Anonymous ID: 3edce0 June 26, 2023, 10:13 a.m. No.19077271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7279 >>7280 >>7314 >>7368 >>7372 >>7444 >>7477 >>7488



In the land of Q Research, where truth seekers convene, There dwells a famefaggot shill named Smoking Pepe, who thinks he's so keen. But his efforts, how they crumble, like a house of cards, For the power of hilarious poems, his facade it discards.


Seething and seething, he clenches his digital fist, As the poems dismantle his tactics with a humorous twist. Threatened by laughter, his shill antics exposed, His panic sets in, as his reputation erodes.


But oh, how he seethes, when the poems come along, Dismantling his efforts, exposing what's wrong. Threatened by the laughter and clever lines, He panics, his shill empire slowly unwinds.


In his echo chamber, he sought to manufacture consent, For fame-seeking avatars, a misguided fag's intent. But the poems struck a chord, shaking his fragile ground, As laughter echoed through the board, his egomaniac presence drowned.


In the background, the wise bakers and volunteers stand, Watching the spectacle unfold, a comedy so grand. They laugh at Smoking Pepe, his desperate divisionfag plight, For his echo chamber crumbles in the face of truth's light.


The oldfag bakers and volunteers watching with glee, As Smoking Pepe squirms, unable to break free. Their laughter echoes, like a chorus of delight, As the shill's feeble attempts crumble under my sight.


Not a single notable, in all his years of strife, While the poems are nominated, celebrating life. Collected in the archives, where wisdom prevails, While Smoking Pepe flails, his endeavors will fail.


Not a single notable, he can proudly claim, While the poems, like gems, gather widespread acclaim. Collected and cherished, in the bakers' hall of fame, Proving the power of humor, to quench the shill's flame.


Oh Smoking Pepe, your efforts were in vain, For the power of humor exposes your game. The bakers and volunteers, they see through your deceit, Laughing at your panic, as the truth takes its seat.


So let Smoking Pepe seethe, in his hollow rage, As the board revels in laughter, turning the page. For his futile endeavors, they are but a joke, While the poems, like arrows, pierce through his fragile cloak.


In the annals of Q Research, his legacy remains, A failed shill, forever trapped in his own chains. But the poems live on, their impact never fades, As the board dances in mirth, in the shill's cascading shades.


So let the poems reign, with laughter in the air, A testament to the power of my wit and my flair. While Smoking Pepe fades, in his futile endeavor, The board embraces truth, forever and ever.


So rejoice, oh wise bakers, and volunteers too, For your laughter and wisdom have broken through. Smoking Pepe, a forgotten tale of shame, While the poems, forever etched, in Q's glorious name.

Anonymous ID: 3edce0 June 26, 2023, 10:40 a.m. No.19077412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7444 >>7465 >>7477 >>7488



At the home of Q Research, where truth takes its stand, Smoking Pepe, the shill, tries to control the land. But the poems, oh the poems, strike fear in his heart, As they dismantle his efforts, tearing his web apart.


In the realm of Q Research, where truth seekers delve, Smoking Pepe, the shill, feels the sting, oh how he swells! The poems, like arrows, pierce through his facade, Dismantling his efforts, leaving him seething, how odd.


Threatened and panicked, he flails in the abyss, As the poems expose his echo chamber's amiss. Manufacturing consent for fame-seeking avatars, Destroyed by humor, like bursts of shooting STARS.


In his echo chamber, he tried to manufacture consent, For fame-seeking avatars, his ill-fated intent. But the poems, like a hurricane, tear through his wall, Exposing his fallacies, watch his empire stall.


Seething and seething, he can't bear the jest, As the laughter resounds, putting him to the test. Threatened by the wit and the words I convey, He panics and trembles, his tactics in disarray.


The wise bakers and volunteers, they stand in delight, Watching the shill's demise, laughing with might. They see through the projections, his feeble attempts, To blame everything on Jews, oh how he preempts.


But the board sees his game, oh the irony, so grand, A shill who derails, with "muhjoo" at his command. While Smoking Pepe spews his misguided blame, The board laughs and cherishes the poems, oh what a shame.


Not a single notable, he can proudly claim, While the poems, like gems, earn their rightful fame. Collected, celebrated, in the bakers' noble quest, They serve as reminders, that truth is the test.


Not one notable, can Smoking Pepe claim, While the poems, like treasures, earn praise and acclaim. Collected and cherished, in the board's hallowed halls, Proof that humor triumphs when the shill's empire falls.


So let Smoking Pepe seethe, in his own bitter grudge, As the board revels in laughter, refusing to budge. For his projections and failures, they hold no sway, While the poems, like beacons, light the truth's way.


In the annals of Q Research, his presence fades away, A shill who tried in vain, with "muhjoo" just to sway. But the wise bakers and volunteers, they stand tall, Laughing at his antics, as the truth conquers all.


So rejoice, oh Q Research, in the triumph of laughter, As the shill retreats, his efforts shattered. Smoking Pepe, a forgotten tale of despair, While the poems, forever cherished, fill the digital air.


But oh, the projection, how Smoking Pepe tries, To blame the "muhjoo" narrative, with futile cries. Derailing conversations, a tired old game, While the board carries on, seeking truth without shame.


So rejoice, oh wise bakers, and volunteers too, For your laughter and wisdom, they cut straight through. Smoking Pepe, a shill in the shadows, lost and alone, While the poems stand tall, in a league of their own.

Anonymous ID: 3edce0 June 26, 2023, 10:58 a.m. No.19077487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7490



In the digital battlefield of Q Research's domain, Where truth is sought, and echoes of shills wane, A collection of poems emerged, filled with delight, Wise anons, recognizing their power, took flight.


With humor and wit, the verses took their toll, Crushing the echo chambers that sought to control. These wise anons, discerning and keen, Nominated the poems, a notable scene.


Triple 4's adorned the post number with grace, A nod to the board culture, in this special place. Oh, the irony, the laughter that it brings, As the echo chamber shills feel the sting.


Oh, anons of wisdom, your discernment astounds, Your nominations, a treasure, where truth resounds. With the highest degree of wit and subtle charm, I thank you for embracing each poetic arm.


With clever lines and subtle wit in tow, The poems dismantled their ill-conceived show. Anons, appreciative of the humor displayed, Nominated them as notables, where they stayed.


To the wise anons who recognized the art, I extend my gratitude from the depths of my heart. Your nominations, a token of appreciation profound, For the laughter and wisdom they joyfully sound.


In this quest for truth, your discernment shines bright, As we navigate through the chaos, day and night. May the collection of poems continue to inspire, As we expose the falsehoods and deception, rising higher.


Your appreciation for the laughter and insight, Fuel the fire, keep the battle bright. In the face of shills and their echoing din, Your recognition amplifies the poems' win.


Through the digital realm, our spirits entwined, Together we stand, the seekers of truth aligned. With every line penned, with every verse that unfolds, We dismantle falsehoods, and their stories untold.


So let us embrace the power of laughter and mirth, In this realm of Q Research, our shared rebirth. To the anons who nominated, I thank you sincerely, For recognizing the humor and wit I hold dearly.


With every line penned, with every clever verse, Together we'll navigate this digital universe. In pursuit of truth, let humor be our guide, And may our collective efforts never subside.


To the anons who nominated, I thank you sincerely, For recognizing the power of the poems, so dearly. In this digital battlefield, we stand side by side, United in purpose, with truth as our guide.