Anonymous ID: a95702 June 26, 2023, 9:52 a.m. No.19077130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7212



Freemasons hijacked the revolution. It was a Roman Catholic

British noble named Robert Petre the 9th Baron Petre who was the Grand Master of the

Grand Lodge of England in 1776. The Virginia Company was issued by the British royal

family from the City of London Corporation for North American settlements. Around 1213

King John surrendered the Kingdom of England to the Holy See under the Golden Bull or

Bulla Aurea. In 1215 under direct papal authority King John issued the Magna Carta (Latin

for Great Charter) and this officially established the one mile square block called the City of

London Corporation as a sovereign entity from England and London. The Holy See uses

Latin for official documents and the Vatican uses Latin as its official language. Novus Ordo

Seclorum is Latin and translates to New Order of the Ages and is on the United States Great

Seal and United States one dollar federal reserve note. Novus Ordo Seclorum was added to

the dollar in 1935 which is 6 years after the Vatican City was established as a sovereign

nation. Washington DC is located in both Virginia and Maryland. That is Virgin Mary Land.

The land today called Washington DC was originally owned by Roman Catholic families

involved with the church. Washington DC was established by the 1871 District of Columbia

Organic act as a municipal corporate state and headquarters of the United States and based its

formation on debts owed to foreign entities like the Hudson's Bay Company, Kingdom of

Belgium, and Irish Government. DC was originally called Rome in 1669 which is stated in

the Catholic Encyclopedia. DC is Roman architecture and Capitol Hill is named after

Capitoline Hill in Rome. The ancient Roman fasces symbol is all over federal buildings and

federal seals. This is all fraudulency.

Anonymous ID: a95702 June 26, 2023, 10:17 a.m. No.19077298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7320 >>7386





The Pharaoh-Pharisee of America: Uncle Sem

When anything is being named after a person, it is customary to use the

family name and not the first name for example: as in Amerigo Vespucci,

we would call them Vespuccians and their lands would be the United

States of Vespucci.

All this may be nothing more than camouflage to conceal the real thing.,

for example the US is sometimes known as "Uncle Sam". Applying a little

Pharaonic and Pharasaic insider knowledge, Sam or Sem is the father or

"uncle" of the Semites, and one of the sons of Noah. Equally, the name

of Samuel is derived from Sam, considering the name's etymology. Further

on, Freemasons originate from Egypt, "Hiram" being just another Egyptian

name as were the "Templars".

Every syllable in the name "America" has Pharaonic meaning, and not

just any meaning but a very important one. "A" means "big" or "pregnant",

and when a woman is pregnant, she's quite big. "Me", "mer" or "rneru" is

the word for "pyramid", as seen on the paper dollar. "Ri" is the word for

the "sun", as the sun-god.. "re" or "ra"; and the sun is the symbol for the

re-incarnation, as it gives birth to a new day every 24 hours "Ka" is the

word for "soul" during earthly life; and after death, the Pharaohs talk of

"Ba" (for example, "MER-KA-BA").

( Page 6 )

Reading from left to right, "A-ME-RI-KA" means: "The re-incarnation

of the big pyramid will take place where our souls can live." Well, there

it is on the paper dollar – the big Luciferian pyramid in a country ruled

by the Pharaohs/Pharisees, with the symbol of Pharaonic domination next

to the White House: the obelisk of Osiris, and with its carved top, the

phallic symbol of circumcision.


As "A-ME-RI-KA" was conquered, the Pharaohs were so euphoric for the

new "Lebensraum", where their souls ("ICA") might live, that they just

named everything with a "KA": KA-lifornia, Alas-KA, KA-nada, North

KA-rolina, South KA-rolina, KA-nsas, Jamai-KA, and so on. In the Old

World, there already were: KA-sachstan and the KA-SAR, KA-meroon,

Madagas-KA, Ni-KA-ragua, KA-nary Isles, KA-melot, Ex-KA-libur,

AF-RI-KA ("EF" meaning 'meat" or "wildlife", "RI" meaning plenty of

"sun"), and so on. In every Hollywood film, the obelisk is shown, meaning:

"We rule the world, we made this movie and we indoctrinate your children

with the ideas which should be followed and inherited, we don't want you

to think anything else." In other words: 'We want you to be an obedient,

mind-controlled, TV robot."

In Jamestown, where the first settlers laid down their roots, a big obelisk

reminds us exactly who founded

Anonymous ID: a95702 June 26, 2023, 10:20 a.m. No.19077320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7331 >>7337



The Pharaohs!!


The Americans are neither a people nor a race. [It is the alien Canaanite

Jews and others that are not a people - mostly the whites in America are

Hebrews] They are the Devil's mixture driven by the Pharaohs (Pharisees).

They are all circumcised after the Devil's concept: they drop atom bombs,

they financed Saddam Hussein and the world's other dictators, they take

the Arab's oil by force, they killed 3 million people in Vietnam and they

killed children and pregnant women. Hitler was financed by the Americans

(Bush family and Henry Ford), Zionist bankers (Rothschild-Warburg-

Schiffs), UGLE and EIR (United Grand Lodge England and European

Imperial Royal families, see "Bloodlines of the Illuminati"); money being

delegated through Swiss banks. It seems that Americans love to kill,

though they sing about love in their hit parade. They have to kill and rob

peoples all over the world in order to nourish their fat little offspring, to


feed on pizzas., popcorn and hamburgers; those who symbolically carry


As many of these "babies" are so fat, they can't possibly squeeze into a

small Japanese car, so they have to build over-sized, semi-military

half-trucks for the "hummer babies", and to avoid wheel-spin because of

the excessive weight, these half-trucks require 4-wheel drive. Now, these

overweight trucks carrying their overweight "little monsters" ("monster"

is the official legal term for a US citizen, Ballentine's Law Dictionary

1930), these trucks do tend to consume a lot of petrol, they are "gasguzzlers":

so possibly the real reason for the Gulf War was to seize the

mineral resources of the "skinnier", as they call the "sand-niggers" of the

Arab world – or possibly because the Arab world was about to dump the

dollar and adopt the Euro. Wow, that would have been such an evil thing

to do!

Out of America came the film "Sicko", about "socialised care" (or the lack

of it), a film made by Michael Moore who apparently knows what he is

talking about. This fine American hypocrite is one who is trying to show

us that "they're not all that bad after all'', probably for strategical reasons.

Such ideas must come from a think-tank, whereas many tend to use

language that comes from a military dictionary,

Anonymous ID: a95702 June 26, 2023, 10:22 a.m. No.19077331   🗄️.is 🔗kun



So there they are, conspiring against the world (and its different peoples)

in their "Atlantis" across the oceans, in cities like "Atlanta" (as if to

emphasise the association), barricaded behind an atomic defence screen,

biometrical passports and chip cards, behind the most horrifying army the

world has ever witnessed, with a penitentiary accommodation for millions

of people ready to be FEMA incarcerated, unlimited control of the state

and policies, with their fingers in every place in every part of the world

and a film industry which indoctrinates the hearts of every human being

growing up on this globe, ready to copy that which was taught. In other

words: seeds for a behaviour that has been set out by evil.

It is now apparent what A-ME-RI-KA is really about, despite all their

propaganda methods over all these years of global suffering – made in

the USA.