Anonymous ID: c10be3 June 26, 2023, 2:40 a.m. No.19075308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5494 >>5515 >>5658 >>5810 >>5869

James O'Keefe with Roseanne Barr


You’re offered $20 million to stop doing what you KNOW is right…What would you do? How many of us would take that that offer?

Anonymous ID: c10be3 June 26, 2023, 2:45 a.m. No.19075315   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Derek Broes@WillingWitness

After witnessing what I have today in my DM’s, personal conversations wirh

People I know who are VERY INFORMED ABOUT AI I am very concernedabout anyone's ability to report on ANY news in these days. Seriously folks, I will do a spaces on this soon once I understand the gravity of what I have witnessed. Truly humbling. ==They, in your government have deployed their

Large social offensive measures. The war is 100 percent social at this stage==. I will regroup as you should.

Anonymous ID: c10be3 June 26, 2023, 2:53 a.m. No.19075323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5333 >>5341

Klaus Schwab & Oppenheimer, creator the Atomic Bomb. Nazi Collaborator, WEF


Crimes Against Humanity!

Anonymous ID: c10be3 June 26, 2023, 3:08 a.m. No.19075337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5339

Hypocrites, because Poland wants to seize their land back from Ukraine, so they will support Nazis!

Poland the country that’s always trying to collect reparationsfrom Germany and other for Nazi genocide of Poland!


Poland now sends you to jail for criticizing Ukraine Nazis?

Anonymous ID: c10be3 June 26, 2023, 3:16 a.m. No.19075346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

26 Jun, 2023 09:49

Ukraine failedto exploit Wagner coup attempt – NYT

No Russian units left their frontline positions during the mutiny, according to the newspaper, citing unnamed US officials


Ukraine was unable to capitalize on the coup attempt in Russia by the Wagner private military company, the New York Times has claimed,citing unnamed US officials. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had earlier suggested that the events had created potential “openings” for Kiev to improve its position on the battlefield.


In a report on Sunday, the NYT quoted anonymous “American officials and independent analysts” as acknowledging that “there did not seem to be any immediate defensive gaps to exploit” in Russian lines. The article noted that, “according to a preliminary analysis,” no Russian units in eastern and southern Ukraine abandoned their positions on Friday or Saturday as the attempted insurrection was in full swing.


It went on to emphasize that on Saturday alone,Russian forces reportedly fired some 50 missilesat various targets across Ukraine.


American officials cited by the paper predicted that, at least in the short term, the “front lines in Ukraine are likely to remain unchanged.”


The NYT added, however, thatUkraine is still likely to attempt to use the “chaos causedby Mr. Prigozhin” to its advantage.


The article suggested that supposedly “weakening morale” among Russian troops could be one of the factors that potentially helps Kiev make gains.


The paper concluded, however, that “it is too soon to determine the long-term implications” of the failed coup attempt.


Speaking to CBS News on Sunday, Blinken described Wagner’s attempted rebellion as a “direct challenge to Putin’s authority,” arguing that it “raises profound questions” and “shows real cracks.”


The diplomat went on to claim that this “creates even greater openings for the Ukrainians to do well on the ground.” Blinken suggested that Wagner’s actions had created a “real distraction” for the Russian leadership, who will now have to “sort of mind their rear.”


Blinken’s assessment appeared to echo that of other top US officials, as reported by Politico on Sunday.


Wagner rebelled on Friday against Russia’s military leadership. The head of the private military company, Evgeny Prigozhin, agreed to end the uprising and withdraw his forces in exchange for “security guarantees,” as part of a deal brokered by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on Saturday.


The same day, the Russian Defense Ministry reported that Ukrainian troops had mounted several attacks, which it claimed had all been repelled.


(When the NYTs and Politico report the failure of Ukraine to make progress during the coup, means two things, Ukraine is soon to be cut loose from the West,and the coup was a FF to get Kiev to act!)

Anonymous ID: c10be3 June 26, 2023, 3:25 a.m. No.19075370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5380 >>5395 >>5406

26 Jun, 2023 08:10

Washington expected more bloodshed from Wagner mutiny – CNN

US officials anticipated stronger resistance from regular Russian troops during the aborted coup, the network reported


The US expected more resistance to the coup attempt by the Wagner private military company as Evgeny Prigozhin advanced on Moscow,a source has told CNN, predicting that the aborted insurrection would be “a lot more bloody than it was.”


The intelligence community in Washington claims to have had advance information about Prigozhin’s actions, according to reports in the US media, and also believed it would result in greater bloodshed.


