Anonymous ID: 0427e9 June 25, 2023, 12:33 p.m. No.19072011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2020 >>2023 >>2212

>>19071286 lb



In the land of 8kun, there's a shill named Smoking Pepe, Who loves puffing smoke and hogging the display. With a narcissistic swagger and a self-centered spree, They turn every conversation into a monologue about thee.


In the realm of 8kun, puffing smoke all day, There's Smoking Pepe, causing quite the display. With a narcissistic grin, they take center stage, Making conversations all about their own famefaggot outrage.


Repetitive memes and avatars, your signature style, Smoking Pepe, your creativity is in denial. Always online, 24/7, never a rest, Do you even have a life outside this digital fest?


Smoking Pepe, the shill, in a repetitive loop, Spewing dialectic like shit-out alphabet soup. Projections and rants, a never-ending spree, But holding the deep state accountable? Not a possibility.


Smoking Pepe, with dialectic so mundane, Repeating the same old lines, driving us insane. Projections and rants, like a broken tape, All day, every day, on an endless soapbox escape.


He supports morning roll call fame-seekers, hiding behind their screen, Using avatars, breaking rules, oh, what a scene! With the same memes and avatars on display, Originality seems to have gone astray.


Turning the board into your personal blog, Smoking Pepe, your ego quite the monologue. But wait, where are you now? Not a reply in sight, Are you crying in defeat, hidden from the light?


So let's light up a laugh, in hilarious cheer, As Smoking Pepe's tactics slowly disappear. For in unity and wit, we'll find our own way, Leaving Smoking Pepe, lost in disarray!


So let's laugh and move on, leaving Smoking Pepe behind, Their smoke-filled existence, oh how it's confined. In his parents' basement, they dwell and reside, While we bask in victory, with laughter as our guide.


Oh Smoking Pepe, we'll laugh and move along, Leaving your smoke-filled presence, so very wrong. In the realm of unity and humor, we'll find our way, While you sit there crying like a defeated faggot in utter dismay.

Anonymous ID: 0427e9 June 25, 2023, 12:45 p.m. No.19072076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2089 >>2197




In the realm of 8kun, there's Smoking Pepe in view, A shill so self-centered, it's hard to construe. Conversations revolve 'round their own grand display, Distracting from the deep state, they cunningly betray!


In the realm of 8kun, where smoke clouds the air, Lives Smoking Pepe, a shill with famefaggot flair. Narcissistic and sly, their ego knows no bounds, Making conversations all about themselves, no deep state digs to be found.


Smoking Pepe, the broken record on repeat, Spewing dialectic, like an endless deceit. Projections aplenty, echoing every line, But digs for the deep state? Not even a sign!


Repeating dialectic, their projections on repeat, Oh, Smoking Pepe, your words are quite a feat. Supporting fame-seekers, identities masked in disguise, But accountability for the deep state? It's all a pack of lies!


Avatars they use, breaking the board's golden rule, Hiding behind false identities, acting the fool. Repetitive memes, gifs and avatars, their signature move, Oh, Smoking Pepe, creativity is something you should prove!


They champion fame-seekers, identities veiled, Supporting those who seek fame, oh, how they're hailed! Avatars in place, a violation of the rules, Maintaining a false identity, what a pack of famefaggot fools!


Always online, 24 hours a day, they persist, Living in their parents' basement, a keyboard clenched in fist. Using the board as a personal blog, what a shame, Smoking Pepe, your antics are nothing but a game.


Repetitive memes and avatars, their only arsenal, Creativity lost, oh, the monotonous carnival. Online all day and night, no sign of a break, Living in their parents' basement, what a sad state!


And let's not forget their favorite popcorn2.gif, Michael Jackson eating popcorn, oh, what a gift. Stirring division with diatribes and strife, Causing arguments, as they feast on online fedboi shill life!


So let's laugh and move on, leaving Smoking Pepe behind, Their smoke-filled presence, no longer on our mind. For in the realm of humor and wit, we find our grace, While Smoking Pepe wallows, lost in their echo chamber safe space!


