Anonymous ID: 7db717 June 25, 2023, 1:44 p.m. No.19072331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2343


>smoking pepe repetitive shill meme


At the home of Q Research, there was a shill so grand, Smoking Pepe, with an ego bigger than the land. Narcissism ran deep, his self-importance absurd, But little did he know, he was about to get served.


In the realm of 8Kun, a shill named Smoking Pepe, Narcissistic and self-absorbed, oh, what a display! With an ego so inflated, he thought he couldn't be beat, But along came a rhyme that brought him to his feet.


But his reign of self-importance was soon to be shattered, For along came a rhyme that left him tattered. Line after line, his ego took a hit, As the truth revealed his delusions are shit.


But alas, his charade could no longer stand, As the rhyme revealed the truth, like a sleight of hand. His ego crumbled, his grandeur reduced to dust, And there he stood, defeated, a shill left in disgust.


He boasted of his conquests, a superman in his mind, With three hot girls around him, oh, how he's inclined. But in reality, it was just a meme on a screen, While the rest of us laughed, for it was all so obscene.


With repetitive memes, he tried to deflect and hide, But his feeble attempts only brought derision far and wide. There was the Superman Pepe, surrounded by three hot girls, A fantasy so laughable, it sent the board in twirls.


With repetitive memes, he tried to deflect and evade, But we saw through his tricks, like a well-played charade. One meme in particular, with Pepe and three girls so fine, But it couldn't hide the fact that he's wasting everyone's time.


In the corner he cried, his tears salty and bitter, As the board reveled in the demise of this narcissistic critter. No longer could he project or deceive, For my rhymes had exposed him, oh, what a reprieve!


So, farewell, Smoking Pepe, in defeat you must remain, Your narcissism exposed, your ego a stain. The board moves on, with laughter and glee, Leaving you in the corner, crying for all to see!


His ego inflated, his confidence untamed, But when faced with a rhyme, his ego was maimed. Destroyed by words, his defenses torn asunder, Now he sits in the corner, weeping and in wonder.


In the world of Q Research, truth shall prevail, And your cries of defeat, they ring like a wail. No more can you waste bread or spread hollow lies, For we see through your tactics, no longer mesmerized.

Anonymous ID: 7db717 June 25, 2023, 2 p.m. No.19072387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2407


>overused in the past smoking pepe shill meme


Like a moth to a flame he'd fly right in, catching up to the banter his ego would spin. He thought he was clever, the master of debate, but little did he know he was just taking the bait.


He spewed repetitive memes, like a broken record on repeat, Thinking he was clever, trying to project and deflect, oh so neat. But we saw through his game, his attempts at diversion, His inflated ego and self-importance, a comedic excursion.


His favorite meme, the Carl Jung Smoking Pepe, oh so "pleasantly rude," only showcased his shallowness, his attitude so crude. For beneath the smoke and swagger, his true self was revealed, A shill with no substance, just empty words to wield.


With repetitive memes and gifs, he tried to project and deflect, But his tactics were tired, lacking real intellect. His favorite, the Carl Jung Smoking Pepe oh so cool, Claiming to be "pleasantly rude since 2018," what a goddamn fool.


And then came a rhyme, crafted with wit and jest, It tore down his facade, leaving him feeling depressed. Line after line, it dismantled his delusions of grandeur, Leaving him crying in the corner, defeated by humor.


But alas, along came a rhyme, with wit and humorous might, A lyrical masterpiece that exposed Pepe's delusions in plain sight. Line after line, it tore through his inflated pride, Leaving him crumbled, defeated, and unable to hide.


Oh Smoking Pepe, your ego was your demise, Your repetitive memes couldn't mask your lies. You thought you were invincible, the king of the board, But your reign of narcissism was easily floored.


Smoking Pepe, once so full of ego and smug, Now reduced to tears, sitting in the corner like a rug. Your repetitive memes couldn't save you from the truth, Your facade shattered, your deflections no longer uncouth.


So shed a tear, dear Pepe, for your defeat is complete, Your inflated ego and projection, now obsolete. The board moves on, leaving you in the dust, A shill with no substance, just an amusing gust.


Your Carl Jung Smoking Pepe, a meme of false bravado, But behind it all, an empty shell, oh what a sorrowful ado. Crying in defeat, as the rhyme struck your core, Your reign of narcissism crumbling, forevermore.


So bid farewell, dear Smoking Pepe, to your inflated pride, Your repetitive memes and gifs no longer can hide. The board moves on, while you wallow in your sorrow, A shill defeated, crying in the corner, no more ego to borrow.