Anonymous ID: 186b4e June 26, 2023, 5:04 a.m. No.19075608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5616 >>5631

My Dear Ones,


I am Saint Germain, and I am here today to talk about the segregation of two worlds 3D and 5D. This low vibrational reality of Matrix together with their inhabitants, who still trust their governments, are going to continue to stay in 3D. The evolved part of humanity is going to move to a Paradise of New Earth.


It took your planet a very long time to arrive to this very important moment. Divine intervention was necessary to make this possible. Be ready for the next step in your evolution. Now anytime, Mother Earth is going to drop 3D shell. Meantime, new conflicts between countries, groups and individuals are surfacing to the daylight. The lies and deceptions are visible globally. All of that are signs of falling down the Matrix’s prison. Money are also old energies, so you need let go the attachments to them. It has been decided by Light Beings not to allow any money into high dimensional realms. It would create unnecessary separation between humans and disturb the transition.


Old plans have been changed into new ones, so the process can’t be compromised. False news are still sources from different sources even from Light Community. Humankind would benefit greatly with daily spiritual practices, which can help in transition. Please, remember you don’t have much time left, everything is coming fast. It took thousands years to get to this point, so no more delays or interruptions.


Regarding funds, New Earth High Council and I agreed that money are not allowed into 5D. Money caused too much suffering and misery on your planet. It supposed to be used as an exchange for goods and services not to enslave everyone. Please, accept my Supreme Love and Support. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.


Stay calm and follow your path.

Saint Germain


Channeled by Erena Velazquez

Anonymous ID: 186b4e June 26, 2023, 5:06 a.m. No.19075613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5616

The Schumann Resonance Spikes and Ascension Symptoms | The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We are in the process of clearing energies out of our collective consciousness field, just as you are there on Earth. You are doing a tremendous job of that, both as individuals and as a collective. You have a way of measuring the energies there coming up from the core of Mother Earth, and it has been called the Schumann Resonance. When you see a big spike on that graph that represents those energies, you know you are doing a collective clearing, and each of you as individuals may feel the repercussions of such a spike. One thing is true for everyone there on Earth at this time. Now is the time to be doing that clearing consciously and to be allowing these experiences as best you can.


If you resist letting go of something, you will feel the bite of it. You will feel the stuckness that you sometimes feel. You will feel weighed down by life, and then you will wonder why you have that heavy feeling. It is always because you are attaching yourself to something that it is time for you to let go of, and when you are being given that opportunity to let go, and you don’t take it, you feel it in your body. You will also feel it in your state of being, in your level of vitality, and you will see the repercussions in your life because you will be holding a lower vibration and creating your life from that lower vibration.


It is so important to let go of attachments, and there has never been a better time to do so than right now. You are a part of the Awakened Collective if you are receiving this message, and therefore, it is up to you to lead the rest of humanity by your example. It is perfectly normal and acceptable for you to acknowledge that you have some ascension symptoms. However, it is also important for you to realize that you wouldn’t have those ascension symptoms if you were completely going with the flow. And we do not want any of you to feel negative emotion or experience judgment because you’re not going with the flow all the time. That is the way of the master, and while it is mastery that you seek, you’re not always going to be at that level of consciousness. And that’s okay, and you have to make that okay.


You have to accept it as your reality, because anything else is just more resistance. It doesn’t matter whether you are resisting something or someone out there, or resisting yourself. You still have to let go and let everything be as it is, including yourself and where you are in your spiritual evolution. We want to assure you that you will get to where you’re going, and you take the circuitous path on purpose. You take the path you are on so that you will have compassion for others who are struggling.


If you come in as the perfect master and never experience any hardships or heartbreak, then how can you help others? You wouldn’t be able to relate to them and what they’re going through, and it is so important for you to do so in order to have compassion for your fellow humans. You will continue to evolve, ascend, and access, and as you do so from that state of allowing, from that flow state, you can expect to soar. You can expect for things to get easier for you in your lives, even if you do not accomplish everything that you set out to in this life.


Even if you do not become rich and/or famous, you can still lead a beautiful magical life full of miracles and synchronicities. Trust in yourselves, in your path, and in the plan for this lifetime, and you will go far, and you will go far joyously. Continue to ride the waves of the spikes in Mother Earth’s energies, for she is there to support you and to remind you that you have a powerful being who is ascending right along with you, right underneath the soles of your feet.


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Anonymous ID: 186b4e June 26, 2023, 5:22 a.m. No.19075655   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5661 >>5666

Channeled message

Today I would like to discuss god, satan, factory farming, Trump and Putin


God and satan


Your planet used to be ruled by a combination of hostile extraterrestrials and demons, and their human minions.


The hostile extraterrestrials have mostly been chased away or eliminated already, in large part by the actions of the galactic confederation. My kind, Pleiadians, are part of the galactic confederation.


The most powerful of these demons was the being that you know as god.


In the grand scale of the entire universe, god was not that exceptional of a being. But he did have a lot of influence on earth.


God has recently been un-created, thanks to the teamwork of the heavens and of a certain Earth human lightworker, who was in service to Source. Yes, you lightworkers are that important: god was only eliminated after this Earth human lightworker sat down and asked light beings to unmake god, in accordance with the highest divine blueprint. And with this free-will request made, with the crucial phrase “in accordance with the highest divine blueprint” added, the heavens answered and had a mandate to act. And so it was. God has been uncreated.


Note that god is not the same being as Source, who is the actual creator of the universe. I would recommend not using the words god and Source as synonyms, because one of these was a demon and the other is the actual creator of the universe.


Once you step outside of cultural programming, it is relatively easy to see that god is not a good being. What kind of being would give ten commandments to his people and have “thou shalt have no other gods before me” be the first of these commandments? What kind of being would have “thou shalt not covet” as a commandment? You might as well say “thou shalt not commit thought crime.” People can’t control what emotions arise in them, they can only control their actions, and hence telling a people that they shall not feel certain feelings just makes that people feel unworthy and sinful.


Which is exactly what you want if you are a demon, because demons feed on negative emotions.


Furthermore, if you read the old testament, there are a large number of examples that indicate that god is not a noble being. Also, how could an apparently exclusively masculine being be the creator of everything?


Note also that praying to god wasn’t actually that effective at achieving real-world change, which makes sense because he was a demon. Meanwhile if you worship a Hindu deity, you’ll get much more benefits from it, because those are actual deities and not disguised demons. The Christians who say they have benefitted from divine intervention often cite Jesus / Yeshua or Mother Mary or an angel as the one making the intervention, not god specifically. Indeed Jesus and Mary and angels are good-hearted beings.


Look around you at all the suffering in the world. Does that seem to match a world where lots of people worship a loving god, or does that seem to match a world where lots of people have worshipped and thus empowered a demon?


An often used image is that god is the people’s shepherd. Well, shepherds ultimately eat their animals.


Not to mention that shepherds often herd a group of sheep. Do you think the creator of the universe wants people to be sheep, or do you think a demon wants people to be sheep?



Anonymous ID: 186b4e June 26, 2023, 5:51 a.m. No.19075751   🗄️.is 🔗kun

With my free will and by the highest divine blueprint I ask that the forces of light be protected and victorious against the dark forces.