Anonymous ID: 650893 June 25, 2023, 4:25 p.m. No.19073118   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Using Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, we will deny entry of all Communists and Marxists into the United States!

Anonymous ID: 650893 June 25, 2023, 4:53 p.m. No.19073269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3275

There is no way to de-sexualize a young child.


Parents - you BETTER START TAKING THIS SERIOUSLY, because I ASSURE YOU, the people out to sexualize young children at earlier & earlier ages are 100% committed to their agenda.


They are international, well funded & organized.


Anon prediction: Since the same cult controls/controlled? hundreds of national currencies, to save themselves they will start extorting $$$ from the citizenry as punishment for PUBLICLY SPEAKING THEIR MINDS, oh and those statements just so happen to include the truth about the very same highly organized network threatening to target 'prominant' truth source nodes, with 'shut up about us or we'll take your money using government force', to 'hush the people and the truth up'.


This is how this dark network operates. Brokering knowing evil for the sole purpose of using the world as a garbage bin to eliminate and eradicate God from the people's spiritual realities.

There is a well funded, deceptive, 'dark' network using blackmail, bribery, rape and torture of children, mass murder of babies is 'narrative' echoing because it is a money laundering operation to fund a political party that is itself 'directed' by the same introducer(s) of inconsistent narratives over and over.

Even if a person doesn't believe in God, the end practical result of what happens when a 'philosophy' encourages thoughts of "I am the 'real' God", ""Supernatural God" is a delusion", TAKEN TO ITS LOGICAL CONCLUSION:


PURE EVIL "PRAXIS", PREYING ON CHILDREN, EVERYDAY, EVERYWHERE WORLDWIDE, arrogating themselves, in their FINITE consciousnesses, some 'complete awareness of self as the all', introducing contradictory internally absolutist 'division' between 'what is said in the light to 'the sheep' to dare trust what they see as sincere' and 'what is said and done in the shadows, scheming and plotting and then (open source now) acting as vampires on the rest of humanity', serving themselves, controlling the finances of governments that control populations, ultimately as fodder/death ritual.

Apocalypto activity on children.

This is indeed going to unite humanity against this evil unnecessary, inconsistent to the point of totally useless and not only useless but positively destructive to whatever extent its outputs are 'trusted'.

Makes sense why 'msm' needed to be discredited (by exposing their true 'internally inconsistent system' first.

One by one, all of them are healing by finally experiencing their natural true selves when such malevolence ceases to DISTRACT their time, energy, resources, body, minds, 'practical reactions -objectified history' from birth to death.

Anon can understand how any network this evil would require the highest level of protection, of SAFETY FROM BODY ASSASSINATION.

Flynn: "Physical assassination (e.g. MLK, JFK, etc) in the digital age is 'too messy'.

So, 'narrative assassination' is now the only other alternative.

The enemy of the people msm blast since 2016- was character assassination targeted at a duly elected President of the United States, over, and over, and over, and over, and over , and over, one 'crisis' after another, hoax after hoax after hoax after hoax after hoax after hoax…yeah most people would, and are, and more so all the time, wake up to that inconsistency in pattern.