three armored vehicles, a self-propelled and two towed howitzers, as well as other hardware.


In the south, the main theater of the long-heralded Ukrainian counteroffensive effort since it began in early June, medium-intensity fighting continued along the frontline,with another three attacks fought off. TheRussian militarysaid it hitmultiple targetsnear the city of Orekhov, the primary logistics hub of the Ukrainian military in Zaporozhye Region. TheUkrainian troops lost more than 170 soldiersin the area, with at leastfive howitzers, a tank and several armored carsdestroyed.


TheRussianmilitary alsocontinued to conduct long-range strikesagainst Ukraine’s military installations. Near the Ukrainian-controlled city of Kherson, for instance, the attacks resulted inelimination of more than 50 Ukrainianservicemen, as well as in the destruction of aUS-supplied M777 howitzerand other equipment, the Defense Ministry stated.


The apparent uptick in fighting on the frontlines and ramped up attacks by the Ukrainian military came amid domestic turmoil in Russia, caused by the short-lived insurrection by the Wagner Group PMC on Friday. The group seized control of a military HQ in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don and even advanced towards Moscow, but ultimately backed down following talks facilitated by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.


(Boy that Coup attempt really hurt Russia24 hours ago was about when the deal was made with Wagner, so who fought all these battles? Did Russia do the FF to get Ukraine to accelerate?)

Anonymous ID: ad9c8a June 25, 2023, 9:36 a.m. No.19071009   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1053

25 Jun, 2023 15:10

Foreign powers involved in coup attempt in Russia – Serbian president

Aleksandar Vucic thinks that PMС Wagner insurrection was stopped thanks to a strong reaction from President Vladimir Putin


Foreign intelligence serviceslikely played a role in the failed Wagner PMC coup attempt on Saturday, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has claimed. In his address to the nation, Russian President Vladimir Putin described the mutineers as traitors whose actions could play into the hands of Moscow’s adversaries.


In an interview with Serbia’s Pink TV channel on Sunday, Vucic stressed thatBelgrade does not support coupsin other countries as a matter of principle.


We didn’t support it in Turkey or Russia, we wouldn’t support it in America, either,” the official explained, adding thatgovernments should only be “changed in elections by the will of the citizens.” (Damn he’s referencing Trump and 2020 election!)


The Serbian head of state went on to say:“I don't want to say who was involvedfrom the outside, but have no doubts.”


Vucic cited “foreign services,” without, however, going into further detail or providing any proof.


He said the masterminds behind the failed coup attempt had devised asly tacticwhich includedattacking the Russian president without sayingdirectly that the effortwas actually directed at him.


The official also claimed that some of the grievances voiced by the mutineers, especially those involving allegations of corruption, were legitimate. However, whatever these may be, they are still not a “reason to stab your country in the back,” he emphasized.


The Serbian president added thatsome forces, which he stopped short of specifying, had “had high expectations” of theWagner PMC insurrection. (I still think Wagner told Putin what was offered, and it was a FF)


Vucic praised Putin’s handling of the crisis, saying that it was ended thanks to his “sharp and strong reaction.”


Addressing the nation on Saturday, Putin characterized the armed mutiny as a “betrayal” and a “knife in the back” of Russia and its people. At a time when the country is “waging a tough struggle for its future,” he said, “any strife” might be used by enemies “to subvert us from within.”


Meanwhile, Politico reported on Saturday thatAmerican officialsviewed the events in Russia asopening a window of opportunity for the Ukrainian counteroffensive. (No wonder there were 20 attacks by Kiev in the last 24 hours)


The New York Times reported that same day, citing anonymous sources, that US intelligence agencies strongly suspected that Evgeny Prigozhin was planning a major move against the Russian government.


US President Joe Biden and his administration were allegedly briefed on this as early as Wednesday.

Anonymous ID: ad9c8a June 25, 2023, 9:53 a.m. No.19071087   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Absolutely, I read a number of articles in insinuation head of Wagner was a traitor and Zelensky interviewed by WAPO asking questions about his IC working with head of Wagner zelensky was outraged WAPO had the info on possible corruption of Wagner by his IC. You are right, was it exactly the same amount of $6.2 billion. I couldn’t believe Putin trusted the head of Wagner after that, it seemed so suspect. But remember Prigoshyn complaining publicly and in the media about Russia Military not giving the group the arms they needed, like the most unexpected thing ever to happen and s couple of days later Russia published they sent them more arms. That was probably to convince the world that Wagner had a falling out with Russia. Even Poso mentioned it yesterday his insubordination publicly was not cool and should never happen. That was part of the drama and set up, I’m sure.


Wow, this movie is getting better daily.