Anonymous ID: 04872d June 26, 2023, 12:52 a.m. No.19075199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5204 >>5222 >>5235 >>5243 >>5314 >>5493

A fiery discussion with my nephew over his wife returning to the States without him for her job. I balked and emailed him AND HER (for the first time ever) because I realised he was not talking about this shit.


Me fuck off? 

How many fucking times do I have to tell you to stop with this shit. You’re not saving anyone. You’re stuck in a small echo chamber of shit that revolves around a fucking pedophile criminal that you think is some sort of second coming. 

He is a rapist and dirty filthy criminal cheat and you keep pushing this shit down people throats when they don’t want to listen. 

The problem with the US is corruption. 

It’s not a cabal of elites that want to microchip everyone. 

It’s corrupt fucking arseholes which trump is one of them. He has been selling secrets and screwing over any person he can to get ahead and the dumb fuck is too stupid to cover his own tracks because he used his fuckwit family members to help him commit his crimes. 


You want to talk to me. 

Here is your list,



Tech advice

Tv shows



Help with physical problems needing fixing or help in general


But no more fucking Q maga trump elites fucking crap. 


What are you going to do in five years when all this shit has finally died out and nothing has happened?

First it was the kids and human trafficking and then it’s on to the next thing. It’s just an echo chamber of fear that you live in because you’re scared and that’s what they want of you. To be stupid and scared. 

Here’s a question for you, America, more guns than people, 2nd amendment, gun loving southerners and northerners for that matter. People who are ready to be that well regulated militia that will stop a tyrannical government from oppressing its people… if the military is rolling out through the 48 states don’t you think the fucking redneck south would just love to fucking dig in against them? 

Those fucking crackpots would be firing off at anything that moved if they saw the military rolling out and the laws of the US being broken with military personnel setting foot on to us soil 


Don’t talk to me of censorship, they can’t fucking censor anything until after the fact, everything makes it online and there are too many Facebook live killings to prove that censorship is possible. 


Find something to move on to, I’ll see you on the other side of it all