Anonymous ID: 11c872 June 25, 2018, 10:13 p.m. No.1907521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7660 >>7734

" I, like many of you, are frustrated with the news regarding the separating of families at the border. My husband spends a lot of time on the border and works with the border patrol. He was down there last week. I want to share a little of what he told me. I believe I posted some on this subject in a comment on another thread.


No one gets to the border without going through the cartel. Under the Obama administration children were processed and run through the system with their accompanying adults. Unfortunately many of these children, (They believe as many as 50%) are being trafficked into the cartel run sex trade. Imagine being a family, husband, wife, 3 children. The family is told they will be delivered to the border. They fulfill whatever demands are needed to make this happen. However, they are separated. For example, they take the wife and give her someone else’s children and tell her the children need to be delivered to a family over the border. (Cartel ring). If they are not delivered, her husband disappears and her children are the next to go with another adult. (They believe this happens regardless) This is just a snip-it of the shit going on. The only way to currently stop, or try to stop this is by separating the kids from the adults. Interview the children and try to figure out who is really biological!! Now the adults coming across with children are panicked because they fear for their children that are with the Cartel. Sadly, I doubt they would ever see them again.


So why is this not news?? Mainly for fear of the lives of the reporters and their families, the patrols and their families. ETC!! The Cartel is everywhere. If you want to share this, copy and paste and please remove my name.


Trump is listening to the patrols and the agents on the border. That is why this is happening!!! Yes legitimate families are being separated, in hopes of saving children from the sex trade. However, they are breaking the law. No, they are not immigrants!! Immigrants go through the system and immigrate legally into our country. These people are border crossers. My heart aches for them as I sit in my beautiful home in my beautiful country. I think what would I do to save the lives of my children if I lived in a country like these people do. Protecting the children is a priority.


My husband explained the following to me, I believe I have it correct. Once they come to the US everyone claims Asylum and receives due process, as well as food and medical care. No one has any sort of documentation and children are not vaccinated. By claiming asylum it holds them in the system longer then their accompanied children can legally be held. We cannot hold children longer then 20 days. They then must be fostered. Now the asylum laws state you must claim asylum in the first country you enter. Which means if you are coming from Central American countries then the US would not be the country you can legally claim asylum in. This is a big problem. The reason for claiming asylum has changed too. (An abusive husband doesn’t count!!) Once they are processed they are told to come back for their hearing. If they have family members in our country, WE pay to get them to their family members.


We are talking hundreds of thousands of people! It is a cluster F*^K. The liberal media is only making things worse!! "