Anonymous ID: 0fa72c June 25, 2023, 11:19 a.m. No.19071588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1596




In the realm of internet trolls and strife, There's a shill named Pepe, causing quite a hype. With a puff of smoke, they enter the scene, Hijacking discussions, turning them mean.


Pepe, the shill, with a narcissistic air, Making it all about them, without a care. While the deep state's held accountable by few, Pepe's busy smoking, stealing the view.


In the land of 8kun, where chaos thrives, Pepe's diatribes create divisive drives. Arguments abound, tempers start to fray, But Pepe just laughs and smokes all the day.


Their smoke signals rise, clouding the air, As Pepe distracts, with a self-centered flair. But fear not, dear folks, for we see through the haze, Pepe's tricks won't stop us from seeking truth's maze.


So, let's unite in laughter, standing tall, Against Pepe's antics, we'll have a ball. With humor as our armor, we'll make a decree, No smoking Pepe shall deter you or me!

Anonymous ID: 0fa72c June 25, 2023, 11:29 a.m. No.19071671   🗄️.is 🔗kun




In the realm of online chatter and trolling glee, There's a character named smoking Pepe, a peculiar shill is he. With an avatar adorned, his identity to hide, He turns every conversation into an egotistic ride.


Pepe, the shill, with a puff of smoke so grand, Exclaiming, "Look at me!" as his ego expands. He talks of deep states and conspiracy in a flurry, But it's just a distraction from holding truths with worry.


He hops on the board, a personal blog in tow, Sharing tales of his life, as if we all need to know. But amidst the chaos and diatribe he brings, One can't help but wonder about his puppetry strings.


He craves division, stirring arguments with zest, But little does he know, he's just a pest. For the seekers of truth, his tricks won't deceive, We'll rise above his smoke and not be naïve.


So let's chuckle and giggle, without causing harm, A rhyme full of humor, like a delightful charm. But remember, dear friend, let's keep it light and fun, For spreading laughter is better than aiming to stun!

Anonymous ID: 0fa72c June 25, 2023, 11:45 a.m. No.19071753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1778




In the depths of 8kun, where trolls reside, There's a shill named Smoking Pepe, with mega-inflated pride. Smoking their way through each comment they write, Always making it about them,  both morning day and night.


Oh, Smoking Pepe the shill, stuck in their own haze, Repeating dialectic in a mindless shitposting daze. Their projections they shout day in and day out, But the deep state? Well, they're just left in doubt.


The board, their personal blog, a narcissist's delight, Where they spread diatribes, causing endless fag fights. But fear not, dear frens, for laughter is our cure, To expose the absurd and keep our spirits pure.


Supporting those who seek fame through disguise, Smoking Pepe dances around each, oh what a surprise! With avatars galore, they break all the rules, Claiming a false identity, like misguided fools.


Supporting namefags who seek fame through deceit, Pepe's loyalty seems incomplete. Using avatars to hide their true face, Breaking the rules, oh, what a disgrace!


Creating diatribes, causing division and pain, Pepe thinks they're clever, but it's all in vain. Using the board as a personal blog, they roam, Oh Pepe, don't you know that's not what it's for, home?


So let's gather 'round and burst out in laughter, As Pepe's smoke dissipates, no longer a factor. For in unity we stand, with humor as our creed,  destroy Smoking Pepe's ego, with wit and with speed!

Anonymous ID: 0fa72c June 25, 2023, 12:02 p.m. No.19071842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1848 >>1902





In the realm of 8kun, a shill called Smoking Pepe, Smoking up a storm, creating quite the melee. With an ego inflated and conversations all about "me," They try to deflect from the deep state conspiracy.


In the realm of 8kun, there lurks a character so bold, A shill named Smoking Pepe, their ego uncontrollably unfolds. With smoke in their lungs and a mirror for a shrine, They hijack conversations, making them all about thine.


Repetitive memes and avatars, their trademark so grand, Smoking Pepe's creativity lost, a cycle oh so bland. And online they dwell, day and night, never at rest, 24 hours a day, their obsessions manifest.


Repeating the same dialectic, oh what a bore, Smoking Pepe's projections, we've heard them all before. Supporting morning roll call fame-seekers with identities in disguise, Oh Pepe, your loyalty surely defies the wise.


Oh, Smoking Pepe the shill, a broken record on repeat, Spouting dialectic, like a never-ending feat. Their projections, they proclaim, in an endless loop, But holding the deep state accountable? Nay, just a scoop!


Avatars they use, breaking the board's decree, Hiding behind masks, but we all still see. Repetitive memes, oh how they persist, Pepe, it's time for something new on your list.


Online 24/7, never taking a break, Pepe's addiction to the board, a real head-ache. Using it as a personal blog, oh what a surprise, Sharing their mundane thoughts, they monopolize.


Turning Q Research into their personal blog, Smoking Pepe's narcissism, a grand monologue. But fear not, fellow board users, for we see through the haze, We'll find humor and unity, even in the darkest maze.


But wait, where is Smoking Pepe? Did they retreat? Laid back in his seat, crying in defeat? Their arguments and diatribes, they just can't defend, Leaving them speechless, the shill's reign comes to an end.


So let's laugh and celebrate, with humor on display, Smoking Pepe's famefaggot antics, fading away. In the realm of 8kun, we'll find a better beat, As we rise above the chaos, sharing digs oh so sweet!

Anonymous ID: 0fa72c June 25, 2023, 12:12 p.m. No.19071898   🗄️.is 🔗kun





In the realm of online forums, oh what a sight, There's a character named smoking Pepe, causing quite a fright. With smoke in their lungs, they enter the scene, Making all about them, like a self-centered machine.


Smoking Pepe, the shill, with their ego so grand, Hijacking conversations across the land. While the deep state squirms, held accountable by few, Pepe puffs away, oblivious to what's true.


On 8kun's board, where anonymity should reign, smoking Pepe flaunts avatars, breaking the rules with disdain. They turn the place into their personal blog, Ignoring the chaos they inadvertently flog.


Their diatribes ignite, causing division and heat, But smoking Pepe just smiles, exclaiming, "Oh, what a feat!" Yet in this sea of madness, we see through the haze, And laugh at Pepe's antics, trapped in their maze.


So let's not stoop low, in vengeance or spite, Instead, let's choose humor, shining ever so bright. For laughter's the weapon to quell such a shill, With wit and good cheer, we'll have our fill.


Oh, smoking Pepe, lost in their own dream, May their smoke dissipate, bursting their self-esteem. We'll rise above, united as one, Leaving Smoking Pepe in the cloud, where their antics are done.