Anonymous ID: 434aa5 June 26, 2018, 1:39 a.m. No.1908522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8541

Anyone know the deal with this 0010110 meme? The problem I see with every explanation relating to it is that none of it is actionable in any way, and my logical conclusion is generally “ok great, let’s pretend that’s all true for the sake of discussiom, now what?”


Can anyone red pill me on this?

Anonymous ID: 434aa5 June 26, 2018, 2:05 a.m. No.1908577   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8582 >>8587


So I listened to that whole thing. This one is a little more tangible. So basically the message is “you know that book you kinda wanted to write on that obscure subject that you happen to know a lot about but didn’t because the world is fucking gay and pointless and everyone, even those dearest to you, are fucking assholes? Write the fuckng book because you can, write TempleOS v2.0, who gives a fuck about those faggots YOLO 0010110 beyotch

Anonymous ID: 434aa5 June 26, 2018, 2:32 a.m. No.1908656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8673


>Why not do That Thing now, or whenever it becomes a viable option?

I would probably not use that particular line of reasoning because there is an unending array of reasons not to do things: bloodthirsty assholes roam about the streets looking for easy prey, “educated” soi boy faggots and SJW witches poison every fuckng corporate breakroom, you hear English less and less in your daily life, you see the hideousness of the media snake up close, you literally see the skull under your wife’s face, knowing you will bury her or she will you, or someone angrily and inconvenienced will bury you both. You see like ngstanding social contracts thrown out for a new one that is already failing, but this time around we’ll lose our jobs and family lifelines if we speak truth in any substantial way.


I think the answer to that is be armed and ready to protect the innocent, disregard faggots, get that lawyer on retainer who can hit back, YOLO do it for the lulz 0010110 eat a dick faggots, and do That Thing but do it with eyes wide open, not expecting no consequences but instead anticipating consequences, mitigating them, and daring anyone to fuck with you for trying to do good.


This is why I’d counsel against the “why not?” approach, but anyways, thank you for your thoughtful reply and advice.

Anonymous ID: 434aa5 June 26, 2018, 2:55 a.m. No.1908732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8773


>but literally what the fuck is an imaginary number


A number in another dimension of numbers. Whole number, integer, real, imaginary, it’s just a text label for a separate dimension of number.


Look at it this way: basically a gambler/hustler in the 1500s realized you could solve certain classes of cubic equations if you allowed yourself the indulgence of “going there” and taking sqrt(-1): Eventually you arrived back out of the wormhole in the land of real solutions.

Anonymous ID: 434aa5 June 26, 2018, 3:18 a.m. No.1908802   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Me too. But I have good news. You can buy this book for under $3 and put it on your preferred toilet:


You can literally know zero math and still learn a lot because stories like the above are 65% of the book. There’s peopleout there that like to shit on Penrose nitpicking popmath stuff but he’s /ourguy/ for math, for sure. I benefitted a lot from that book and he really didn’t need to write it, he did so to tell a lot of stories in a very approachable way.