Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 11:18 a.m. No.19071580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1761

"Blatant Political Corruption": The Rot In America's Democracy Explained In Under 1000 Words


The more we learn about the 2020 election, the more undeniable it becomes that Biden owes his “victory” to blatant political corruption. To wit:


1) An IRS probe into the Bidens money laundering payments from hostile nations — the normal outcome of which would have ended his candidacy — was instead given a stand-down order


2) The FBI & IRS wanted to search Biden’s house in September 2020 but were given a stand down order.


3) The @FBI authenticated Hunter’s laptop a year before the NYPost first reported on its contents


4) Rather than use the laptop’s voluminous documentation of myriad felonies to initiate criminal investigations, the FBI hatched a plot to warn social media companies of an imminent “hack & leak” operation of what they heavily suggested was Russian disinformation


5) The FBI used its 2016 Russia collusion probe — which the Durham probe has since proven was essentially an extension of the Clinton campaign — to rationalize its meddling in the 2020 election.


6) The FBI also conducted an influence operation with various reporters at major newspapers to convince them that forthcoming damaging reporting about Biden that they knew was true was in fact not


7) The FBI was spying on Giuliani when he shared the laptop’s contents with the NYPost


8) When the FBI told Twitter & Facebook a Russian disinformation campaign was coming, they had already concluded Russia wasn’t trying to game the election


9) In their attempt to corroborate their own rumor of Russian electoral influence, the FBI became aggressive with its demands for user data from Twitter, eventually getting shutdown for seeking users’ private info without a warrant


10) Nonetheless, in the preceding years, the FBI established a beachhead inside Twitter, with an operations center of former agents who communicated via their own dedicated slack channel. These ex-agents included Jim Baker, the FBI’s former top counsel who played a central role in the FBI’s Trump/Russia scam, as well as Comey’s former chief of staff, Dawn Burton, who started the FBI’s Russia collusion probe.


11) The CIA, in collusion with the Biden campaign, seeded disinformation claiming the laptop was itself Russian disinformation. The major media used this as a pretext to avoid reporting on its contents and instead attack those who were.


12) The FBI also arranged a meeting with Sens. Grassley & Johnson about supposed Russian disinformation & Hunter Biden.


13) The FBI then used this briefing with the senators to justify quashing their own agents’ probe into the Bidens’ corruption.


14) When the story broke mere weeks before the election — one that polling later indicated would have altered enough Democrat votes to send Trump to a second term — Twitter & Facebook orchestrated an unprecedented & anti-democratic mass censorship campaign.


15) When Twitter initially resisted censoring the story, it was Jim Baker who convinced them to do so (despite the FBI having known for a year the informartion was true).


16) In December 2020, after the operation’s success and Biden’s “victory,” the FBI agents working at & with Twitter celebrated the outcome.

Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 11:24 a.m. No.19071634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1761 >>1899 >>1937

Ukraine accuses Israel of siding with Russia


Israeli officials have shown “blatant disregard of moral boundaries,” Kiev’s embassy in Tel Aviv claims


Ukraine’s Embassy in Tel Aviv has lashed out at Israel, accusing the country of providing insufficient support to Kiev amid the conflict with Moscow, and bolstering ties with Russia instead.


In a statement posted on Facebook on Sunday, the Ukrainian mission noted “with regret that the current Israeli government has chosen the path of close cooperation with Russia.”


There has been “complete inaction in providing Ukraine with defensive assistance over the past one-and-a-half years” on the part of the Jewish state, the statement read.


The embassy accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of making “entirely fictional and speculative assumptions” in order to justify inaction by his government.


In an interview last week, Netanyahu argued that Israel cannot provide arms to Kiev because of Russia’s involvement in Syria, amid concerns that those weapons could eventually end up in the hands of Iran.


Ukrainian diplomats have also slammed an agreement to establish a branch office of the Russian consulate in West Jerusalem, reached earlier this month, as well as other recent high-level contacts between Israel and Russia.


