Anonymous ID: bcf8fe June 25, 2023, 12:41 p.m. No.19072047   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2055 >>2058 >>2309

PN>>19071625 (You), >>19071854 (You) Donald Trump Full Speech Faith and Freedom Coalition: Road to Majority Conference


PDJT Faith and Freedom Coaltion


“But these scoundrels and thugs, they only come after me. They didn’t go after many, many other presidents that kept their documents, you know about it. Many, many others, if you look at the Bush family, if you look at even Jimmy Carter, and I’d say he’s innocent, I say Jimmy Carter, he’s innocent. But they went after me, they didn’t go after anyone else, and they went after me criminally. And it’s not a criminal violation, its not even a violation under the Presidential Records Act!”


PDJT is pointing out the first ones in line and who will be spared; and the others will be charged with another crime/crimes related to the records.



What could be more accurate than the “PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS ACT”! Thats what we are talking about. (Laughing)


NOT espionage, not espionage!


The crucial legal precedent was laid out in the most important case ever on this subject, known as “The Clinton Socks Case”, you know what that means, “socks”. Let me give you a hint, it has something to do with socks, and taking something out things in your socks!”


(He repeats socks 3x, any meaning to that?)

Anonymous ID: bcf8fe June 25, 2023, 12:54 p.m. No.19072107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2324 >>2333 >>2638 >>2709 >>2724 >>2747

Trust the Science

25 Jun, 2023 16:24

Harvard scientist faked honesty studies – scholars

Business professor Francesca Gino’s colleagues are reportedly reexamining their work with her


Harvard University business administration professor Francesca Gino hasbeen placed on leaveafter a science blog accused her of faking study results, the New York Times reported on Saturday.


Data integrity blog DataColada published a detailed examination of Gino’s alleged fraud, including falsified study results found in at least four articles. The three behavioral scientists behind the blog had previously been involved in uncovering falsified data in one of Gino’s best-known studies.


However, the findings had already beencited hundreds of times in other papers, with thousands of dollars spent by governments attempting to turn them into policy.


In 2021, Harvard told business school professor Max Bazerman, one of Gino’s co-authors, that theresults of another study from the paper weren’t just irreproducible – they were fake. The school reportedly provided 14 pages of evidence showing someone haddeliberately tweaked the experimental data, invalidating the results, and suggested the journal which had published and then retracted it add a note explaining this.


DataColada revealed last week how they had previously raised concerns with Harvard about Gino’s fake data, and subsequently published evidence that the star professor hadfudged results in two more papers she co-authored. Bazerman confirmed to the Chronicle of Higher Education that Gino’s name was on four papers currently being analyzed for fraud.


Gino’s fall from grace has had heavy “reverberations in the academic community,” University of Pennsylvania behavioral scientist Maurice Schweitzer told the New York Times, noting thathe was examining the eight papers he co-authoredwith her and suggesting many colleagues of the prolific publisher were doing the same.


The author of several best-selling books on topics including dishonesty and unethical behavior, Gino’s most recent work isironicallytitled ‘Rebel Talent: Why It Pays to Break the Rules in Work and Life’.


Meanwhile, Bazerman used Gino as an object-lesson for a chapter about the perils of putting trust in relationships in his own book, titled ‘Complicit: How We Enable the Unethical and How to Stop’.


“The irony of this being a story about data fraud in a paper on inducing honesty is not lost on me,” he wrote.

Anonymous ID: bcf8fe June 25, 2023, 1:14 p.m. No.19072214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2324 >>2333 >>2638 >>2709 >>2724 >>2747

After AG Garland Denies Main Justice Interference, IRS Whistleblower Reveals Names of Witnesses to Show Garland Lying


June 25, 2023 | Sundance |

Things are getting spicy in/around Main Justice in DC. On Friday, Attorney General Merrick Garland and Deputy AG Lisa Monaco denied any involvement interfering with the decisions made by USAO David Weiss regarding the investigation of the Hunter and ¹Joe Biden bribery and tax fraud scheme. However, in response, the IRS whistleblower is now naming additional witnesses to Weiss’s statements.


Through his attorneys, whistleblower Gary Shapley is now naming additional witnessesto the statements of USAO Weiss:


“In an October 7, 2022, meeting at the Delaware U.S. Attorney’s Office,U.S. Attorney David Weiss told six witnesses he did not have authority to charge in other districtsand had thus requested special counsel status.Those six witnesses include Baltimore FBI Special Agent in Charge Tom Sobocinski and Assistant Special Agent in Charge Ryeshia Holley, IRS Assistant Special Agent in Charge Gary Shapley and Special Agent in Charge Darrell Waldon,who also independently and contemporaneously corroborated Mr. Shapley’s account in an email, now public as Exhibit 10, following p. 148 of his testimony transcript.


Mr. Shapley would have no insight into why Mr. Weiss’s would make these statements at the October 7, 2022 meeting if they were false. That Mr. Weiss made these statements is easily corroborated, and it is up to him and the Justice Department to reconcile the evidence of his October 7, 2022 statements with contrary statements by Mr. Weiss and the Attorney General to Congress.” (source)


Someone is lying, and the whistleblower appears to have all his information well documented and cited. Mr. Weiss, Mr. Garland and Mrs. Monaco have some explaining to do.


