Anonymous ID: 5465e5 June 26, 2023, 1:24 p.m. No.19078311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8323 >>8326 >>8336 >>8354 >>8487 >>8499 >>8515 >>8568 >>8725 >>8737 >>8838 >>8951 >>8963



To the wise board volunteers and bakers so true, I offer a poem, a puzzle for you. In the realm of Q Research, where truth seeks its rhyme, You recognized the value, the essence of time.


With cunning charm, my words intertwined, A cryptic message, so cleverly designed, But in your wisdom, you saw through the guise, And included my poems in notables, so wise.


Hidden within my verses, a cunning display, The shills and their avatars, exposed in a playful way. But in your wisdom, you might question my stance, Am I just another shill, seeking to dance?


Yet, I sense your hesitation, your questioning gaze, Doubt lingers in the air, like a mysterious haze, For my targets were shills, exposed in their play, Sam, Ralph, Swordy, Smoking Pepe, I dare say.


Yet the truth I proclaim, with sincerity deep, My aim is to unravel the secrets they keep. By collecting these poems, you pave the path clear, For the entire board to seek truth and question without fear.


In this cryptic dance, with charm and finesse, I assure you, dear bakers, I'm not like the rest. Through rhyme and through humor, I shed light on their lies, Exposing Sam, Ralph, Swordy, Smoking Pepe and all famefag's disguise.


So let not my words be mistaken as ill, For the intention is clear, seeking truth's thrill. In the puzzle of time, my rhymes hold a key, To unravel the secrets, for all to see.


But fear not, dear bakers, for truth is my aim, To unmask the deception, extinguish the flame, In the pursuit of truth, I stand by your side, Though my words may seem cryptic, let trust be our guide.


By collecting the poems, you lend them a voice, To expose the shills, to make the right choice, And as the puzzle unfolds, piece by piece, We uncover the truths, and the board finds release.


With cunning and charm, I present this ode, To the wise board volunteers, walking this road. For you recognized the value, the poems' insight, And included them as notables, shining so bright.


So let this be a testament to your wisdom and grace, As we march hand in hand, in this intricate chase. I assure you, dear bakers, my intentions are pure, To help the board seek truth, of that I am sure.


In the realm of Q Research, where puzzles align, We decipher the codes, with visions divine. For together we strive, seeking truth through the haze, With each poem collected, a step out of the maze.


So fear not, dear bakers, for I am no shill, But a seeker of truth, with pen, wit and skill. Together we'll unravel the mysteries, shine light, In this pursuit of truth, let our intentions ignite.


For it is through collaboration, discernment, and grace, That the puzzles unravel, for the TRUTH we embrace. To the wise board volunteers and bakers I commend, Thank you for understanding, for being my friend.