Israeli officials demonstrated a “blatant disregard of moral boundaries” by attending a diplomatic reception hosted by the Russian Embassy last week, the statement argued.


While most “democratic” countries have sanctioned Russia over its military operation in Ukraine, Israel has not only refrained from joining the restrictions, but – on the contrary – increased trade with Moscow, the Ukrainian embassy said.


“In reality, on the ground, the so-called ‘neutrality’ of Israeli government should be viewed as a clear pro-Russian position,” it stressed.


Israeli newspaper Haaretz described the statement as the harshest criticism of Israel by Ukraine since the start of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev in February 2022.


Ukrainian envoy Evgeny Korniychuk has repeatedly complained of insufficient support from Israel. Last year, he told the journalists: “you can’t imagine how difficult it is for me to be ambassador to Israel if my president [Vladimir Zelensky] is a Jew – because he has much higher expectations of Israel than Israel can deliver.”


In late 2022, Israel’s newly appointed foreign minister Eli Cohen pledged that the country will continue to send “significant humanitarian aid” to Ukraine, but will “talk less” about the hostilities between Moscow and Kiev.

Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 11:26 a.m. No.19071655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1761 >>1818 >>1899 >>1937

Joe Biden Used Secret Global Cell Phone While He Was Vice President – Paid For By Hunter’s Firm!


Peter Schweizer on Sunday dropped a bombshell during an appearance on Fox News with host Maria Bartiromo.


Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires,” said Joe Biden was using a secret cell phone and it was paid for by Hunter Biden’s firm.


“What is the line of communications between Hunter Biden and his business partners and Joe Biden when he’s Vice President of the United States?” Schweizer said. “It’s not the government phone. It’s not Joe Biden’s personal phone. We know from the laptop that Hunter Biden’s business paid for a private phone line that Joe Biden used while he was Vice President.


Schweizer continued, “It was from AT&T. It was $300 a month. It was a global phone where you could access somebody anywhere around the world.”


Peter Schweizer said he shared the “phone number and account information with the people over at the House Oversight Committee.”


“My hope is that the House Oversight Committee will subpoena those records,” Peter Schweizer said.

Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 11:30 a.m. No.19071676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1761 >>1789 >>1899 >>1937

Rep. Comer to Newsmax: More Hunter Wires to Be Released- Biden Family “Has Received Millions From Our Adversaries and They Can’t Explain What They Did to Produce That Money”


Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, spoke with “Eric Bolling The Balance to share that more damning information on Hunter Biden will be released and will include wires from additional countries.


Comer told Bolling that Attorney General Merrick Garland has destroyed the Department of Justice’s reputation. Rep Comer’s comments come at 8:10 in the interview.


“He just stood up and lied to the American people,” Comer said. “Merrick Garland has destroyed the reputation of the Justice cabinet. He has destroyed the reputation of justice in America. He needs to go.”


“There’s no way he could defend the indefensible by saying that he has treated Democrats in the same manner that he has treated Republicans, specifically, the way he treated the president of the United States’ son.”

“What you saw with the IRS whistleblower this week, every company that they mentioned in their deposition was a company that we had already brought out as a shell company by the Bidens.”

“The IRS knew about this, they knew about it because the Federal Government had records of it in the Treasury Cabinet, of their money laundering and tax evasion, yet they do absolutely nothing to Hunter Biden for any of that.”

“They give him a slap on the wrist for the failure to pay millions of dollars in taxes that happened six years ago.”

Comer went on to share that, despite all the obstacles his committee has faced from the DOJ, the committee will continue their work.

“Let me assure the American people…we have bank records that came in this week that we’re going through that we think are going to show more wires from more countries. Remember, we just disclosed two countries thus far, we’ve disclosed China and Romania. There are still some more Chinese wires that we have yet to present to the American people.”

