Anonymous ID: a0e810 June 25, 2018, 9:53 p.m. No.1907338   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7342


I smell SOREA$$ behind this.

Hey LAmeA$$ Greg, Why-O-why did you do this to yourself? Can your profile get any geyer?


Arent we in for the welfare of Awl Chillen Evawheah? Whatcho holdin there, a newborn? Using infants for hosteges, Nice move

Anonymous ID: a0e810 June 25, 2018, 10:19 p.m. No.1907564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7620 >>7697


My theory is that it is Congress that is being actively investigated, there every move, phone call, and deuces are being logged. The longer the investigation continues, the more evidence is collected.

Im sure the white hats are working on building the narrative to ease the normies into reality. Remember, this is WW. Much is at stake.

Anonymous ID: a0e810 June 25, 2018, 10:45 p.m. No.1907731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7739 >>7815


If we logically follow the money involved hereWW, well hen, all the banks are involved too. If it is all connected, it will all fall like Building 7. Can it be controlled enough to just collapse into its own footprint, and not cause collateral damage to the rest of humanity?

Anonymous ID: a0e810 June 25, 2018, 11:04 p.m. No.1907860   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The price of silver is 16.36, a steal. Buy it when the economy is strong, price is weak. Monetary metals will be a good measuring stick when currencies arent working well for transactions.

Anonymous ID: a0e810 June 25, 2018, 11:22 p.m. No.1907956   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My martial arts sez grab the two ends , step behind him and haul him over your hip.He probably woudnt feel the ground hit him. Not that i am the violent type, but my thoughts for how the hero escapes the situation kicks in sometimes.