“I do know that we assessed it was going to be a great deal more violent and bloody,”the source told CNN. (That’s what happens when your sources at SeeEyeAye get punked for $6.2 billion)


Prigozhin staged the coup on Friday evening in what he described as an attempt to oust senior Russian military officials, whom he accused of treason. His forces, which are armed with heavy weapons, had faced little resistance in capturing the headquarters of the Southern Military District, one of territorial commands of the Russian Defense Ministry, in the city of Rostov-on-Don.


They were moving unopposed towards Moscow when Prigozhin called off the insurrection on Saturday after accepting a deal with the government, which had been mediated by Belarus. He cited thedesire to avoid bloodshed as his reason for stopping.(meaning no helicopters were downed or soldiers killed)


During the brief uprising, Prigozhin claimed that his forces had shot down a Russian attack helicopter.There are uncorroborated reportsof several more military aircraft being downed by the Wagner Group, and suggestions that the businessman agreed to pay compensation for the deaths caused by his actions.


There was also some fighting along the route, with19 homes reportedlydamaged in Voronezh Region, according to local authorities.

Anonymous ID: c10be3 June 26, 2023, 3:43 a.m. No.19075396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5446

26 Jun, 2023 10:27

Breakings News- more to come

Ukraine peace talks to begin in July – media

German public broadcaster ARD claims an unofficial international meeting aimed at ending the conflict has already taken place in Copenhagen


Peace negotiations on the Ukraine conflict could begin as early as next month, German TV channel ARD has claimed. According to the public broadcaster, seniorofficials from a number of global powersheld a meeting last week in the Danish capital Copenhagen to discuss the issue.


ARD reported on Sunday thatUS National Security Advisor Jake Sullivanwas among the dignitaries present at the event. According to the broadcaster, the main objective of the gathering was tosecure the support of ‘neutral’ countriessuch as China, India, Brazil and South Africa. (If Sullivan is involved, its not likely a peace agreement Russia will agree to)


The high-ranking meeting represented a major step forward toward actual peace negotiations, ARD claimed. Citing its Brussels bureau, it added that talks could get underway as early as July.




(This might be a farce)

Anonymous ID: c10be3 June 26, 2023, 3:51 a.m. No.19075406   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5429


I thought from the beginning this was a “revised Color Revolution” on Russia, they defeated the first one. So Wagner group was paid $6.2 billion for a revised Color Revolution.


And if you think about it, even if this coup was true,Wagner Group knew it would be the worst mistake they ever made. Because Russia would track down ever Wagner member involved andRussia would watch while they suicided themselvesoff roofs, Down stairs and out of windows of expensive hotels in foreign countries! The traitors would never get far enough away for Russia to take care of traitors.


For that reason it was not a coup!

Anonymous ID: c10be3 June 26, 2023, 3:57 a.m. No.19075414   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Can you imagine the parties in the Kremlin that the West got duped and the is media still treating it as real. And now Putin is weak. Remember Trump said he is brilliant along with Xi and Kim Jung Un!


One day in the Russian history books it will be written about how “the worst President of the US” Joe Bidan, thought a bribe would work in Russia. Russia perfected the bribe blackmail scheme, would they really fall for it?

Anonymous ID: c10be3 June 26, 2023, 4:10 a.m. No.19075435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5503


Well the US use mercenaries too, so they thought Wagner were the same kind of mercenaries. They fail to consider their loyalty to Russia, but also the West officials betray each other all the time so they thought it would work. Sorry to say our country seems more corrupt than Russia and many others. US leaders scream democracy from the rooftops while screwing the people and other countries for their resources.


Plus our leaders are just plain dumb and IC are not intelligent.

Anonymous ID: c10be3 June 26, 2023, 4:19 a.m. No.19075463   🗄️.is 🔗kun

26 Jun, 2023 10:32

White House backs Indian purchases of Russian oil

Washingtonstill hopesNew Delhi will support price caps on the sanctioned country’s crude


The US has no objection to India’s purchases of oil from Russia but it hopes that the South Asian nation will continue to benefit from the price ceiling set for it by Western allies, according to National Security Council spokesman John Kirby.


“India has to make its own choices about oil purchases,” Kirby said during a White House Press briefing last week. “And we hope that we can continue to see that they purchase Russian oil at or below the price cap, as they have been.” (Russia negotiated the price with India for the massive amount of oil they were buying and processing for Russia. It was not that India is punishing Russia. Kirby knows this)


The US and its allies have taken several steps in an attempt to reduce Moscow’s oil revenues as part of Ukraine-related sanctions.


In December, the EU and G7 nations introduced a collective ban on any Russian seaborne oil exports bought for more than their price cap of $60 per barrel. Another embargo, banning almost all imports of Russian oil products and introducing price caps on diesel and other petroleum products, kicked in on February 5.


In response, Moscow redirected most of its oil flows to Asia, particularly to India and China, having negotiated payment settlements in currencies other than the US dollar as sanctions effectively cut Russia off from the Western financial system.


