Anonymous ID: 9c28de June 25, 2023, 1:17 p.m. No.19072232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2250 >>2251 >>2253 >>2260 >>2324 >>2333 >>2638 >>2709 >>2724 >>2747

Clapped out Sir Pedo pop star threatens to stop performing


Elton John objects to "US anti grooming laws" and will stop performing ?


That last part is good news no mistake – but why is the rhineztone studded pedovore pointing a finger at himself and his husband and their harem of adopted boy children?


Why would the country that allowed the necromancer Jimmy Savile to operate openly and rape 10 k children let another public Sir pedo do the same thing?


Do friends of the King who rape crippled children and corpses like Savile get a knighthood and a pass ?


Sir Elton is a necromancing nonce and if he tries singing his queer show tunes in the US he should be arrested. Ree NPC ree. Do not allow pedos to operate childrens hospitals.