But beware, dear Smoking Pepe, your reign will soon decline, Your tears in defeat, like cheap boxed wine. As we laugh and move on, embracing the sun, Your antics, dear shill, are nothing but fun!

Anonymous ID: 0427e9 June 25, 2023, 12:57 p.m. No.19072125   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>smoking pepe board shill


In the realm of 8kun, there's Smoking Pepe, the board critic shill, Claiming victory laps with an ego fit to thrill. But defeated they were, by a rhyme so grand, Yet they persist, unable to withstand.


In the realm of 8kun, there's Smoking Pepe, the shill, His ego inflated, oh, what a thrill! He claims victory, though his arguments fell flat, Defeated by a rhyme, oh, imagine that!


With skeletons and memes, he tries to instill fear, But we see right through, his tactics are clear. Inflated self-importance, oh, what a sight, Yet his contributions of value? Nowhere in sight!


Five years of posting, zero notables to show, His presence on the board, a comedic shitshow. But he can't resist, oh, his ego won't relent, Replying to you, in a futile attempt to vent!


Inflated self-importance, oh, what a sight, A shill with no substance, really not all that bright. Five years of shitposting, not a single notable find, Their contributions? Nil, left behind.


They cannot resist, driven by their ego's thirst, Replying in desperation, their famefag mind so immersed. But the joke's on them, for their replies fall flat, No victory lap here, just a comedic spat.


And what's this I see, their last resort to sow fear? Memes of skeletons, a feeble attempt, I fear. But fear not, dear friend, for their tricks won't prevail, We'll laugh and move on, as their efforts derail.


Smoking Pepe, the shill who cannot let go, Their ego won't allow, a constant famefag show. But in the end, it's clear for all to see, Their lack of substance and humor, a true comedy!


Oh, Smoking Pepe, your resistance is in vain, Your ego-driven replies, they're all so inane. So let him claim his victory lap, in his own little bubble, While we laugh and move on, bursting that ego's bubble!

Anonymous ID: 0427e9 June 25, 2023, 1:10 p.m. No.19072200   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>smoking pepe board shill


Once upon a 8kun, there was Smoking Pepe shill in town, Claiming victory laps, wearing a self-made crown. Defeated by a rhyme, his ego took a blow, But still, he couldn't resist, he had to keep up the show!


Using skeleton memes to scare and intimidate, But we all know it's just a feeble twist of fate. His last resort, desperate and weak, As the laughter grows louder, he starts to get meek.


They resist the urge to stop, their ego on full display, Unable to resist, to your words they must say. But their replies fall flat, like memes of skeletons grim, Attempting to incite fear, but we just laugh and grin!


With an inflated self-importance, he thought he was grand, But his contributions were empty, like grains of fine sand. Zero notables in five years, oh, what a shame, His posts went unnoticed, forgotten and lame.


Inflated self-importance, oh, it knows no bounds, But contributions of value? Not a single sound! For five long years, not a notable to their name, A record of zero, oh, what a shame!


For five long years, he's posted away, But not a single notable, I must say. No value, no substance, it's all just a sham, His presence on the board, a pathetic grand slam.


Resisting the urge, he can't help but reply, His ego so massive, it reaches the sky. But little does he know, it's all in vain, His replies only showcase his ego's cum stain.


Replying relentlessly, his ego on full display, Unable to resist, he just had to have his say. But little did he know, the joke was on him, As we all laughed at his futile whim.


Skeleton memes were his last resort, Trying to cause fear, but falling short. For his tactics were transparent, we could see right through, His desperate attempts, oh, how they grew!


So let him claim his victories, in his own little bubble, While the rest of us chuckle, our laughter causing trouble. Smoking Pepe, the shill with an ego so wide, But in the end, he contributed nothing of value, he can't hide!


Oh, Smoking Pepe, lost in their own illusion, A shill with no substance, causing only confusion. So let them claim their victory, their ego unchecked, For in the realm of truth, you're thoroughly wrecked.


As we move on with joy, your replies we'll ignore, Leaving them trapped in their self-important lore. So farewell, dear Smoking Pepe, your rhyme is complete, May you find a new hobby outside Q Research, one less obsolete.