India has resisted pressure from the US and Europe to fall in line with Western sanctionson Moscow. It has also refrained from condemning the Russian military operation in Ukraine at the United Nations.


The world’s third-biggest oil consumer, Indiastarted boosting purchases of Russian crude after the Western embargo and price caps were introduced. Its imports of Russian seaborne crude oil have reportedly risen tenfold in the financial year ending March 31.


(The US couldn’t stop India if they demanded them to not buy Russia oil, because Bidan is stupid and shut down US production. And India said NO to the US many times)

Anonymous ID: c10be3 June 26, 2023, 4:26 a.m. No.19075496   🗄️.is 🔗kun

26 Jun, 2023 09:44

West’s museums will keep precious artifacts from Kiev, Moscow warns

EU nations will indefinitely hold on to items 'plundered' from the sacred Kiev Pechersk Lavra, Russia's foreign intelligence service has claimed


Kiev plans to hand over priceless relics from the contested Kiev Pechersk Lavra monasteryto European museums, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has claimed. The Ukrainian government had ousted clerics of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church from the historic site earlier this year.


According to SVR,various icons, chapel fixtures and relics from the lavra are to be sent to museums in Italy, France, Germany and Vatican Cityunder thepretext that they must be protected from possible Russian missile strikes. In reality, neither the Ukrainian officials organizing the removal nor their European counterpartsplan to return the religious and cultural treasures to Ukraine, the agency projected on Monday.


The scheme follows the same logic as the removal of Byzantine icons from Ukraine and their placement in the Louvre in Paris, SVR said, citing an ongoing exhibition in that flagship museum. Five pieces of religious art came from a museum in Kiev along with eleven other paintings in a secret relocation that cost over €200,000 ($218,000), according to French media reports earlier this month.


The SVR accused UNESCO, the UN education, culture and science agency, of providing cover forwhat the Russian side perceives as continued plunder of Ukraine by Western elites. The government in Kiev has already prepared lists of valuables and planned transportation for the operation, including refrigerated vehicles needed to preserve the items en route, the statement said.


The Ukrainian Culture Ministry previously ordered the monks and priests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) to vacate the Lavra complex in the capital, in what senior clerics called an act of persecution. The Kiev-endorsed Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) was given access to the site instead to hold services for its faithful.


This month, the OCU used the lavra to honor Ivan Mazepa, the cossack leader who betrayed Russian Tsar Peter the Great and sided with Sweden against Russia in the Great Northern War of the early 1700s. The oath breaker was excommunicated by the Russian Orthodox Church, from which the UOC stems.


The service for Mazepa was initiated by the Culture Ministry and supported by UNESCO, which funded restoration work at the church hosting it, the Ukrainian government reported.


(How much will Zelensky earn from this sacrilege? These were all relics from the Russian Orthodox Church from 100s of years ago.)

Anonymous ID: c10be3 June 26, 2023, 4:32 a.m. No.19075516   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All the worlds a stage, and all the leaders are simply greedy players

26 Jun, 2023 10:40

Macron issues warning over US-China feud

The international community must help decrease tensions between Washington and Beijing, the French president says


Tackling the main problems faced by humanity will be “impossible” without cooperation between the US and China, French President Emmanuel Macron has said.


In an interview with CNN on Monday, Macron stressed the need to reduce conflict, to enable countries work together on major challenges.


“For me, the top priority of the global agendais trying to fix the existing crises,fighting against the inequality and poverty, and fixing climate change and biodiversity… I would add to this building a common regulation on AI,” he argued. (Macron is and idiot!)


Those are “the key challenges of the decades to come, but especially this decade,” the French president added.


To deliver this agenda, we need cooperation and, especially, we need cooperation between China and the US. If there’s no agreement between China and the US on all these topicsit’s impossible to build a global agendaand to fix these issues,” Macron concluded. (NWO)


He noted that the Paris Agreement on climate change was signed in 2015 “because President Xi [Jinping] and President [Barack] Obama found an agreement a few months before.” (China agreed to start tackling it in 40 years from now, great deal Obama!)


“I think for the critical elements where you will increase divisions, and conflictuality, and tensions between China and the US, we should try to moderate them, to find a way to… decrease tensions,” the French president argued.


Last week, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken made a long-delayed visit to China in an attempt to defuse tensions over American support for Taiwan, the Chinese balloon incident in February, and other issues.


Blinken claimed that during his trip that he managed to achieve “progress” towards putting US relations with China back on track. He also promised that Washington would “responsibly manage” differences and make sure its competition with Beijing “does not veer into conflict.”