¹An interesting thought ran through my head last night as I was thinking about the Hunter Biden IRS agreement. If Hunter Biden was caught not putting the foreign payments on his U.S. tax returns as income, and we know Joe Biden received the same payments,well, did Joe Biden list his portion on his income tax returns?


Just wondering….

Anonymous ID: bcf8fe June 25, 2023, 1:20 p.m. No.19072244   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Word is Out – Corporate Media Start the Biden Removal Process


June 25, 2023 | Sundance |

As previously noted, following the release of explosive testimony and documentary evidence delivered by IRS whistleblowers to the House Ways and Means Committee, the media have been given the green light to begin the Biden removal process.


Some will attribute the shift in corporate media position to a choice made to no longer defend the Biden administration from the transparent and corrupt Joe and Hunter Biden bribery schemes; however, don’t give the corporate suites that much credit. Instead, look at the House evidence released and remind yourself the mechanisms of the DC media are completely enmeshed with the operational institutions of the DOJ and FBI.What the media know is that all of the whistleblower evidence is supported by supplemental attribution.


The media’s “sources”, who have direct pipeline contact from the DOJ and FBI into the media executive suites, have told those executives the whistleblower accounts are supported with evidence that is not yet public.The reality of their inability to hide what is coming is the reason why the media are now positioning to give the illusion of investigative journalism. Examples below:


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Anonymous ID: bcf8fe June 25, 2023, 1:39 p.m. No.19072312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2345

PN>>19071625 (You), >>19071854 (You) Donald Trump Full Speech Faith and Freedom Coalition: Road to Majority Conference



PDJT Faith and Freedom Coalition


Oh Shit He Went There!


After leaving the White House, Bill Clinton took 79 audio tapes from his sock drawers…


They included in Clinton Discussions and tapes of US Military involvement in Haiti!He can’t away from Haiti, can he? He’s done very well in Haiti!


PDJT goes on to list other countries…


At about 14:50 minutes

Anonymous ID: bcf8fe June 25, 2023, 2:51 p.m. No.19072633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2638 >>2641 >>2692 >>2709 >>2724 >>2747

25 Jun, 2023 19:44

US assesses implications of Wagner revolt attempt

Secretary of State Antony Blinken has claimed the incident shows “real cracks” in President Vladimir Putin’s grip on power


This weekend’s aborted uprising by Russian military contractor PMC Wagner Group may portend greater instability for President Vladimir Putin’s government and will create “openings” for Ukraine to take back territory seized by Moscow’s forces, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has claimed.


“It was a direct challenge to Putin’s authority, so this raises profound questions,” Blinken said on Sunday in a CBS News interview. “It shows real cracks.We can’t speculate or know exactly where that’s gonna go. We do know that Putin has a lot more to answer for in the weeks and months ahead.”


Blinken’s comments mark the most extensive reaction by President Joe Biden’s administration since Wagner rebelled on Friday against Russia’s military leadership. The private military company’s founder, Evgeny Prigozhin, agreed to end the uprising on Saturday, halting his group’s advance toward Moscow under a ==deal with the Kremlin that requires him to leave the country and spares him from prosecution•=.


“We haven’t seen the last act,” Blinken told CBS host Margaret Brennan. “We’re watching it very closely and carefully, but just step back for a second and put this in context. Sixteen months ago, Russian forces were on the doorstep of Kiev in Ukraine, thinking they’d take the city in a matter of days, thinking they would erase Ukraine from the map as an independent country. Now over this weekend, they’ve had to defend Moscow, Russia’s capital, against mercenaries of Putin’s own making.”


Blinken speculated that the Wagner incident will help Kiev gain ground in its counteroffensive against Russian forces in the Donbass region. “To the extent that it presents a real distraction for Putin and for Russian authorities – that they have to look at, sort of mind their rear, even as they’re trying to deal with the counteroffensive and Ukraine – I think that creates even greater openings for the Ukrainians to do well on the ground.”


Kiev’s forces sustained heavy casualties as they repeatedly attacked Moscow’s defensive lines in the past 24 hours, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday. Ukraine lost more than 800 troops, as well as more than a dozen armored vehicles and other weaponry.


Foreign intelligence services likely played a role in the failed Wagner coup attempt, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Sunday. He declined to name the countries that he believed to be involved. Putin, who called the short-lived uprising a “knife in the back” of Russia and its people, said such strife might be used by the country’s enemies “to subvert us from within.”


Blinken said Biden’s administration always prepares for “every contingency in terms of what happens in Russia.” He added, “Of course, when we’re dealing with a major power, and especially a major power that has nuclear weapons, that’s something that’s of concern, something we’re very focused on. We haven’t seen any change in Russia’s nuclear posture.”


What happens next in Russia amid “profound internal divisions” is for the Russian people to decide, Blinken said. “It’s too soon to say with any certainty what the final chapter in this particular book is going to be, the rising storm of Prigozhin . . . . This creates more cracks in the Russian facade.”


(Blinken is pretty arrogant, while the president is being revealed an enemy of America. Blinken is not a deep thinker.)