Anonymous ID: 60aa6d June 26, 2018, 1:07 a.m. No.1908453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8458

This was posted as a notable


>>1906612 , >>1906749

Dig on elites' addiction to blood

Anons, this looks to me like it might be notable.


A direct suggestion for an avenue to dig.


What is SangsTwoofy? Sang = blood?


Twoofy = ?


Please read


Please dig


Well I wonfered what IS a sang and a twoof


Short answer: Sang=people who drink blood Twoof = the craving for it.


Quick search:


This is a private blog. The red cellar is a cyber place.



It's weird shit…

"I would use those physical benefits of twoofing at the gym and became a beefcake, but a sick one."


I am wondering….connections." RedCellar" to Maria A the spirit cooker connected to NY ex AG, Kate Spade, Tony the Cook, The PR gal, connected to NXVUM clult, connect to Gillibrand, connect to …


But how to connect to the biggies?

Anonymous ID: 60aa6d June 26, 2018, 1:11 a.m. No.1908458   🗄️.is 🔗kun





“The Beast”


That is far from all of it. Some people refer to this as ‘the beast’ which I hate because it sounds like something from a retro vampire flick, but there really isn’t an alternative term at this point. I experience this, too. For me and others, it is like a sympathetic nervous system reaction. The posture of the body changes. I tend to find that my knees bend, I’m more likely to stand on tip toes for some reason, I grit my teeth with the urge to bite and tear. My heart races, and my pupils dilate. In this state, my strength threshold increases dramatically. I can perform feats of strength that I can’t normally. It’s the same bodily reaction that a regular person has, for example, if they saw their wife and child trapped in a burning car and were suddenly able to flip that car. I’ve told other sangs this in private in the past and they would respond “really?! I do too, I’ve just never told anyone because I didn’t want some lame-o to use it to copy me even more”. Some have theorized that this is a remnant of yester-century when a sang would have to overpower their victim and force feed. Given the traits of it, I think that is plausible. This, whatever it is, hasn’t just been around in the last two decades with the rise of the internet, and most of us wouldn’t have had access to needles, alcohol wipes, medical gloves, and sterile blades then.


It forces overpowering thoughts of pursuing, blood-thirst, capturing, and feeding. Mine has always been intense in that way; I had to spend years meditating as a teen to get it under control. I want to pursue through the woods and bite and tear. If for some reason this flares up now, I tend to stand on my balcony overlooking the city and allow myself to get into that mindset to ‘vent’ it. Contact feeds can also help to vent those bestial urges. Free bleeds, while you cannot bite, can be satisfying with a steady flow of blood pumping against your mouth."


Check of the gaga vid at the bottom of the page……

Anonymous ID: 60aa6d June 26, 2018, 2:43 a.m. No.1908694   🗄️.is 🔗kun



ITS A PROP. (they are not cheap)


start at 5:04…