Anonymous ID: 1b807d June 25, 2023, 5:45 p.m. No.19073581   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>3591 >>3597 >>3622 >>3651 >>3675 >>3712 >>3756 >>3811 >>4045 >>4143 >>4147 >>4188 >>4264


šŸšØBREAKING: Reports of Russian Plans to IMMINENTLY Blow Up Nuclear Power Plant Bigger Than Chernobyl


Rumors have been circulating for a while about a potential Russian attack on Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, and now there are Ukrainian reports that the attack is imminent.


The head of Ukraine's Defense Intelligence is CONFIDENT that Russia's plot to blow up the nuclear power plant is fully developed and has been APPROVED.


"The situation has never been as severe as it is now," said Budanov.


Budanov believes that everything is ready and that the Russians are waiting for the order.


The reactor site has been occupied by Russian military forces since March 2022, with Ukrainian forces in control of the opposite river bank.


The original Ukraine plant operators are impelled to keep working there under extremely stressful circumstances.


Ukrainian intelligence believes that Russian troops have moved vehicles packed with explosives to four of the six power units.


Russia may cause a radiation leak at the plant as a "preventive measure" to stop Ukraine's counteroffensive operation and freeze the front line in their current form.


Concerns regarding Russian plans to blow up the plant started a while ago when Russian troops mined the cooling reservoir of the station.


There is speculation that Ukraine may also stage an attack on the plant as part of a 'false flag' operation, in order to obtain more NATO support.


Without a functioning cooling reservoir, nuclear reactors can melt within a duration of 10 hours to 14 days.




To put this into perspective, the Chernobyl power plant is considered RELATIVELY SMALL in comparison to Zaporizhzhia.


The Chernobyl power plant blew up in 1986 and to this day a circumference of around 19 miles (30 km) from the power plant is still UNINHABITABLE.


At the time of the explosion, THOUSANDS of people had to relocate and those exposed to the high levels of radiation experienced increased rates of cancer, particularly thyroid cancer.


That being said, if Zaporizhzhia was to blow up, the ramifications would be much larger.




Iā€™ve made the statement in my last tweet that Putin is in a very weak position: The war is not going as planned, NATO pressure is not easing, and now his grip on power is weaker than itā€™s ever been.


Iā€™ve also been concerned about what Putin would do if heā€™s backed into a corner, what I considered to be a RED LINE. Well now, heā€™s in a VERY BAD corner.


Putinā€™s actions, to date, have been restrained, irrespective of the above. However, the ā€˜coup attemptā€™ changed the game and I wouldn't be surprised if the war gets uglier prior to a peace deal being reached.


While the above report is from Ukraine's Defense Intelligence, arguably a biased source, it should nevertheless be taken VERY seriously.


A Nuclear accident would be a VERY serious escalation in this war and may trigger Article 5 of NATO based on Lindsey Grahamā€™s proposed resolution that any nuclear disaster caused by Russia would trigger it.


This has lead to many speculating the possibility that Ukraine could blow up the power plant and then blame it on Russia. This would strategically bring NATO to become directly engaged in this war.


I donā€™t think Putin or Zelensky will authorize the plant to be blown up, but I also think the likelihood of this occurring has increased DRASTICALLY in the past 3 days.


Weā€™re at a crossroads: Yesterdayā€™s power struggle in Russia will either cause Putin to seek peace, albeit on weaker terms than initially envisaged, or escalate the war by crossing lines no one anticipated would be crossed. My bet is on the former.


We are discussing this story in the ongoing space, link below.


Do you agree with my perspective? Do you expect the war to END SOON or to GET WORSE?


Fear Pornā€¦.even if they blow it up, I'm sure Russia doesn't really want a radioactive disaster on their doorstep. It'll be done in such a way to disable it.