Anonymous ID: f989c3 June 25, 2023, 10:48 a.m. No.19071400   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1408

>>19070635 lb

>If, and it's a big if, the Supreme Court rules in favor of the Brunson case and the entire 2020 election was vitiated what would happen?


Martial Law. The military would have to run things until new elections are held. That would be a fine time for JAG officer Sydney Powell to start up her prosecutions in a GITMO court. One can dream.

Anonymous ID: f989c3 June 25, 2023, 11:11 a.m. No.19071540   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What channel are you tuned on to?


Oldanon's always been a dreamer. Don't know what channel, the dreams just come. Anyway, it's one heck of a great dream. And as anon thinks about it it might be the only way taking care of the deep state would work, what with the media yapping and yapping.


Let's say things get put in place (or maybe are what with all the good retired early officers a plan has already been made) BOOM! The SC announces it's ruling. Immediately the active and reserve military arrests maybe a thousand of politicians and media folks, rips them of stage in the middle of their shows and takes them to GITMO where again, I said Sydney does her work. Then the military takes over the media and reports exactly what, and why, they are doing.


Don't forget that the enemy in media are weaklings and many will confess on-air. And beg for forgiveness. No way the American citizens would think this is politics. You know, the dems and the Republicans. The military could go and close the southern border between all current official entry points.


It could be done in 90 days. Elections this November. With paper ballots only and no electronic machines.