Anonymous ID: 64e427 June 26, 2018, 1:28 a.m. No.1908496   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8507

I don't have his twat about the Antartic pyramid…


Buzz Aldrin sues two children over finances dispute and claim he has dementia


Buzz Aldrin is suing two of his children and a former business manager, accusing them of misusing his credit cards, transferring money from an account and slandering him by saying he has dementia.

Mr Aldrin's lawsuit, filed earlier this month in a Florida state court, came a week after his children, Andrew and Janice, filed a petition claiming their father was suffering from memory loss, delusions, paranoia and confusion.

They asked for the court to name them his legal guardians, saying Mr Aldrin was associating with new friends who were trying to alienate him from his family and that he had been spending his assets at "an alarming rate".

Court-appointed mental health experts planned to evaluate Mr Aldrin in Florida this week.

In April, the 88-year-old underwent his own evaluation conducted by geriatric psychiatrist James Spar at UCLA, who said Mr Aldrin scored "superior to normal" for his age on tests.

"I also believe that he is perfectly capable of providing for his physical health needs, food, clothing and shelter, and is substantially able to manage his finances and resist fraud and undue influence," Dr Spar said in a letter to Aldrin's attorney.

In Mr Aldrin's lawsuit, the former astronaut asked a judge to remove Andrew Aldrin from control of his financial affairs, social media accounts and several non-profit and business enterprises.

Andrew Aldrin had been a trustee of his father's trust.

Buzz Aldrin said in the complaint that despite revoking the power of attorney he had given his son, Andrew Aldrin continued making financial decisions for him.

"Specifically, defendant Andrew Aldrin, as trustee, does not inform plaintiff of pending or future business transactions, removes large sums of monies from plaintiff's accounts, and continues to represent plaintiff in business and social capacities despite plaintiff's repeated requests for such representations to be terminated," the lawsuit said.

Mr Aldrin accused his daughter, Janice, in the lawsuit of not acting in his financial interests and conspiracy, and he accused his former manager, Christina Korp, of fraud, exploitation of the elderly and unjust enrichment.

Also named in the lawsuit are several businesses and foundations run by the family.

Mr Aldrin's oldest son, James, is not involved in the legal fight.

In a statement, Andrew and Janice Aldrin said they were saddened by the "unjustifiable" lawsuit.

"If nothing else, our family is resilient and our ability to work together to solve problems and accomplish great things is strong," the Aldrin children said.

"We love and respect our father very much and remain hopeful that we can rise above this situation and recover the strong relationship that built this foundation in the first place."

They said they would have no further comment.

In a statement posted to her Twitter account, Ms Korp said she was being "unfairly defamed by the managers of the newly formed Buzz Aldrin Ventures and its legal counsel".

Ms Korp said she had worked with Mr Aldrin for the past 10 years and had to be a "gate keeper to the many people who have tried to take advantage of Buzz's good nature".

"I have never acted on Buzz's behalf without his full knowledge, support, and cooperation," Ms Korp said.

Mr Aldrin was a member of the Apollo 11 crew which landed the first two humans on the moon.

He joined Neil Armstrong on the lunar surface in July 1969.

Earlier this month, Mr Aldrin was at the White House for US President Donald Trump's announcement directing the Pentagon to create the "Space Force" as a new military branch.

Anonymous ID: 64e427 June 26, 2018, 1:33 a.m. No.1908504   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Dunno why, but this seems tied it to Buzz Aldrin dementia claim somehow…

Not sure if relevant but

Los Angeles police are investigating reports of elder abuse allegedly inflicted upon Marvel Comics mogul Stan Lee.

Lee, 95, is the co-creator with several other artists of fictional Marvel Comics characters like Black Panther, one of the first superheroes of African lineage in mainstream US comics, and a host of others including Spider-Man, Iron Man, The Hulk, The X-Men, Doctor Strange and Daredevil.

The investigation was revealed in a restraining order granted against a man who has been acting as Lee's business manager and personal adviser.

Keya Morgan has inserted himself into the life of Lee, according to the restraining order.

The filing accuses Mr Morgan, 42, of taking advantage of Lee's impaired hearing, vision and judgment, moving Lee from his longtime family home and preventing family and associates from contacting him.


Mr Morgan was arrested on Monday for allegedly filing a false police report by calling 911 and saying burglars were in his house, when in fact two detectives and a social worker were conducting a welfare check on Lee.


Attempts to reach Mr Morgan on Wednesday were not immediately successful.


Mr Morgan's arrest is the latest and thus far most dramatic move in a struggle that has emerged over Lee's business and fortune since his wife of 69 years Joan died last July.


Police have been investigating reports of elder abuse against Lee since at least February, and had issued an emergency order keeping Mr Morgan from Lee before Wednesday's order was issued.


Lee has for decades been revered as a comic book giant for his central role in creating many of the most famous Marvel characters.


In more recent years he has become a grandfatherly figure over the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with his comical cameos in each film beloved by fans.


Mr Morgan is a memorabilia dealer and Marilyn Monroe expert who befriended Lee's daughter and only child JC Lee, and since February has increasingly taken control of Lee's life.


Lee appeared in a video on Sunday posted to his Twitter account declaring that Mr Morgan was his only partner and representative, and anyone claiming otherwise was lying.


Detectives said in police reports that in interviews Lee acknowledged that Mr Morgan had helped him, but would frequently forget his name when talking about him.