Anonymous ID: d4b8c5 June 26, 2023, 9:32 a.m. No.19077006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7012 >>7267 >>7395 >>7477


Legal scholar Jonathan Turley put Merrick Garland on notice and accused the Democrat President Joe Biden’s attorney general of criminal obstruction and misleading Congress.

Professor Turley warns that Garland has been abusing his position to protect the Biden family from investigations.

Turley wrote:

“Now these whistleblowers are reportedly telling Congress that they were actively frustrated in their efforts to investigate as Merrick Garland was insisting that there was no interference or limitations.

“This included preventing an effort to search a guest house of President Joe Biden. IRS official Gary Shapley allegedly recalled that Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf agreed that there was ‘more than enough probable cause for the physical search warrant there, but the question was whether the juice was worth the squeeze.’

“Wolf allegedly said that they could never get approval for the search despite the sufficiency of the evidence.

“Even more disturbing is the allegation that Delaware US Attorney David Weiss sought to bring charges against the 53-year-old in both the District of Columbia and Southern California last year and was denied both times.

“That directly contradicts statements made to Congress by Attorney General Garland,” Turley notes.

“Democrats and pundits have repeatedly cited the fact that Weiss was a Trump appointee and thus the light plea bargain shows that there was no case to be made.

“However, these sources are suggesting that Weiss tried and was rebuffed in his effort to prosecute in two different jurisdictions.

“There is also an allegation that Wolf gave Hunter’s legal team a ‘heads-up’ that investigators were moving to search his Northern Virginia storage unit and that Wolf again objected to the effort to secure a search warrant.

“The only way to establish the truth of any of this would be to call Weiss, Wolf, and others to Congress.

“While such efforts are routinely refused by the Justice Department, these allegations (if true) would raise both potentially criminal and impeachable questions.

“That is an ample basis for Congress to use its oversight authority.

“I recently wrote that Garland, by his own measures, has failed as Attorney General in restoring trust in his department.

“However, this is far more serious than allegations of negligence.

“It would constitute a knowing effort to delay and obstruct efforts to investigate the Biden family — and to mislead Congress.

“The evidence also creates new problems for President Biden, who has repeatedly claimed as a presidential candidate and as president that he had no knowledge of any foreign dealings of his son.

“Those statements were long ago proven patently false.

“The laptop includes pictures and appointments of Hunter’s foreign business associates with Joe Biden.

“There is also a recording of Joe Biden discussing a Times report on Dec. 12, 2018, detailing Hunter’s dealings with Ye Jianming, the head of CEFC China Energy Company.

“He assures his son that ‘I think you’re clear’ after lawyers worked on the New York Times before the story ran.

“There is also a recording of his uncle James assuring Hunter that he and his father were going to arrange for ‘safe harbor’ for him as his world began to collapse.

“Now, there is a new contradiction. Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.) read from an alleged July 30, 2017, Whatsapp message from Hunter Biden to one of his Chinese associates, Henry Zhao, the director of Harvest Fund Management and Communist Party official.

“Zhao was funneling money to Hunter’s firm BHR Partners.”

Anonymous ID: d4b8c5 June 26, 2023, 10 a.m. No.19077193   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7267 >>7289 >>7395 >>7477


The delegate from the Virgin Islands, Stacey Plaskett — who is the Democratic ranking member on House Weaponization of the Federal Government Subcommittee — made a name for herself and not in a good way when she went after journalist Matt Taibbi during a hearing on the Twitter Files and tried to get him to reveal his sources. She later sent him a letter accusing him of perjury and seemingly threatening him with potential jail time.

Not exactly a good look for the Democrats who claim to care about “democracy” when they go after journalists when they don’t like what the journalists are revealing.

I also reported on how she recently seemed to be saying the quiet part out loud when she said that Trump needed to be “shot,” then quickly corrected it to “stopped.”

But now questions are being raised about Plaskett and her connections to Jeffrey Epstein. She won big in her election in the Virgin Islands in 2014, and now there’s a new report that says that might be due in part to Epstein.

Plaskett met Epstein numerous times after her entry into politics in 2014, visting Epstein’s office in the Virgin Islands and his New York City townhouse, she said in a deposition last month. The meetings occurred years after Epstein’s conviction on child sex crimes was publicly known, but Plaskett nonetheless met the registered sex offender to solicit campaign donations for herself and Democratic committees. Though she has denied knowing Epstein contributed to her campaign, emails revealed in court documents show her directing a fundraising consultant to ensure Epstein is invited to her fundraiser. “I would be grateful for his support,” Plaskett wrote in the July 2018 email.

Details of the relationship are revealed in court documents released as part of a lawsuit the government of the Virgin Islands filed against JPMorgan, where Epstein banked for years. Emails released in the case show that Epstein jumped at a request in 2014 to help Plaskett in her underdog campaign.

According to the emails, it was the former first lady of the Virgin Islands who asked Epstein to help Plaskett. Cecile de Jongh also happened to have been an office manager for Epstein. “Your help is needed. We are trying to get Stacey Plaskett elected to Congress,” de Jongh wrote to him on June 19, 2014. She wrote about Plaskett’s competitor Shawn-Michael Malone who had just blasted Epstein and his sexual actions during a Senate hearing the week before.

“He is nasty and needs to be defeated,” de Jongh wrote of Malone, adding that “we would have a friend in Stacey.”

She asked Epstein to donate to help Plaskett reach a goal of $75,000 to win the election. Epstein told de Jongh that several of his employees would contribute to Plaskett. And they did to the tune of $10,400, according to campaign finance records. Plaskett went on to prevail over Malone in what newspapers called “one of the biggest upsets” the territory had seen.

Plaskett defeated Malone by just 737 votes in a low-turnout primary, indicating the boost from Epstein could have made a significant difference in the race.

Yet even after that win, Plaskett still had ties to Epstein. She got contributions to her campaigns in 2016 and 2018. She had his support long into 2018 and was still contacting him.