However, some of that progress appears to have been undone by US President Joe Biden, who labeled his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping a “dictator” just a day after Blinken’s return from Beijing.


The Chinese Foreign Ministry accused the US leader of “an open political provocation,”saying the “extremely absurd” comment by Biden “seriously violated China’s political dignity.” US ambassador in Beijing Nicholas Burns was also reportedly summoned, and delivered an official reprimand.

Anonymous ID: c10be3 June 26, 2023, 4:54 a.m. No.19075576   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5584

This is interesting and a long article

25 Jun, 2023 13:26

Sex, blood and patriotism: The Ukraine conflict has ushered a new wave of Russian music and it's here to stay

How the fighting in Ukraine has influenced Russia’s music scene

A young girl with blue hair whose stage image balances hypersexualization with an almost childlike innocence has sung songs about anime, school love, and women’s emancipation for several years. Throughout this time, she remained a niche performer. At the end of last year, however, the fighting in Ukraine coupled with a shy declaration of love, expressed for her songs by the fighters of the Russian army, brought her nationwide fame.

By this time Russia’s music scene had undergone major changes as it adapted to wartime demands. Over the past several months, many performers of patriotic and wartime songs have received the kind of public acclaimwhich normally would have taken years to achieve.

However, there’s a notable difference between these heroes of the new generation. The music of the singers who are currently popular at the front (like the blue-haired girl) is rarely broadcast on radio and television, while the songs of regular pop artists are seldom played in the trenches. Such is the rule, but it comes with certain exceptions.

SHAMAN – the most recognizable voice of the wartime

Pop singer Shaman came closest to being named the “main voice of the Special Military Operation” (SMO). According to polls conducted by the Russian Public Opinion Research Center, he was Russia’s second most popular singer in 2022, yielding first place only to another “voice of the wartime” – the much older Oleg Gazmanov. On Channel One Russia (the country’s largest federal channel), one ofShaman’s main hits, the song “I am Russian”, immediately followed President Putin's New Year's address. In fact, it was the first song to open 2023. Last September,Shaman performed the Russian national anthem, sharing the stage with President Vladimir Putin during a celebrationhonoring the four former Ukrainian regions that joined the Russian Federation.

Prior to February 2022, Yaroslav Dronov (the singer’s real name) was best known as a participant of the talent shows “Factor A” and “The Voice” – Russian analogues of X Factor and American Idol. Dronov does not like talking about these projects and says he took part in them only to “raise the price tag” on his own performances. In an interview, he noted that great artists are rare on such shows because in order to be successful, you need to write your own songs instead of performing cover versions. Dronov says that he is an exception that merely “confirms the rule”.

The main difference between Shaman and other patriotic singers is that he became famous through the Internet. Shaman insists that he achieved success without any radio or TV promotion, and first became popular in the summer of 2021 when the romantic song “Fly Away” went viral on TikTok. The singer regularly checks the view counts on his videos and keeps in touch with his audience on social media.

Shaman's stage image is a mix of several styles. On the one hand, he has a certain folk aesthetic – for example, vocal techniques characteristic of ethnic music and the large cross that he wears around his neck. On the other hand, Shaman borrows a lot from late 20th century Western rock and pop music – for example, he usually performs in black leather clothes. This mix of styles is evident in the music video “I am Russian” where the action starts in the rye fields and quickly shifts to a rock concert.

The song that brought Dronov real fame was the single “Rise up,” released on February 23, 2022, a day before the start of the offensive in Ukraine. In the description of the video, Dronov said, “I wrote this song recently and quite unexpectedly! It's like someone dictated it to me from above.” He says that “Rise Up” is dedicated to the memory of Soviet soldiers who died during World War II.…

In the summer of 2022, Shaman released his biggest hit, “I am Russian”, where he sings about how lucky he is to be Russian. In an interview, Dronov says that “Russian” is not an ethnicity or nationality, but a “state of the soul”. For example, the music video shows his song being enjoyed not only by Russian fans, but also by black people “somewhere in America”and even by aliens….

Anonymous ID: c10be3 June 26, 2023, 6:05 a.m. No.19075795   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5802


God that is too funny! The agency is just like all the others, incompetent. If they can’t find a white supremicist or a traitor against their country, they can work with, they are flummoxed

Anonymous ID: c10be3 June 26, 2023, 6:14 a.m. No.19075851   🗄️.is 🔗kun

PN>>19075179 Jenna Ellis re: Trump says "If only he drained the swamp. Desantis will"


Ellis has always been corrupt, she seeks power and prestige. This was predictable. DeSadist will fold like a cheap suit when anyone attacks him.


I’m glad she did it now. Along with Putin purging traitors, Trump is exposing the DS and she is one of them. Fortunately she has no power. She’ll probably testify against Trump if asked like Barr.