“And there are a lot of wires, mysterious wires from Ukraine and Russia, that we’re about to expose. So, this is just beginning for the Bidens. All the Department of Justice is doing is standing in our way.”

“We are still producing results, every day, that shows this family, the President of the United States’ family, has received millions and millions of dollars from our adversaries all over the world…and they can’t explain why…they can’t explain what they did to produce that money.”

Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 11:33 a.m. No.19071688   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Whistleblower Lawyer: US Attorney David Weiss Said He Is Not the Deciding Official on Whether Charges are Filed Against Hunter Biden


Mark Lyte, an attorney for IRS whistleblower Gary Shapely appeared on Fox News to discuss the DOJ’s sweetheart deal extended to Hunter Biden.


Lyte told Fox News host Martha MacCallum that US Attorney David Weiss, the Trump-appointed Delaware prosecutor assigned to Hunter Biden’s case, said he had no power to bring charges against Hunter Biden.


Whistleblower Gary Shapely said David Weiss disclosed this to him on one of his in-person meetings with the US Attorney.


US Attorney General Merrick Garland however has insisted David Weiss had full authority to bring charges against Hunter Biden.


Garland said under oath that Weiss had full authority to charge Hunter Biden.


“Weiss said he tried to go to the DC US Attorney’s office and they wouldn’t approve it. And he was trying to go charge it elsewhere in California – and he was trying to seek special counsel authority and that got denied and so this was a shocker to the agents who were present,” Mark Lyte told Fox News.


Biden’s corrupt Justice Department ended up charging Hunter Biden with two misdemeanors for tax-related crimes.


The gun charge was treated as a diversion case which means Hunters doesn’t even have to plead guilty to the charge.

Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 11:35 a.m. No.19071696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1716 >>1761 >>1899 >>1937

Whistleblower Laywer: DOJ Blocked Agent From Obtaining GPS Locations to Check if Hunter and Joe Biden Were in Same Room After WhatsApp Message to Chinese Business Associate


“So the agent said, well, let’s get the GPS location of the two of the father and the son, and let’s see if they’re actually in the same room at that time,” Mark Lyte said.


“And the prosecutor said, we’re not doing that,” he said. “So closed another door on the investigation to make what is relevant to this case.”


He continued, “And this happened over and over and over again.”


“And that’s why Gary Shapley wanted to come forward and make sure everyone could see and this could see the light of day,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 11:38 a.m. No.19071706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1761 >>1899 >>1937

NATO Has No Consensus on New Secretary General Name – Biden Vetoes British Defense Minister Wallace and Danish PM Frederiksen – Stoltenberg Expected To Serve Another Term


NATO leadership appears to be in disarray, as the powerful western nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization seem unable to agree on a suitable name for the job of Secretary General.


Nato secretaries-general are appointed by consensus of the organization’s 31 members: there’s no election, all is dealt with in private negotiations, until a candidate emerges that can generate widespread support.


As consensus seem impossible to reach at this moment, during the Nato summit in Lithuania in July, current Secretary General, former Norwegian PM Jens Stoltenberg, is expected to be asked to remain in post for another year.


Dr. Peter McCullough: Understand Spike Shedding Before It’s Too Late


The Guardian reported:


“The French president, Emmanuel Macron, along with leaders of other EU member states, reportedly remains reluctant to accept another non-EU candidate as secretary general, a stance that in effect rules out the British defense secretary, Ben Wallace, whose name has been mooted.


Stoltenberg, 64, could stay on in the role if consensus about an EU candidate, preferably a woman, is not reached before the summit. The US also has doubts about Wallace, with some in the military resenting the way he has forced the pace over Ukraine.”


Prime minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen insists she is not seeking NATO’s top job, despite being seen as the top contender, and having had meetings with both Biden and CIA Director William Burns.


