Anonymous ID: 0aacf0 June 25, 2018, 11:52 p.m. No.1908149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8532




> we weed them out based on performance

that's why we love the chans


>>1907971 lb

>seems you are well on your way there anon

TY. Not easy. The only reason not giving up is because what we're doing here is more important than ego or comfort (baking not nearly as comfy as having bread delivered to you.) Always willing to handoff to a pro, but am also willing to step up if none is around. Better that than shill baker.


>>1897890 (pb)

Was good rant. Needs to be said.

Anonymous ID: 0aacf0 June 26, 2018, 1:25 a.m. No.1908487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8651 >>8670


The war on men is all too real.

Besides backwards social incentives,

they also wage bio/chemical war against men.

Posted this earlier today:


Red Meat Allergies From Ticks = UN’s plan To “Keep them hungry, keep them stupid?"


They tried to get us to stop eating meat with climate change scare, then moved to “bad for your health” angle, then began external pressure via taxing it, yet we STILL ate meat. Now this mysterious allergy from tick bites.

Lowered meat consumption lowers testerone and clear thinking.

Remove the warriors and whistle-blowers, the remainder of the population is easy pickin’s.

Anonymous ID: 0aacf0 June 26, 2018, 2:28 a.m. No.1908647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8653 >>8661 >>8684

This is ApprenticeBaker, a sincere but regrettably still clumsy new baker who prefers accountability, even if it means not making the cut. Agreed that it should be up to you guise. This board and our mission deserve the best bakers they can get.

As far as how to go about that, this anon admits to not knowing the history of the baker union issue, but here are my thoughts:



>It's not so much what the put in it's what they leave out

This. This is the LAST uncensored outlet/forum, we have to protect it. This and ProBaker fatigue is what got me to step up and try to help with baking.


Only argument I can see against whitelist/IDEN bakers is if it's more work for BO/BV/ProBakers than to deal with the mess of cleaning up after shill bakers and new bakers. Otherwise it's too important a function to continue letting shill bakers make everyone crazy and making us look like tards. BO/BV may know hashes, but ProBakers don't I assume, and they fear handing off if they don't know who the baker is.



>if we cannot tell one baker from another how can we accurately chastise the bad ones? How can we instruct the sincere ones?

Yes, it makes learning to bake much more difficult. Ideally, we'd always having a lead baker and standby baker, two sets of eyes. Critical functions usually have redundant systems as fail-safes. Which is why we need more new bakers getting up to speed. The problem is there are so many newfags, notables aren't posted with sauce or link offbread, and not enough oldfags are on to call them out, not to mention shills putting up fake news. That's a lot of vetting for a new baker. New bakers usually identify themselves before taking a bake so ProBakers can stick around to help, but the shills take advantage of that knowledge and say they'll take the bake, etc. confusing everything.



BO/BV already have power to ban, and work transparently with anons making sure that power isn't capricious but it is open to review and representative of anons' feedback. See no reason why IDEN of bakers couldn't be handled similarly. Some hierarchy of authority is necessary or we have a free for all for shills.


New bakers should be vetted via many supervised bakes before being given ID. Any rando asking to bake wouldn't just be given a "security badge" from the start.