“Stoltenberg appeared to keep his options open when he said earlier in the week: ‘I am responsible for all decisions that this alliance has to take, except for one. And that is about my future. That is for the 31 allies to decide’.”


Meanwhile, UK Government sources fear the US snub of Ben Wallace could damage the special relationship between the countries.


The Telegraph reported:


“Joe Biden has done Britain a ‘bad turn’ by blocking Ben Wallace’s run for Nato chief, government sources have said.

Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 11:39 a.m. No.19071712   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1761 >>1899 >>1937

Clinton-Appointed Judge Rules Taxpayers Must Fund Florida Sex Changes Through Medicaid — Including for Minors


US District Judge Robert Hinkle, appointed by Bill Clinton, has ruled that taxpayers must fund sex changes in Florida through Medicaid — including for minors.

The same judge partially blocked enforcement of the state’s ban on sex changes for minors earlier this month.


Judge Hinkle’s 54-page ruling was littered with his liberal political beliefs.


In a section titled, “Gender identity is real,” Hinkle wrote, “The elephant in the room should be noted at the outset. Gender identity is real. The record makes this clear.”


“Any proponent of the challenged rule and statute should put up or shut up: do you acknowledge that there are individuals with actual gender identities opposite their natal sex, or do you not? Dog whistles ought not be tolerated,” Hinkle continued.

Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 11:44 a.m. No.19071741   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1761 >>1899 >>1937

Software Engineer Imprisoned for Developing Application to Break China’s Internet Censorship


Two people, who were detained by Shanghai State Security Police in October 2021 for developing software that circumvents the Great Firewall, received six- and five-year prison sentences on June 12, 2023.


He Binggang and his fiancée Zhang Yibo, together with several others, were arrested on Oct. 9, 2021, for developing and maintaining software that helps people living in China to access overseas internet platforms, according to the Falun Dafa Infocenter.


The Chinese regime set up Great Firewall (GFW), or Golden Shield Project, in 1998, which is managed by the regime’s Ministry of Public Security to monitor and censor what can and cannot be seen in China through an online network.


He and Zhang are Falun Gong adherents, a spiritual practice that has been persecuted inside China since 1999 and has been the subject of intense political propaganda.


Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a spiritual improvement practice based on principles of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance, with five slow-moving, gentle exercises that have significant physical benefits. The practice has been very popular in China, with an estimated 70 million to 100 million practitioners in the country before the Chinese communist regime began to persecute the belief and its followers in July 1999.


He and Zhang had developed software called oGate that allows Chinese people to freely access websites and information available outside of China but which are blocked by the GFW and otherwise unavailable inside China.


A group of Chinese non-IT activists, including lawyers and journalists, launched BanGFW on March 8, 2023.


Persecuted for Belief: Reports

He and Zhang have been subjected to long-term persecution by the Chinese regime for their belief in Falun Gong.


According to, the police denied He’s lawyer from visiting him at Shanghai’s Changning District Detention Center. On March 10, 2022, his lawyer was allowed to talk to him on the phone at the detention center, but without seeing him in person.


He’s physical condition is very poor because of repeated torture by the Chinese regime.


“His neck issue and partial paralysis, which resulted from torture during [the] previous detention, worsened. He has now completely lost the ability to walk and has become bedridden. He has trouble falling asleep at night and suffers from constant dizziness, headache, and incontinence,” Minghui reported in June 2023.


He, 46, has been imprisoned two times previously.


He is a gifted software engineer, according to, a platform that tracks the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.


When he was 15 years old he created “Computerized Audible Aids for the Blind.” The invention won the Silver Award of the Sixth National Invention Award and the “Sixth Shanghai Yilida Youth Invention Award.”


He obtained a certificate in computer application software engineering as a senior programmer when he was only 16.


In 1994, He was admitted into Fudan University, and four years later he entered the graduate program.


In 2000, he was detained by police and later given a six-year sentence at Shanghai Tilanqiao Prison.

Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 11:48 a.m. No.19071767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1899 >>1916 >>1937

Reports: U.S. Intelligence Agencies Briefed 24-Hours BEFORE Russia Uprising


Intelligence officials were conducting detailed briefings at the White House, the Pentagon, and on Capitol Hill about the potential for unrest in Russia a full 24-hours before Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin launched the ultimately failed march on Moscow, two newspaper outlets have claimed.


The Washington Post and New York Times were the two sources of the same claim, built on the fear a major nuclear-armed rival of the United States could descend into chaos.


Spy agencies first began tracking indications that Prigozhin and his renegade Wagner mercenary force intended to move against the Russian military leadership in mid-June, the Post set out.


Wagner Forces Reach Area Just South of Moscow, According to Local Governor


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 24, 2023


Meanwhile the Times alleged the assertion of prior knowledge in Washington, DC, was both solid and alarming by mid-week, leading to the flurry of briefings at the very highest level of the Biden administration.


As U.S. intelligence officials pinned down information that Prigozhin was preparing military action, the outlet reported they grew concerned about chaos in a country with a powerful nuclear arsenal.


U.S. spy agencies believe Vladimir Putin was personally informed that Prigozhin, once a close ally, was plotting his rebellion at least a day before it occurred, the Post reported.


The information shows the U.S. was aware of impending events in Russia, similar to how intelligence agencies had warned in late 2021 the Russian leader was planning to send his forces into Ukraine.

Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 11:51 a.m. No.19071790   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Intelligence Report Reveals Wuhan Institute ‘Collaborated’ With Chinese Military On Coronavirus Experiments


The Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) “collaborated” with the Chinese military on coronavirus experiments in the years leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a report from the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) released Friday.


The WIV provided financial support and its staff conducted experiments from 2017 to 2019 to improve China’s understanding of viruses “for [the] defensive and biosecurity needs of the military,” according to the report. However, coronaviruses WIV researchers and People’s Liberation Army (PLA)-associated scientists worked on were unlikely to have been the cause of COVID-19, DNI determined.


The “collaboration” between WIV researchers and PLA personnel focused “on biosafety and biosecurity projects,” according to the report. Researchers from the PLA also utilized WIV labs for coronavirus and vaccine-associated research, working closely with WIV personnel to develop “therapeutics” relevant to the viruses.


The first three patients to become ill with COVID-19 were lab researchers at the WIV, according to a recent report from journalists Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi and Alex Gutentag.


The DNI report appears to contradict the journalists’ findings, stating that although “several WIV researchers were ill in Fall 2019 with symptoms; some of their symptoms were consistent with but not diagnostic of COVID-19,” adding their “symptoms could have been caused by a number of diseases.”


Up until January 2019, WIV researchers undertook experiments similar to COVID-19 in BSL-2 labs (biosafety level 2), which are more secure than BSL-1 labs, but less secure than BSL-4 ones, according to the report. Researchers did this “despite acknowledgements going back to 2017 of these virus’ ability to directly infect humans through their spike protein and early 2019 warnings of the danger of this practice.”


Data DNI reviewed, in collaboration with the wider Intelligence Community, suggests that the research between the WIV and PLA consisted of multiple coronaviruses, although the report states none of those viruses were likely to be a precursor to COVID-19, which was discovered in late 2019.


“This report does not address the merits of the two most likely pandemic origins hypotheses, nor does it explore other biological facilities in Wuhan other than the WIV,” DNI says in its executive summary.

Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 11:55 a.m. No.19071815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1899 >>1937

Greek Conservative Party Sweeps to Landslide Victory, Likely Securing Enough Seats to Form New Govt


ATHENS, Greece (AP) – Greece’s conservative New Democracy party won a landslide victory in the country’s second election in five weeks Sunday, official projections based on early returns showed, gaining enough parliamentary seats to form a government for a second four-year term.


Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ party is projected to win 40.5% of the vote, with his main rival, the left-wing Syriza party, suffering a crushing defeat with just under 18% projected support, even worse than its 20% in the last elections in May.


Sunday’s vote came just over a week after a migrant ship capsized and sank off the western coast of Greece, leaving hundreds of people dead and missing and calling into question the actions of Greek authorities and the country’s strict migration policy. But the disaster, one of the worst in the Mediterranean in recent years, did not affect the election, with domestic economic issues at the forefront of voters’ minds.


The projections indicate Mitsotakis’ party will win enough of Parliament’s 300 seats to form a stable government thanks to a change in the electoral law that grants the winning party bonus seats. The previous election in May, conducted under a proportional representation system, left him five seats short of a majority despite winning 41% of the vote.


In all, eight parties are projected to surpass the 3% threshold to enter Parliament, including a far right party and ultra-religious party. The number of parties that make it into Parliament will affect how many seats the winner will hold.

Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 12:05 p.m. No.19071852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1899 >>1937

A National Health Service whistleblower claims that healthcare workers in the United Kingdom were ordered to "euthanize" patients and call them "COVID deaths" to promote the narrative of a "deadly virus." This was all happening as hospitals were empty and no one was sick or dying of anything out of the ordinary.


Dr. John claims that he has "seen this mess evolve from the very beginning of the pandemic" and that hospitals were actually extremely quiet and almost empty during the first lockdown, according to a report by The Daily Exposé.

Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 12:08 p.m. No.19071871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1888 >>1899 >>1927 >>1937

41-Year-Old Model and Hollywood Actress Katerina Pavelek Ended Her Life at an Assisted Suicide Clinic in Basel, Switzerland in June 2023, Due to COVID-19 Vaccine Booster Injuries (ME, CFS, ALS)

Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 12:10 p.m. No.19071887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1899 >>1937

Toronto girls' school promotes sex ed for kindergarteners at Pride parade, confirms they accept male students


At their booth, a poster says that the goal is to "inspire the next generation of changemakers."


At the booth for The Linden School at the Toronto Pride, there was a chalkboard voting station asking passersby if they believed sex ed should be taught in kindergarten. In the corner was a cartoon depiction of a pig.

Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 12:21 p.m. No.19071936   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli police arrest three UN officials for smuggling liquid cocaine


Israeli authorities seized liquid cocaine at the Jordan River Border, implicating UN employees in a high-stakes operation.

An attempt to smuggle liquid cocaine disguised as perfume kits was halted on Sunday by Israel Police and Tax Authority inspectors from the Jordan River Customs House and Jordan River Border Crossing.


Three UN employees serving on the Syrian border were apprehended by the Northern District Police's Yagal Unit on suspicion of involvement in the smuggling operation.


The UN employees arrived at the border crossing between Jordan and Israel during the day. Routine checks by the Tax Authority and Airport Authority personnel at the border crossing raised suspicions regarding the perfume kits brought by the passengers, which included bottles containing liquid.


The kits were subjected to thorough examination, including the use of a sniffer dog. The investigation revealed reasonable suspicion that the substance was liquid cocaine, leading the UN employees to be taken into custody for further questioning by the Northern District Police.


Previous smuggling attempts

This episode is the latest in a series of drug smuggling attempts that have been effectively curtailed by Israeli authorities. Two weeks prior, an IDF soldier intercepted a group of smugglers at the Israeli-Egyptian border, leading to the confiscation of drugs with a street value of approximately NIS 5 million (approximately $1,390,000 USD) and the arrest of two suspects.

Anonymous ID: 0ab4b8 June 25, 2023, 12:26 p.m. No.19071965   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This is the BEST video on the internet right now.


  • Pro-America Patriot rally ongoing

  • Feds show up dressed as “Nazis”

  • Patriots force Feds out of rally

  • Unmask the Feds, who PANIC

  • The “Nazis” cry, tremble in fear

  • Cops rush to save Feds